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austen_wrx 10 January 2003 08:29 AM

Becoming a dad really does limit you cycling time doesn't it! And the energy to actually do it! :D

Edited to say, what photo?

[Edited by austen_wrx - 10/1/2003 8:30:32 AM]

MarkO 06 February 2003 05:47 PM

Chaps - MTB shopping advice please....

I want to get some new shorts and a new jersey for riding in (my current top is a little tight - I was a bit slimmer when I bought it 6 years ago ;)). Luckily, my wife's suggested she can get 'em for my birthday. :D

Anyway, having found that there's basically no decent clothing for sale in the two local bike shops to me, I've had a look at which have a good selection. I quite fancy the Kona top/shorts which would match my bike :D

But....any other sites worth looking at that might have other selections and/or be cheaper? Also, I want to get a track pump - I'm looking at the TruFlo MaxTrax for £20 from Evans, but are there any other pumps which will do the job for less money? :D

Oh, and while I'm asking, I need some new tyres as well, 'cos my 6-year-old ones are starting to perish - the front has a scary-looking bulge in it :eek:. Probably going to pick up some Panaracer kevlars (can't remember the exact model) for about £25, but what alternatives should I look at online? Don't want to spend any more than that but want some light and strong tyres... :D

[Edited by MarkO - 6/2/2003 5:52:42 PM]

Franx 06 February 2003 07:12 PM

MarkO - have a look on
Quite a lot of stuff on there....and pretty cheap.

How was Glentress?
I went out to a huge forest just west of Stonehaven (Can't remember the name!). Really nice day as well. I even got a tan...

[Edited by Franx - 6/2/2003 7:14:42 PM]

MarkO 06 February 2003 09:27 PM

Thanks for the site tip - I'll check it out. :)

Glentress was fantastic yesterday - beautiful sun, and fantastic conditions. The singletracks were incredibly fast, too. Plenty of grip for cornering. :D

Black route again next weekend.... :cool:

[Edited by MarkO - 6/2/2003 9:28:10 PM]

imlach 07 February 2003 10:47 PM

MarkO - I did a 24 hour Audax once (road based distance event) - organised by local CTC.

Was on longest day (21/22 June) back in 1986 (I was 15).

We met at bus stop opposite Cramond Brig hotel on A90 at 2pm, and set off towards Fife and beyond. About 12 of us. Ended up going through Crieff, Pitlochry, and beyond, then back down through all of Fife. Pretty mad, and worst time was around 5-8am as daylight broke again. By that time, was pretty knackered. Finished back at Cramond Brig at 2pm on the Sunday, and had managed 270 miles (target was 240 miles, but we were ahead of schedule so
took a detour round Fife again!).

Got home 3pm and slept until Mon lunchtime!!! Should have been at school really, but there we go....


I'm sure road race record for 24 hours is something mad like 500-600 miles in 24 hours....eeek!

[Edited by imlach - 7/2/2003 10:48:45 PM]

MarkO 06 March 2003 10:53 AM

Ooops. Sorry - lived around Surrey/Hampshire for the first 25 years of my life, so I'm used to Hants meaning Hampshire. :D

Check out the site I linked to above, though, as it's got good details/reviews of places you can ride all over the country. It might show up some places near you which are good for riding. :)

Let me know how you get on with the SPDs, and how many times you fall over with them. :D

Edited to say that I've just seen your 'from' entry, where it clearly states 'Northampton'. D'oh!!!! :rolleyes: :confused: :D ;)

[Edited by MarkO - 6/3/2003 10:55:49 AM]

Crapaud62 06 April 2003 09:39 PM

I see what they mean about football threads:o

No offense to the footy fans but lets have some threads on other sports to keep a balance.

Mountain biking must be one of the most popular sports around for people to DO rather than watch.

Mountain biking is very similar to owning a flash car, you keep spending money on it in the belief it may make it a bit faster:D

I'm still trying to find some good trails in Devon/ Cornwall as I'm on the ferry over tomorrow night.

How many MBers are there on Scoobynet????????????

MooseRacer 06 April 2003 09:49 PM

Signing in :D

unclebuck 06 April 2003 09:52 PM



Marin 06 April 2003 09:53 PM

Marin here - guess what I ride!

MarkO 07 April 2003 08:52 AM

Ooooooh. These threads are popping up all over the place. :D

Luke 07 April 2003 09:05 AM

Up and running..

MarkO 07 April 2003 09:14 AM

Perhaps we should get a few going in the 'bikers' forum? :D ;)

flat4 07 April 2003 01:07 PM

:D posted my pic in there a couple of days ago

kev :)

Little Miss WRX 07 April 2003 02:56 PM

Hopefully going to be getting one soon to enhance my fitness and give me something else to do. :D

Left my old mountain bike in the UK, but have spotted a rather good bike over here for a surprisingly reasonalbe price!

Crapaud62 07 April 2003 06:57 PM

Just loaded the Pajero up with all the Cannondales.

F1000 Killer for youngest son aged 11.
F900 for 13 year old son (yeah, was my bike but he's nicked it now)
Jekyl special for me (son has his eye on this one next)
F600 for her indoors.

Three on the roof and mine on the back.

Spent most of today making sure they're all 100% OK and ready to go. Should hit the trails in Devon tomorrow afternoon. Overnight ferry from Jersey to Portsmouth tonight. Leave Jersey 8.30pm and get into Portsmouth at 6.30 am.

Better be going soon. Might not be online for the next week as I'll be out there riding and getting dirty.

Off the Cardiff/ South Wales for seccond week.:D

sparkster 07 April 2003 08:34 PM

couldnt agree more about the footie chat!!

