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dave_gt 03 January 2003 08:56 AM

I had some bloke get road rage with me. He was about 5'9 and average build. I'm 6'2 and well built driving a tiny Mazda MX-5, which of course makes me look bigger when I get out. I've done door work and I do a Filipino Martial Art (basically Bruce Lee stuff).

I'd honestly done nowt to him at all - he was actually at fault. He followed me to where I was going, got out and started f*ing and blinding at me. I had to do all I could to calm him down so I didn't have to defend myself.

Some people.....

[Edited by dave_gt - 3/1/2003 8:57:19 AM]

pslewis 28 February 2003 10:22 PM

Do you think that the drivers appearance effects your chances of being a victim - or do they not give a toss??

Imagine a 7 stone lady driver - is she more at risk than say a 20 stone shaven headed bouncer??

It might be stating the obvious but what do YOU think?

I, personally, think it DOES matter - especially in Road Rage incidents ............. I am sure the 'other' driver weighs up his chances??

Car Jackings, also, its sensible that they suss out their chances wouldnt you think? 5 Big Lads going for a work-out at the Gym are hardly likely to be a target - OR ARE THEY??

I am sure it tips the odds in your favour if you look like you can handle yourself? Am I dreaming or correct?


Huxley 28 February 2003 10:37 PM

is she more at risk than say a 20 stone shaven headed bouncer??

Sounds familiar Pete:D:D:D:D


Floyd 28 February 2003 10:47 PM

No, not necessarily. In my younger days when I couldn't control my road rage, it wouldn't have crossed my mind what the other driver was like. Red mist played havoc with reason.


pslewis 28 February 2003 10:50 PM

Yes Floyd BUT you WOULDNT have actually DONE anything would you??? Like dragging the 20 stone bouncer out his car and having a go??!!


pslewis 28 February 2003 10:53 PM

Huxley - the hairs grown back now!! ;)


Katana 28 February 2003 11:47 PM

The bigger they are, the easier they are to shoot. Makes better target you see when use a Wahlter PPK. If not, I'll use my biro and stab him repeatedly on his hands..

StickyMicky 28 February 2003 11:54 PM

i recently shaved my head

and im a big *******
and ive still had it tried on twice lol
not in the scooby tho

Scoobydick 01 March 2003 01:04 AM

Depends if they have guns for one thing as a lot of car jackers do. Also it may be harder to take down a little guy who is an absolute psyco-nutter than a gentle giant type. You can tell a mad man from the glint in his eyes and shouldn't mess IMHO, when in a rage they can summon up strength and determination that beggars belief and they have no fear or hesitancy whatsoever when striking

IwantAscoob 01 March 2003 01:18 AM

I'm 6ft and 10 stone, so im a lanky bar steward, in road rage i allways check out who im dealing with, If it's a 20 stone lenny mc clean I'll nod and drive swiftly off checking me rear view mirror to see if i have to break any red light's.

JonnyT 01 March 2003 01:42 AM

I'm 6'6", 22 Stone and been chased twice!!! Lol.
Had to stop in the end, and get out, and they went!!
Dunno why, my head touched the roof in my Golf so they must have seen my size?!

Chris L 01 March 2003 07:51 AM

Don't care who you are - if someone points a gun at you, then give up your keys. It happens more and more frequently. One of our sales managers was tailed from the company car park a few weeks back. His car was not really flash (new Golf), he is 6ft plus, fit, strong guy. However, when after the normal shunt at a quiet set of traffic lights, he gets out to be confronted by two blokes in ski masks pointing a gun at him - he gave them the keys.


m18use 01 March 2003 08:22 AM

I think if they have a gun oh S**T,if they dont it has to be worth
a fight to save your car unless its a skoda:D ,then you would be pleased someone wanted it:D

scoobypig 01 March 2003 09:47 AM

Lenny Mclean now there was a hard B****** but Roy Shaw still had a go!
Seen that video with gypsy geyser gettin pasted? Scary.

Leslie 01 March 2003 10:49 AM

Worth keeping a heavy wrench under the seat to check your wheel nuts with!

bug-eyed wonder 01 March 2003 11:39 AM

I just don't understand folk who say "keep a big wrench,golf club etc under the seat" do you really think nice Mr Carjacker will stand back far enough to allow you to get out of the car and take a swing at him? :confused:

As for the original question. Obviously if there are 2 identical cars going down the same street the crims will take the easy option,not very likely to happen like that is it? :rolleyes:

If they want it they'll get it,there's only so many precautions you can take IMO!

