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Scooby New 04 January 2003 10:11 AM

:D lol @ Paul :D

:eek: I hope Ferne reads that last post........[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Edited to say wrong smilie - should've been the snarling one!!!

[Edited by Scooby New - 4/1/2003 10:12:52 AM]

EDDIE`5COOB 31 March 2003 05:20 AM

My scoob was stolen last night or early this morning.

Very distinctive MY97 in DGM

It has a huge WRC graphic in silver and Subaru on the windscreen.

My house was broken into while my family and I were asleep and took the keys.

It was taken from the mosborough area of Sheffield.

Anyone seeing it anywhere could you please ring S.Yorkshire police on: 2202020.

Last seen on the Manor.

Reg No: P 491 FPM.

Cheers guys,

EDDIE without a 5COOB.

DaveR 31 March 2003 06:18 AM

Sorry to hear that Eddie.
As usual in these cases, I hope they get their little b0ll0cks ripped off by someone in their sleep and you get your motor back with no damage.


EDDIE`5COOB 31 March 2003 06:42 AM

I`m still waiting to hear from the police.

Last I heard they were in a chase with it,shouldn`t have modified it the police can`t keep up with it,they might have called the chopper in by now.

It feels like i`ve had my right arm chopped off.

TonyBurns 31 March 2003 06:46 AM

Theiving little s***s [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


chiark 31 March 2003 07:18 AM


Hope it all works out - that's bloody awful. Feeling for you (and your family, as that's not a nice experience for anyone)


SuperFlyGuy 31 March 2003 07:20 AM

Hope you get her back for the thieves I think it's only fair if they get both hands cut off. They definately will not do it again then....

Good luck.

EDDIE`5COOB 31 March 2003 07:33 AM

Problem is the thieving scum,if caught,will get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again.
Meanwhile i`ve got no car and the misses and kids are sh***ing their selves knowing they`ve been in the house.
Got to make some phone calls to see if any names and addresses come up,then PAYBACK TIME.

Bottomfeeder 31 March 2003 08:06 AM

so as well as tracker devices, cat 1 alarms, garaging and sleeping very lightly, are we now supposed to sleep with our keys under our pillows ?!
Sorry to hear about your incident, hope the car gets recovered, as for the little sh1ts that did the deed....

[edited by Bottomfeeder to remove two paragraphs describing what should be done to them]

scoobyrob 31 March 2003 08:07 AM

hope it turns out ok m8, get the scumbags..


Richard Askew 31 March 2003 08:18 AM

Sorry to hear about your car - "The Manor" was featured on BBC's Traffic Cops last week, looks like there are some right littlesh1tbags living there [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

If they get anyone, just bide your time - the courts *have* to release names and addresses into the public domain (as long as the defendant is over 17 IIRC) - what you do with that information is up to you ;)

This country's going to rat5hit :(

BigBOY_AMO 31 March 2003 08:36 AM

**** mate sorry hear that.

Those *******s should die, Excuse the French its cos of theiving gits our insurance is so damn high.

Mate hope your beauty comes back in one peice.

HAve the cops got back toyou already, cos you said they were in a chase or something right?

tkecare mate

EDDIE`5COOB 31 March 2003 09:16 AM

I`ve just rung the police for some info but it hasn`t been recovered yet,they must have lost it in the chase.

I`ve made some phone calls and i`m now waiting for some names.

I suppose it`s in a lockup somewhere either waiting to be stripped or they`re waiting till tonight to go out in it again.

Glad I didn`t tax it on Saturday cause it`s due tomorrow.

Scooby Snacks 23 31 March 2003 09:59 AM

Sorry to hear your tale of woe mate [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Don't know if you want the car back now as it's obviously been thrashed about, but if you don't, I hope they crash it and f*ck themselves up big time. Thieving little scumbags.

[Edited by Scooby Snacks 23 - 3/31/2003 11:00:19 AM]

EvilKyote 31 March 2003 10:25 AM

Yeah, Hope you get it back!

