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sammyh 07 March 2003 05:10 PM

How about it?

An ideal chance to get those deposits for the karting to NWS.

Same place as last time?

scrappydoo 07 March 2003 05:21 PM

Yeh im there already mate. Weather is looking glum for tomorrow mind mate, are you sure you want to take the new blue out when its like that though?

scoobieblue 07 March 2003 05:30 PM

hi sammy
where and when?
i have to pay gareth and let him have
these clear indicators and side repeaters

sammyh 07 March 2003 06:07 PM

Yep :D

scrappydoo 07 March 2003 06:24 PM

Tip top mate, City road it is then guys. Park outside a place called Media world (car shop). Hope you all can find it.

Lagacy, you coming down mate? Im trying to get hold of dave and his silver tommie.

mike_cf5 07 March 2003 07:23 PM

can i come??? wot time u gonna b there....? i need to be taken out in a subaru!! or evo!!1 by the way saw 2 evo 6 2day!

scrappydoo 07 March 2003 07:55 PM

yeh you can come mate. :) Anyone else able to make it? Evening job methinks. Bout 7ish maybe? Whatever suits you guys

L55 REP 08 March 2003 12:58 AM

doh no good for me im in work at 4pm

L55 REP 08 March 2003 01:01 AM

sam if you can collect deposits for me and i could ring and collect off you sunday

sammyh 08 March 2003 07:21 AM

No probs

scrappydoo 08 March 2003 02:08 PM

I'll be down there then mate about 7ish outside media world. I hope a few others will turn up as well.

mike_cf5 08 March 2003 03:09 PM

yeh i will hopefully come 2 c u guys, but seeing as my clutch needs replacing in my calibra i mite have 2 come in my ..... my..... my mum sierra hehe dont worry i wont park near u lol

scrappydoo 08 March 2003 03:19 PM

LOL@mike, yeh come down. Mate dont be stupid, coarse you can park by us LOL!!! Just look out for the brightly coloured cars with big spoilers. Thats us :D. The more the merrier. Hope you can make it mate.

Andrew Q 08 March 2003 04:22 PM

I will also be there with my deposit for Gareth. Where on City road is Media World See you all at 7


mike_cf5 08 March 2003 04:42 PM

ok then keep an eye out for the gay looking sierra!!! lol

scrappydoo 08 March 2003 04:54 PM

Ok andrew, trying to explain this now. Ok go past the pub (witherspoons i think!!) and the petrol sation at the bottom of city road by the traffic lights. Head up and about half way up on the right is media world. You cant miss it mate. Its full of pc,car stuff etc and there are a few spaces outside for parking.

Ok mate, i'll looking out for the gay in the sierra LOL:D See you soon guys., :)

phaynes 08 March 2003 05:07 PM

I'll pop down for a bit...It's not one of these cruises is it cos i don't do cruises ;)

Sam: (Have you got a DVD player in your car?)

R.B.5 08 March 2003 05:10 PM

:( cant go, wish i could but the car is not with me until monday now! Busy at CVC so monday is the day.

Maybe next time eh!! :(

phaynes 08 March 2003 05:14 PM

Good news though eh gav..

R.B.5 08 March 2003 05:26 PM

Yeah good news i suppose, car gets another new heart. So that makes two, yes two, heart transplants in the space of 2 months or there abouts!

I just hope now that i can get it back on monday. Been missing her recently and well lets face it i have had her all of three weeks since 11th December last year! Would be nice to keep her for a while this time so fingers crossed that the engine lasts. Dont even know why the engine packed up a second time. I never boosted her and ran the engine in for like 1300miles before even taking it over 4000rpm. New oil was done and everything so beats me why another engine would go.

Nevermind though. Main thing is that i get her back monday with a bit of luck.
Still wish i could pop down and meet you all! :)


sammyh 08 March 2003 05:33 PM

Sam: (Have you got a DVD player in your car?)
Not yet ;)

scrappydoo 08 March 2003 05:34 PM

Nevermind mate like you said maybe next time. Theres meets all the time. Hopefully you will be able to come to the karting event even if you are spectating.


Dont be daft mate.:) Just a meet so we can pay some deposits and have a chat about things. Hopefully see you there.

phaynes 08 March 2003 06:14 PM

I was only messing...see you all in a bit

mike_cf5 08 March 2003 10:07 PM

nice 2 meet u all!! im still shaking!!!

Little Miss WRX 09 March 2003 02:24 AM

I couldn't get a flight back in time...sorry. ;) :D

scrappydoo 09 March 2003 02:42 AM

LOL Sorry about that mikey mate,:D Dont forget there were four of us in my car also. Just two, and it really goes. :D You did turn white at one point. Thought you were going to pass out LOL :D:D You just went all quiet.

just got back from the cinema now. It was a good night all in all. Cant wait till karting.

Long time no hear hun. You missed another meet again. When are you going to teach me how to shark then. ;) You coming karting?

Little Miss WRX 09 March 2003 03:58 AM

I tell you what scrappy.

Sell the Evo, get yourself a flight over to Sydney and I'll help you shark some nice Aussie lass. You might as well sell the Evo now, because once you come over to Australia, you won't want to come back. :D

When is the karting? Try getting something sorted out for the Rally of GB time I might be able to make it over. :)

How the devil are you anyhow? :D

scrappydoo 09 March 2003 03:49 PM

LOL im fine thanks, sell the evo?? I could always sell it and buy one over there i suppose :) So when did you decide to go down under then chelle? i musted have missed that one. Thought you were still here in the uk.

The karting is on the 23rd of this month, should be fun. Why dont you fly over just for the karting then back to Aus after it? LOL :D

Soooo!!! whats australia like then? Would i like it? plenty of women and cars there?? :)

Little Miss WRX 09 March 2003 03:56 PM

I arrived in Aus on the 13th February. :D

Check here and here for some of my piccies in Australia. :D

Plenty of women and plenty of cars. Heaven. :D

I have found out where the local firemen hang out as well. Woohoo. :D

mike_cf5 09 March 2003 05:24 PM

yeh was a good nite nice 2 meet a few ppl, and show off my amazing beast of a car! lol

gave me some food for thought neway.... see u all again soon probly!!

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