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lozgti1 09 July 2015 09:56 PM

Fox Hunting revisited
Fair enough, they made a right mess of our bin bags the other day. Lol. Very much seems a class thing though ( albeit most of labour seem rather well heeled and schooled )

Me, I say let nature be the judge. Not us interfering

ALi-B 09 July 2015 11:05 PM

We have some cubs round here. Its quite cute watching them play at night. Especially during winter in the snow.

Wheelie bins have put a stop to the old mess with them tearing through bin bags...which the local cats were equally adept to.

Problem with wheelie bins is for those that actually work for a living..the bin is left outside the house until the evening, which tells Mr Burglar that nobody is in the house...yes the last two break-ins was on a bin day, its no coincidence; I'd rather have bin bags torn up by foxes than have wheelie bins and house break-ins.

LSherratt 10 July 2015 07:50 AM

I think a lot of people forget or don't realise the destruction they cause to farming. It's not all about the mess they cause in the cities which is a problem too, but the unnecessary killing of multiple animals is the bigger issue in my books. It also doesn't help when the RSPCA catch them from the cities and release them next to farmland.

DARB 10 July 2015 08:50 AM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 11708693)
We have some cubs round here. Its quite cute watching them play at night. Especially during winter in the snow.

Wheelie bins have put a stop to the old mess with them tearing through bin bags...which the local cats were equally adept to.

Problem with wheelie bins is for those that actually work for a living..the bin is left outside the house until the evening, which tells Mr Burglar that nobody is in the house...yes the last two break-ins was on a bin day, its no coincidence; I'd rather have bin bags torn up by foxes than have wheelie bins and house break-ins.

Leave your bin out then wait in the house with a big stick :thumb:

hodgy0_2 10 July 2015 09:09 AM

tbh, with limited Parliamentary time and resources

it's only right and proper the government focus on the big stuff, the really important stuff

like fox hunting, with hounds, on horse back wearing a red jacket

Matteeboy 10 July 2015 09:10 AM

I think some need to see when foxes tear out lambs tongues then leave them to die.
When they destroy an entire stock of chickens despite only needing one for food.

Then give solutions; fox hunting is clearly brutal but it doesn't leave a fox maimed by a gunshot wound, it doesn't injure other animals like a snare or poison.

It's not a clear cut as many make out.

Devildog 10 July 2015 10:01 AM

What is clear cut is that pre ban, hunting accounted for only about 5% of foxes killed per annum.

So whilst it may be more humane than a failed attempt to at a clean kill by a gun, there can be no rational argument that hunting with dogs is necessary to control the fox population. It barely scratches the surface.

The sooner the hunts and the countryside alliance admint that its all about prancing about the countryside on horseback wearing, frankly, daft outfits shouting "tally ho" and blowing horns and not about population control then the sooner I for one will start having some sympathy for those affected by it.

300gnspitzer 10 July 2015 10:46 AM

The fox hunting ban had nothing to do with fox welfare, it's a pretty useless way of killing foxes anyway, they nearly always get away. It was to do away with another British tradition.

SJ_Skyline 10 July 2015 11:32 AM

Borat nails it here:

An0n0m0us 10 July 2015 11:57 AM

Killing foxes by shooting in my opinion is the best way of controlling them and I have no issue with this. Hunting them with dogs I couldn't be more against it as it is nothing to do with population control and is nothing less than cruelty.

ALi-B 10 July 2015 01:34 PM

The answer; build more roads.

I bet more badgers and foxes are killed on the roads than any badger cull or fox hunt would ever manage. It'll also help out with congestion too :thumb:

JTaylor 10 July 2015 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11708767)
tbh, with limited Parliamentary time and resources

it's only right and proper the government focus on the big stuff, the really important stuff

like fox hunting, with hounds, on horse back wearing a red jacket


dpb 10 July 2015 01:46 PM

And jumping across your neighbours vegetables

Turbohot 10 July 2015 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by lozgti1 (Post 11708661)
Fair enough, they made a right mess of our bin bags the other day. Lol. Very much seems a class thing though ( albeit most of labour seem rather well heeled and schooled )

Me, I say let nature be the judge. Not us interfering

I'm with you on this. I'm sure there're many here who could calculate on their clever little finger how many trillion years this 'nature' way would take to rid them.

dpb 10 July 2015 02:08 PM

Reintroduce wolfy, job done

Turbohot 10 July 2015 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11708909)
Reintroduce wolfy, job done

What's wolfy? :confused:

Rescue Dude 10 July 2015 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11708909)
Reintroduce wolfy, job done

I'm not sure we were told about his ideas on fox hunting?

dazsti72 10 July 2015 05:43 PM

I'm not sure we were told about his ideas on fox hunting?

ditchmyster 10 July 2015 06:04 PM

I don't know why people get so excited about it, who cares what a bunch of toffs do with their horses and dogs, it's not like they kill many foxes anyway, just let them get on with it.

I don't think the ban had anything to do with saving foxes, it was more about class war and getting one over on them, if it was about cruelty then we should ban fishing too, but I doubt that will happen because it's the most popular sport, I can't imagine fish enjoy swallowing a hook and being yanked from their wold too much.

dpb 10 July 2015 07:49 PM

Good grief, Tb liars biggest regret is the introduction of this law he helped create

Sort of explains the total **** the world resides in

An0n0m0us 10 July 2015 09:31 PM

Hardly comparable with fishing :rolleyes: Catching a fish and putting it back is not the same as chasing down a fox with a pack of dogs and then letting them rip it to pieces whilst it's still alive whilst the stupid tw4ts on horseback sit there cheering.

