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tony de wonderful 03 May 2011 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by Dan W (Post 10020474)
As controversial as this may sound, if the war on terror is all about securing oil that maintains our way of life then so be it. Whats the alternative?

Let all of western society slowing break down which would probably lead to the death of thoasands anyway.

I think its a numbers game. How many would die in the Islamic countries to protect our way of life versus how many would die in western countries if we didn't. I think its the same equation used when the USA dropped bombs on Japan.

NO country ever became powerful by being nice to people and the more Britain take the Liberal/humanist approach we become ever weaker and more vulnerable. The moral highground doesn't protect society. Armed aggression does.

Other countries/religions know this and must rub there hands in delight at the prospect of us always being nice, accommodating and soft to them. They know full well that when once their foothold is strong enough in our society they will become the armed aggressor and take what is ours by force.

To prevent that we fight fire with fire. It is the only way theis country has survived.

Yes but the idea that the western governments collude with the media to fake an Islamic terrorist threat is highly tenuous and unreasonable position. It implies and almost omnipotent small nexus manipulating everyone. Like all conspirasy theories it is a scapegoating narrative.

GlesgaKiss 03 May 2011 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by Dan W (Post 10020474)
The moral highground doesn't protect society. Armed aggression does.

That sounds slightly contradictory. I understand what you're saying, but you must surely think we have a right to oil? The problem with accessing it is foreign government not big on free exchange. I think it 99% of cases it would be beneficial to everyone to produce oil, 'us' and any foreign population. But what would your solution be if the owners of private land in another county just didn't feel like selling the land to be drilled on? Armed aggression?

tony de wonderful 03 May 2011 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by GlesgaKiss (Post 10020500)
That sounds slightly contradictory. I understand what you're saying, but you must surely think we have a right to oil? The problem with accessing it is foreign government not big on free exchange. I think it 99% of cases it would be beneficial to everyone to produce oil, 'us' and any foreign population. But what would your solution be if the owners of private land in another county just didn't feel like selling the land to be drilled on? Armed aggression?

I think he was defending militarism as a mean to settle political conflicts.

GlesgaKiss 03 May 2011 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10020512)
I think he was defending militarism as a mean to settle political conflicts.

Ah, I see. Heil Hitler! :D

ice643 03 May 2011 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by juggers (Post 10019989)
There’s quite a few of us on this forum who are smart enough to realise that the "war on terror" is a well orchestrated strategy by the Americans and our UK government to gain strong holds in regions that would of previously been very difficult to do so.

This has also been done under the cloak of Islam as the land they require with all the oil is occupied by Muslims.

well said ,its all about resources and the Muslims are sitting on it.but some people will never reealise that.:thumb:

tony de wonderful 03 May 2011 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by ice643 (Post 10020600)
well said ,its all about resources and the Muslims are sitting on it.but some people will never reealise that.:thumb:

Juggers statement is irrational, the oil has been pumping fairly freely from places like Saudi and Kuwait where it matters. Plus the western powers DID occupy these lands during the late period of empire, but they were relinquished because occupation was not necessary to provide the resources.

*removed by Webteam*

andythejock01wrx 03 May 2011 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by GlesgaKiss (Post 10020526)
Ah, I see. Heil Hitler! :D

lol, or Clausewitz.;)

Will 03 May 2011 07:24 PM

How did he find his way from a cave to pakistan??

banny sti 03 May 2011 07:45 PM

Im going to have a field day with my RTM button :D

KAS35RSTI 03 May 2011 09:02 PM

So who is holding a 1 minute silence over his so called death :lol1:

baz995 03 May 2011 09:24 PM

"We know about bad guys, what they do, and often, who they are. The politicians have chosen to send us into battle, and that's our trade. We do what's necessary."
Marcus Luttrell, US Navy SEAL.

True words, great job T6

Kieran_Burns 03 May 2011 09:25 PM

Sorry - had to remove the two posts... they were quoting (or related to) a deleted post... txt spk

Errr... 11/9 an insurance job?

Mus 03 May 2011 10:05 PM

funny how I'm yet to hear bin laden saying ithe 911 or the london bombings had anything to do with can call me a womens private part but I don't believe in wars as they cost too much that money pumped in to catch one man could of taking the uk from this recession and we wouldn't be talking about london bombings if we didn't get involved in Iraq or afghanistan. I think it's just an opportunity for the rich to get richer and to keep milking us we are all slave to the system.

I'm happy to pay taxes and vat but what we pay today for what we get is broad day light robbery.

if bin laden really existed I'm sure another one will pop out of the wood work, my personal opinion is the havent even got the guy and it's just so the people don't say what a waste of money and innocent lives lost the they pull out these stunts America are show offs they would of paraded him and put him in a Museum lol

bottom line is politicians are the biggest liars And have a lot of money anything is possible, just think how many promises were broken by politicians!!!

stuart69 03 May 2011 10:20 PM

i dont think he is dead,maybe captured....its a load of bullcrap,we are being told what we need to know,if i new were he was,i wouldnt kill him,i would question him,and i sure wouldnt lay him to rest at sea.