MTR 01 March 2003 03:53 PM

When the phsically small thieves decide to take your car, they will.
Because if they have decided they want it for an armed robery, as happened to one of my friends whose a member of this board, they will be taking on helmeted securicor staff, Police etc and they don't give a fcuk.

He was lucky that they didn't physically harm him, but destroyed his self confidence.
They were eventually caught and got 37 years in nick between them. Sentences from 8 years ish if I remeber rightly.

So road rage, you might be right, they might think twice, but possibly not, if they've lost the plot.

Carjacking, by the serious boys, you're size won't make the slightest bit of difference. They will kick **** out of you or shoot as appropriate.

A work collegue used to work the doors in Ashton mant years ago.
He was 19 stone steroid abusing gorilla.
One night a lad came in kissed him on the cheek and called him a pussy.
My sober friend attempted to knock this 'drunken' lad into the middle of next week.
After he landed a full force punch to his face with all his body weight behind it, and the lad just shook his head, he knew this was trouble.
After a good 15 minutes plus of beating eight bells out of each other on the pavement, he had to give up.
He gave as good as he got, but was urinating blood for days, and of work for a week.

His opponent was a foreign legionaire, on home leave, who used to like a good scrap.
And 'never' backed away from a fight regardless of how big or tough they were.
In fact his night wasn't complete without one.
My pal packed in door work after that.

If the lad he met that night wanted to take your car, he would get it, or you would have to shoot him to stop him.

You may have not have been hurt on the door, or any time, and I hope that you don't.
But don't delude youreslf that it is because your are phsically big and tough, its because you haven't bumped into the right/wrong person yet.

The prisons have a smattering of very unsavoury characters, and not all of them are 'big', but all of them are 'bad'.

Cheers MTR

mike_cf5 01 March 2003 04:41 PM

where are the car jacking hot spots? beleive me i will stay the **** away from them

pslewis 01 March 2003 10:31 PM

Don't get me wrong on this thread - if someone wanted my car and had a gun I truly think they could have it!

My aim in the thread was to gauge opinions, I am a Big Bu99er - BUT that doesn't mean I reckon I would take all and sundry on in defence of a piece of metal!!

I like to think I have a brain as well as brawn - there is a time to run and a time to stand!! You can always get them later, on YOUR terms!! :D


leeS2 01 March 2003 10:56 PM

i agree, used to own escort cosworth and im 19 stone 6.5 foot shaved head:D never had one problem, but when my misis drove it she had constant problems, once a guy even tried pulling her out the car to take it!!! luckily for me shes a good girl and hit him in the face with a china lamp she luckily had just bought from the shop 10 mins before, and broke his nose. my first concerns were with her obviously but now i thank she is the kind of girl she is. never called police but i spent a week lookin for the asshole

Alex Creasey 02 March 2003 02:08 AM

From experience......If someone points a gun at you, you generally give them what they want!!! I take it you have never had this kind of experience??? When they kicked down the door with guns + pointed one at my father goading each other to shoot him, and pushing my mother to the floor it's not something you let go of lightly??? It affected my family for quite a while and just because I own an Impreza.......
Is that opinion enough for you????????? Or what kind of opinion are you looking for??????

P.S. My father didnt know where the keys were + so they didn't get the car. But I have to say it makes me laugh when you read all the posts where people threaten so much......Until it happens to them (hopefully never)....Youwill change your tune I promise you!
Sorry to be so negative but how much more first hand would you like this???

zippo 02 March 2003 02:33 AM

Well I'm not the biggest on the board but how may of these scum balls would ACTUALLY shoot you for a car? I think it's all about weighing up your options and accessing the risk on the spot. Maybe I am totally dumb but I WOULD NOT give up my keys to some t**t having a pop at me. I am 6'5 and 17.5 stone but don't believe this would worry a seasoned crim. I think what counts is what you are prepared to do when the sh1t really hits the fan. These guys don't always expect a fight and it's the last thing they really want anyway. Just be very,very aware and don't submit to intimidation.

I'm NOT afaid of these people and you should not be either.

Turbo_Steve 02 March 2003 03:30 AM

Down in Winchester (of all places!) had someone walk up to us in my company car (a vauxhall tigra! yuk!) and pull a little 6 shooter out at us. This was nice, but it didn't look very loaded. The guy was a muppet. We had just been up on Salisbury plain shooting BBs at stuff, so my friend in the passenger seat (nicknamed "meathead") who is in the forces lifted up he MP5-A3 replica and pointed it square at the guy who just turned and ran.