I'm all for hunting for food and when it's one on one and what is being hunted has a sporting chance of escaping. When a fox goes to ground having 'won' it then gets dug up and thrown to the dogs. Yep what a fantastic 'sport' it is.

Uncle Creepy 10 July 2015 11:51 PM


LSherratt 13 July 2015 08:09 PM

Fox hunting is barbaric, I get that. A large pack of hounds tearing a fox apart but it's no worse than a fox tearing 50 chickens apart and leaving them scattered in the fields. Neither is nice and shooting foxes is obviously the most humane approach but fox hunting will certainly help to bring the numbers down, even if it's only by a little. Most people do not see the destruction that foxes cause; chickens literally running around headless and not to mention the stress and panic caused to a flock of 4000 chickens which can affect their egg production. It's like a taste of the foxes own medicine.

neil-h 14 July 2015 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by LSherratt (Post 11710275)
Fox hunting is barbaric, I get that. A large pack of hounds tearing a fox apart but it's no worse than a fox tearing 50 chickens apart and leaving them scattered in the fields. Neither is nice and shooting foxes is obviously the most humane approach but fox hunting will certainly help to bring the numbers down, even if it's only by a little. Most people do not see the destruction that foxes cause; chickens literally running around headless and not to mention the stress and panic caused to a flock of 4000 chickens which can affect their egg production. It's like a taste of the foxes own medicine.

I think this is a big element of the general publics problem to be honest, that element of detachment between producer and consumer as far as agriculture is concerned.

hodgy0_2 14 July 2015 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by neil-h (Post 11710571)
I think this is a big element of the general publics problem to be honest, that element of detachment between producer and consumer as far as agriculture is concerned.

not and easy problem to solve tbh

spain/france/Italy all have totally different relationships with food/land

(the meat counters at the supermarkets can get fun)

but they all are to some extent, peasant economies

dpb 14 July 2015 01:35 PM

Haha Scots nats putting their oar in

LSherratt 14 July 2015 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by neil-h (Post 11710571)
I think this is a big element of the general publics problem to be honest, that element of detachment between producer and consumer as far as agriculture is concerned.

Exactly. This is the main problem. I swear 98% of the public that want it remained banned DO NOT REALISE the harm that foxes cause. Next time I have a fox attack I'm going to collect all the dead chickens and put them in a line and take photographs so that people can see. The last major fox attack I had was last year where it found a gap in the electric fence which is now sorted. I've shot 8 foxes this summer so far which is very high. Usually it's only 2-3....

neil-h 14 July 2015 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by LSherratt (Post 11710644)
Exactly. This is the main problem. I swear 98% of the public that want it remained banned DO NOT REALISE the harm that foxes cause. Next time I have a fox attack I'm going to collect all the dead chickens and put them in a line and take photographs so that people can see. The last major fox attack I had was last year where it found a gap in the electric fence which is now sorted. I've shot 8 foxes this summer so far which is very high. Usually it's only 2-3....

Just out of idle curiosity (and completely off topic), how did you get into farming/agriculture? Was it a career choice or through family ties?

Matteeboy 14 July 2015 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by LSherratt (Post 11710644)
Exactly. This is the main problem. I swear 98% of the public that want it remained banned DO NOT REALISE the harm that foxes cause. Next time I have a fox attack I'm going to collect all the dead chickens and put them in a line and take photographs so that people can see. The last major fox attack I had was last year where it found a gap in the electric fence which is now sorted. I've shot 8 foxes this summer so far which is very high. Usually it's only 2-3....

While not a farmer, my wife's grandparents and generations before that were farmers and we live in a very rural area.
I think the interesting point is that 90% (I guessed that number) of people vehemently objecting are from cities or large towns. I think many shout loudly because it makes them look like nice, cuddly animal lovers.

I've been at the sharp end of animal control and it's not nice (unless you are a bit unhinged) at all but nether is losing an entire stock of animals (city folk - imagine your office is burned down and you can't work for months), seeing your expensive, well cared for lambs maimed "for fun," having to be the most devious, paranoid person to come up with ways to keep them out but STILL losing the battle.

As I said, fox hunting is not nice for the fox and it IS partly done for sport; the horses get very excited, the dogs love it and the people doing it find it a thrill - that IS a bit odd but it DOES get rid of a pest, however cuddly they are.

Do all the anti fox hunters also go after those that shoot grouse, pheasants, deer, etc? I think we've got rather soft in the UK - go to somewhere like NZ where wildlife has pretty much taken over and you'll see a very different attitude to "cute cuddly animals."

hodgy0_2 14 July 2015 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by LSherratt (Post 11710644)
Exactly. This is the main problem. I swear 98% of the public that want it remained banned DO NOT REALISE the harm that foxes cause. Next time I have a fox attack I'm going to collect all the dead chickens and put them in a line and take photographs so that people can see. The last major fox attack I had was last year where it found a gap in the electric fence which is now sorted. I've shot 8 foxes this summer so far which is very high. Usually it's only 2-3....

but to be clear, this is not about the dangers that foxes present to wildlife

i'm not sure anyone disagrees that they a mindless killers

it is about the best way to control the fox population

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