Saw the same program on BBC, I can't stand little ****ing W@nkers! To be honest I am sick and tired of hearing about the british justice system, It's a joke!!!

These so called magistrates don't seem to understand that we work our bollocks off to afford and spend time working on our cars which for many of us are our pride and joy! We pay large and over the top insurance premiums etc etc and I am absolutually disgusted that car theives either get literally a slap on the wrist or 3 month jail, Whats the ****ing point!?!?! If I had my way I would lock them up and throw away the key!!! But thats not gonna happen.

They should be given a propper deterant! For nicking and trashing someones pride and joy, and lets face it, when they do this it is more than just theft, They race around putting innocent peoples lives at risk, These people should be given a proper punishment such as 5 years at least, and thats without parol dammit! What the hell is the point is scentencing someone to 5 years if they are gonna just let them out after 6 months! It's stupid and totally disgusting, and whats more these little pricks know they will get away lightly if caught!

FAO The law: SORT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, Rant over! (for now) :P


McScooby 31 March 2003 10:27 AM

Maybe not what you want to happen mate, but it'd be justice if they killed themselves in it....

McScooby 31 March 2003 10:30 AM

FAO: EvilKyote:
Couldn't agree more and I am the law(humble PC anyway). We do the work which even when we do catch someone is made pointless when the courts let them off without a proper punishment
Crucifixions too good for 'em

-=Buzz=- 31 March 2003 10:46 AM

it could be worse, they could be stabbed..

Anyway, if it was MY car I wouldnt WANT it back, ever. It will never feel like "your" car again, it will always have been thrashed by these scum and any little thing that goes wrong with it in the future you'll be wondering if it was caused by them thrashing it..

Hope it gets burnt out or written off for you, and that they get seriously injured without hurting anyone else. Its more than they derserve.

McScooby 31 March 2003 11:05 AM

Buzz and McScooby....united in bringing a violent death to all car criminals

EvilKyote 31 March 2003 11:11 AM

Warning, Additional Rant!

Something else that really pisses me off is being stopped by the police all the time! Don't mis understand me, it's good to see the police checking to make sure a car isn't nicked but no need to stop me nearly every few days!!!!

Ok, I'm 22 and drive an Impreza Turbo so I expect to be stopped to a certain degree but I would rather see the police actually putting more effort into fighting car crime rather than just picking on young drivers because they have nothing else to do!!

Here is a quick example! It's saturday, around midday on a road in my town where I live, I pull out of the driveway at the first availble space in the traffic, Oh look, It's mr plod behind me, I get literally 10 yards and what happens! I get stopped! Excuse? 'Ruitine check sir' Yeah bollocks, as i've been stopped by the same pc plod about 6 times in the last 2 months!!!!!

Some people.......

oj 31 March 2003 11:18 AM

It's way of life now, with the courts giving out stupid little sentences, NOT RIGHT for the hard and honest worker..!!
As stated above, you work bloody hard to get your pride and joy, and some little scum bag decides that he would like to have some fun in your car. They know that nothing serious will happen to them, just a slap wrist or suspended sentence....
All this is down to the do gooders, trying to protect the guilty with their stupid ideas, and forgetting about the victim. Bring back the day's when the a copper was allowed to wack you round the head if you stepped out of line, just what some of the youngest need..
I bet the police are just as sick and tired as we are, when they see the same scum bag get released for the umpteen time on the same offence..!!

I was brought up to respect others and their property.... and stealing was a BIG NO... otherwise ...!!! say no more..!!

Hope the scumbags end up wrapped around a tree (and no innocent party involved...), saving a further grief to others, as they certainly don't care about anyone of us..!!

Anyway, sorry to hear about your car.. and hope you and your family get over this ordeal, which you all didn't deserve..