Mus 03 May 2011 10:24 PM

too much inconsistency they were fighting one minute thentoday the guy was unarmed, and according to talk sport I just heard he even killed more Muslims :)

Aaron1978 03 May 2011 10:36 PM

Ok so lets say they haven't killed him or whatever strange theories some of you have come up with. Wouldn't OBL have released a video message to instantly portray the US as the liars the conspiracy theorists believe they are?

JTaylor 03 May 2011 10:50 PM

Some of these conspiracy theories are superb. :lol1:

Bubba po 03 May 2011 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by azz250478 (Post 10021230)
Ok so lets say they haven't killed him or whatever strange theories some of you have come up with. Wouldn't OBL have released a video message to instantly portray the US as the liars the conspiracy theorists believe they are?



Bubba po 03 May 2011 10:59 PM

Oooh, I know - he's with AOL broadband and his internet connection's playing up. :lol1:

hutton_d 03 May 2011 11:16 PM

Oh look the "facts" are changing .... ... "... On Monday evening, the White House had backed away from key details in its narrative about the raid, including claims by senior U.S. officials that bin Laden had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces. Officials also retreated from claims that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed in the raid.
Carney read a statement to reporters Tuesday seeking to clarify discrepancies. He said bin Laden “was not armed.” When a U.S. “assaulter” approached bin Laden, the Al Qaeda leader’s “wife” rushed the assaulter. That woman was shot but not killed, Carney said. ..."

And ... ...

If Obama wanted to create conspiracy theories he couldn't have done a better job .....


f1_fan 03 May 2011 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10020424)
So 9/11, Madrid, London 7/7 never happened?

Your comment does not relate to my post. :confused:

JTaylor 03 May 2011 11:27 PM

Newsnight was excellent this evening, I thought. Well worth a look on iPlayer if anyone missed it.

markjmd 03 May 2011 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 10021302)
If Obama wanted to create conspiracy theories he couldn't have done a better job .....


Until this weekend, there were many, many people who believed OBL was already long dead, and it's only really served his supporters to try and convince the world of the opposite. That leaves the ball squarely in their court to do one of three things:
- admit he really just died at the hands of US Navy Seals
- provide proof that he really died from kidney disease or whatever years ago in a cave somewhere
- provide proof that he's really still alive

So what's the hope that the conspiracy theorists will keep it buttoned until one of the above happens? :wonder:

Terminator X 03 May 2011 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by Mus (Post 10021151)
... my personal opinion is the havent even got the guy and it's just so the people don't say what a waste of money and innocent lives lost the they pull out these stunts America are show offs they would of paraded him and put him in a Museum lol

Er, if it's made up they could have done that 9yrs ago!


JTaylor 04 May 2011 12:33 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10020382)
Nope, I am saying that the whole 'the Muslim extremists are taking over the free world' crap put about by the Western governments and the media is just utter bollocks and in part a good way to divert attention from other problems, a good excuse to spend out money on what they wish (after all it's in the name of national security) and to keep the Western populations subjugated by fear!

I may well be mistaken, but as I read it this seems a little conspiratorial, f1. Are you of the view that Western populations ought not be fearful of militant Islamism?

f1_fan 04 May 2011 12:39 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10021398)
I may well be mistaken, but as I read it this seems a little conspiratorial, f1. Are you of the view that Western populations ought not be fearful of militant Islamism?

Not to the extent the media and the governments would like us to be no. Yes in modern history there have been some terrorist attacks in the name of Islam, but there have also been some terrorist attacks not in the name of Islam. The media and goverments seem to be trying to create a mass hysteria among the Western populations which leads to many people becoming intolerant toward all Muslims and can even lead to people posting on Japanese car forums with emotive phrases such as the "War on Islamism" :)

JTaylor 04 May 2011 12:55 AM

Thanks for the response.

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10021404)
Not to the extent the media and the governments would like us to be no.

Slightly fearful, then?

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10021404)
Yes in modern history there have been some terrorist attacks in the name of Islam, but there have also been some terrorist attacks not in the name of Islam.

What do you think the split would be: 50/50, 60/40?

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10021404)
The media and goverments seem to be trying to create a mass hysteria among the Western populations which leads to many people becoming intolerant toward all Muslims and can even lead to people posting on Japanese car forums with emotive phrases such as the "War on Islamism" :)

That's an interesting perspective. Are there any Western media outlets and governments not involved in this conspiracy?

Mus 04 May 2011 01:21 AM

Originally Posted by Terminator X (Post 10021368)
Er, if it's made up they could have done that 9yrs ago!


good point the more I think or read about it the more I think the fukcer didn't even exist, one thing I do know is there is more to it and I ain't buying the whole we found him killed and chucked him in the sea even my4 year old nephew would question that.

madscoob 04 May 2011 01:48 AM

why didnt the fbi agent who visited him in hospital in dubai arrest him back in 2001 or was it 2002 i cant remember just remember french tv reporting the event and almost no one else mentioning it at all apart from the guardian anyone care to explain why he wasnt lifted then ??

hutton_d 04 May 2011 08:18 AM

I'm not being part of any conspiracy theory but it's been a couple of days since God (sorry, Obama ...) announced Bin Bag was dead but so far we have not seen one iota of proof. That's not much to expect if the course of events that night is as they said. i.e. they killed him, flew him to a US base then to a ship then heaved him over the side. Plenty of time to take nice, clean photos for public consumption.


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