And you know what? If I'd had a real gun, I would have shot the f__ker. Shame we didn't really.

Is it worth life imprisonment to go on a scum-killing-spree, I wonder to myself? You'd probably get 30 or 40 before you got caught (if you planned it properly) so the world would be a better place.

StickyMicky 02 March 2003 07:38 AM

zippo is right

99% of times these people expect and easy ride, when u try to smash them up it really throws them off

the 5 lads that tried to take one of my novas sh*t themselves when i calmy got out and walked round the back to fetch a large hammer out of the boot

i even saw 3 of them run away, although 1 walked a distance then came back, of them stayed put, he was the pysco nutter one, he was also drunk which gave me a huge advantage, so i went after him!

i couldnt get to close to them tho as they were trying to surround me after a while and i didnt want to stray to far away from the car, the carb had iced up which is why i had pulled over int he 1st place, so its not as if i could quickly get in and escape, i tried to get them for about 5/10 mins had a few bricks thrown at me, one of them hit me in the head, swung the hammer a good few times and they ran away.

story then gets around the locals (not by me) never had any trouble from that area ever again

i aint afriad of these people either, ive had to stand there while my mate had a gun pointed to his head for other reasons, its never really going to be loaded imo.
maybe the way i was brought up is a mile away from your lifesyles, but i would have a go 100% of the time.

these people wont shoot you, they dont have the balls to d it, they are faggots who need the gun to do the job they cant do themselves, this aint america maybe in 15 years time they might run about shooting people, but for now i wouldnt be afriad

SU3ARU 02 March 2003 10:15 AM

On the road rage front, I have never had any real trouble in a Scoob, and I am not small! My wife on the other hand has had problems with blokes being abusive threatening when driving my Scoob and her own Clio.

Often these people are just cowards, would loved to have been in the car behind her when someone tried it - that would have given them a shock.

Generally agree though that it is often the smaller ones who you need to be wary of. If they are prepared to have go then they are either crazy or know they can handle themselves!


scoobypig 02 March 2003 06:23 PM

As someone who often visits prisons I'm stunned by your post. You're so wrong about the guns 'never' being used.
Fine, defend yourself with absolutely any weapon if you're about to get attacked but to chase 'em?...
BTW you can get discounts on funeral expenses by booking early...

pslewis 02 March 2003 09:23 PM

Alex Creasey:-

Sorry if the thread upsets you my friend - it wasnt meant to wind anyone up, just a general question gauging how BIG people deal with any car driving situation and how SMALL people have to deal with them.

Its an innocent question I have often asked myself, "Would a situation, such as Road Rage have turned out different had I been 10 stone instead of nearly 20!"?

I would judge the situation as it arose, and it would depend if the attackers actually man-handled me - cos I think I would go crazy then!! Also, if wife and child were in the car - if its just myself, well - I may just have a crack .......... as has been mentioned above they REALLY DO NOT expect anyone to fight back!

Sorry again to Alex for his experience!


bug-eyed wonder 02 March 2003 09:45 PM

Not often you show such sensitivity on a subject ps! ;)

Some of us "big buggers" have had a go in the past and I can assure you that if a next time occurs they are welcome to the poxy car,unless it's some lone kid but that's not too likely is it?

Turbo_Six 02 March 2003 11:15 PM

Hey - If you've got an immobiliser with a seperate tag, keep it on a chain round your neck. If you get 'jacked, give them the keys, run away, and call the cops. Hopefully you'll buy enough time for them to either sod off get arrested.

Also, a fire extinguisher can't be taken as a weapon until it's used as one, so if you're attaked with a blunt instrument, shoot them in the face with a pound of dry powder then brain them with the bottle.

Alex Creasey 03 March 2003 01:15 AM

Hi Pete,
Sorry if it seemed like I was flying off the handle at you. I don't normally feel the need to vent like that but it struck a nerve at that moment in time. No hard feelings mate.

The thing that got me most was the thought that people will probably just post how they will do their worst to anyone who tries to get at their pride and joy. I personally see the reality of that very differently now. It hasn't stopped my enthusiasm for the cars, or made me paranoid about what I drive. I just know that if it ever happened again, I wont be the one putting up a fight and trying to get myself killed in the process for a car thats insured.


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