[Edited by oj - 3/31/2003 12:20:29 PM]

McScooby 31 March 2003 11:20 AM

Perhaps he thinks its funny to stop you since you seem to rant quite a lot. The phrase "the police" is usually followed in here by "have done "X" to me...".....or " have got nothing better to do than stop 'innocent' motorists"......yawn!!!!
I'd love to have the time to stop cars, but with overworking and understaffing plus low moral in the police caused by constant slagging from both the media and public I never have the time.
If I could form a vigilante group that paid me enough to feed,clothe and house my wife and kids I'd do it!
As for bad police officers picking on you, i'm sure there are a lot, i work with a few, but the majority of us are there to help....stop the bitchin' please

brett555 31 March 2003 11:22 AM

... Evil , but imagine your car gets stolen by some 21,22 yr old muppet .... yeah , he looks like a young guy in an impreza and the copper just leaves it and goes ... i would guess you would be on here ranting and raving about how inadequate the police force is then.

Dont get me wrong ,if its the same copper pulling you too much in a short space of time , then take his badge number and details and complain to his superior on the basis that you feel you are being victimised, you are being stopped a lot in a short space of time and it is clear that is the same officer and he knows its you . Im sure someone did that on here a while back.


EvilKyote 31 March 2003 11:36 AM

It would seem some of you misunderstood what I mean't, I don't mind being stopped to help cut car crime, what does bug me is the same copper repeatedly stopping me for no real reason (as i don't give them one to stop me) and the number of times he's stopped me he must be able to put 2 and 2 togther and work out that I actually own the car!

Mc Scooby, I don't mean to slag off the police in general, Just the few who keep repeately stopping me, and the policitians etc who don't know what justice is!

McScooby 31 March 2003 11:41 AM

OK then...I'll tell 'em to stop pulling you now...
...seriously tho'...if you feel you're being victimised, then take the advice of Brett555, take his collar no. and report him to his sergeant, it gives the rest of us a bad name if people slag us for the bad experiences they've had from people like this...
...of course at 22 and driving a scoob you're probably a drug dealer and deserve what you get lol

EvilKyote 31 March 2003 12:05 PM

No Actually :P

I'm a webdesigner, I love my scooby and I work my bollocks off to pay for running servicing, modding etc etc! But the reward is sw33t!!! :D :D :D

EDDIE`5COOB 31 March 2003 02:05 PM

Phone calls paid off,got a name, address and me and a mate have just paid him a visit.

I`ll keep you posted.

EDDIE without a `5COOB

[Edited by Neil Smalley - 3/31/2003 4:00:45 PM]

EvilKyote 31 March 2003 03:13 PM

Good on ya eddie,

Give em what they deserve!!!!! And give em one from each of us! (That gonna be one hell of a bruising heh)

malvinas 31 March 2003 03:24 PM

Kyote- get the policemans number and report time he stops you report him again- if you have a friend with you he can be a witness. Another good thing would be to get a cheap dictaphone and record what he says to you- it will make good evidence for later. Make sure you report him- I had a run in with a policeman like that and recorded every word he said. A few off the cuff remarks from myself led to him losing his rag big time. I got the whole thing on tape........he doesn't work for the police anymore and I never get hassled now.

Scooby New 31 March 2003 03:40 PM

Good luck Eddie. May I suggest stripping the culprits naked, shaving their heads, painting them from head to toe in pink cattle-dye, then chaining them up in a prominent public place with a sign saying "Car thief - please kick"....

...worked for a mate of mine ;)

It's a sad state of affairs. My neighbour informed me that he'd spotted 2 "kids" hanging around my house and looking in my car on 2 seperate days last week. Now it could all be perfectly innocent and they could have been genuinely admiring my pride and joy. But more likely the little scrotes were probably eyeing it up and debating whether they could nick it. Consequently I am sleeping (hardly!) with a baseball bat by the side of the bed and my missus and 6 year old son are sh1tting themselves in case the scumbags break into the house to get the keys.

We should NOT have to live like this. I have worked bloody hard over the years to afford to buy and run my Scoob and the thought of some jobless waster nicking it and abusing it makes me sick.

Vigilante groups are the only way to go as far as I can see - the politicians certainly don't seem interested in any kind of justice.

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