I'm a roadie or i was. Its an expensive hobby and i had to make the choice between knocking my pan in with up to 20 hrs a week training or spending all my money on my scooby.

Scooby kinda one that one!!! Anyway i'm too much of a fat bloater and always got dropped on the climbs -lol

Luke 08 April 2003 09:12 AM

100% true..................

mate asked me to sort aproblem out a few days ago. Seat post stuck in frame. USE with shim type. It wasnt moving. Took it to local old boy engineer who is fantastic and well known. He said he would look at it ,work out how to do it etc and call me. Well he did about 10 min ago. He has done it. With any damage to frame etc. His work os fantastic.

Then he tells me he spent ALL DAY DOING IT.... and the bill is £210.25 (He is amazing with his bills..right down to the last penny!!)

Just going to have a chat ....Cant hit him ..he is in his 80's... Just going to try and tell him that he must be crazy to think the job was going to be worth it. After 2 hours he should have stopped and called.........

Nothing ever happend like this when I used to smoke good red leb dope!!!!

austen_wrx 09 April 2003 10:35 AM

Signing in - Dave Hinde M3

"Mountain biking is very similar to owning a flash car, you keep spending money on it in the belief it may make it a bit faster"

Can't agree more!!!!! As soon as buy one thing you start looking at what you can upgrade it to! You spend a fortune on a little piece of titanium or carbon to try and save a few ounces and within 3 months its sh@gged and you replce it with something more expensive (and lighter)!

My mate spent £350 on a seat post and saddle to put on his £3000 trek fuel 100, pulled a wheelie f***ing around and snapped both of them. We all laughed, except him , who then had to ride 6 miles without a saddle to get into switzerland and buy a young girls bike seat post!!

Luke 09 April 2003 07:17 PM

My mate spent £350 on a seat post and saddle

What the hell was it??!!!

Same thing happend to me ages ago in Iceland. Saracen sponsored Bike with all the latest kit. Day one in Reykjavik Mucking around and The seat post broke!!!!!! Did the whole ride on a £2.00 ladies steel type post............. The Bike was state of art!!! Now it would be worth £30.00!!!

AliWrx Mk2 10 April 2003 10:23 PM

Any MTB'ers in the Notts area?

Just getting back in to cycling after a 12 year break, and would be interested in hooking up with some of you for a bit of off roading.

Any suggestions on preventing punctures would be cool as well. I used to do a lot of road racing in my younger years and hardly ever got punctures. But now since taking up mountaing biking i get at least one everytime i go out.

Agree totally about the modding thing, only had my Gary Fisher since January and have already started... ;)


Luke 11 April 2003 09:27 AM

For sale

"Spooky" 17inch Pure handbuilt frame from USA. Fantastic classic Hard XC/Downhill and jump frame. Good condition.

Will keeps it value.


austen_wrx 11 April 2003 11:04 AM

AliWrx Mk2 - what pressure do you run you tyres at?? Low is great for grip on rocks etc, but cr@p for snake bites. Pump 'em up a bit :D

Marin 11 April 2003 08:48 PM

Any night riders here? Even now the nights are drawing out, I am still managing to start at dusk and get half the ride in darkness. I love the way the trees close in around you as it gets dark - not that I'm scared of the dark of course :-)

Can't beat a downhill singletrack with just your lights to point the way...

MarkO 13 April 2003 05:21 PM

Night riding is quality. I sold my NightSuns a few years ago (having not ridden at all for nearly 4 years) and regret it now. Although it's less of an issue now I'm working from home, as finding time to ride isn't so hard. ;)

Best session we ever had was 3 of us riding over at Caesar's Camp in Farnham/Aldershot. Only two of us had lights, but they were good enough for the guy in the middle to keep the pace up down the singletracks. It was an absolutely cracking evening out. :D

The Hub at Glentress (where I ride) do nightriding. £15 gets you a set of lights for the evening, a couple of lifts to the top of the mountain (so you don't waste time and battery power climbing) and a curry or chinese afterwards. Superb deal, IMO. :D

Marin 13 April 2003 10:08 PM

Had a bit of a bizarre accident on Saturday...

Did a 26 mile XC ride on Saturday afternoon finishing with a 40mph downhill on chalk and loose gravel (down off the Barton hills to the church if anyone know's it) and getting a puncture halfway down - mucho squirmy action from the rear tyre - all without a scratch.

Saturday evening, go out to kitchen to get another beer and...

Dog has peed on the vinyl floor (getting old/diabetic so can't help it) - I don't notice and a millisecond later my feet are pointing skyward and I've split my elbow open in the ensuing contact with the floor.

In the words of Unlucky Alf - Bugger!

austen_wrx 14 April 2003 07:29 AM

Night riding is quality. It makes a ride you know like the back of your hand, eqivalent to you best days ride ever done! :D

Marin 16 April 2003 03:23 PM

Just thought I'd get this back to the top to keep all the footy ones down a place :-)

Any thoughts on baggy versus lycra shorts? Do the baggy ones bunch up round your legs or are they as comfortable as they look?

MarkO 16 April 2003 03:48 PM

Don't like baggy shorts myself - they flap around too much and get all bunched up. I prefer lycra shorts - although it's only recently that my legs have started to beef up a bit and look anything other than absurd in them. :D

Thinking of going out this afternoon, but it's too hot! Reckon I need a CamelBack before I venture out for a long ride in heat like this.

Marin 16 April 2003 10:06 PM

Can't recommend Camelbacks enough. When I first started doing decent distances I found out what people meant by 'hitting the wall' - a feeling of complete exhaustion and even mental fatigue. Anyway, I now always use a Camelback filled with energy drink like Lucozade Sport or Isostar and have energy bars for long rides. You really can ride further, faster if you keep topped up.

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