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ALi-B 08 June 2003 12:49 PM

I'm a non-smoker, always have been. I did go through the teeny stage of trying this and that. But in the end I chose not to. Thats my choice.

My Grandad died from smoking... it was'nt pleasant as his condition carried on through many years. It was a incentive enough to stop the whole family smoking, except my Grandma. Who still smokes, and suffers poor circulation, angina, and breathing difficulties because of it. Its a slow and unpleasant way to die IMHO.

I am quite tolerant to smoking (too tolerant). But I hate it while I'm eating and fully agree that it should be banned in eating you see anyone EAT AND SMOKE at the same time? NO! And beacuse your finished eating does'nt mean that everone else has and it's ok to light up.

Also if I go in a crowded pub and the vast majority are smoking, I honestly have difficulty breathing (suffer from chronic Asthma), to the extent it makes me physically ill. I have no choice but to live with it (unless the law changes). Otherwise I may as well be a hermit.

And finally the costs and implications on the NSH. Sooner or later a regular long-term smoker will need treatment related to the effect of smoking. And I, among many others have to pay for, not just my health from sitting in a pub, but from taxation too. OK the taxation thing is partially a Government error as cigarette taxation should be put directly into the NSH, not squandered like it is now.

Deep breath, Relax, Count to 10. Breath out.


Rant over ;)

[Edited by ALi-B - 8/6/2003 12:51:08 PM]

mel 08 July 2003 04:26 PM

How many women on here smoke to keep thin?
Strangely the times when i've tried to give up ive actually lost weight for some reason.

I also find it much easier to give up when I'm stressed or busy (i gave up for my exams at uni) its as soon as i relax or have a beer i crave cigarettes (and have given in in the past).

Need to give up!!!

[Edited by mel - 8/7/2003 4:26:55 PM]

Andy Tang 08 July 2003 04:49 PM

Did anyone mention that the production of unleaded fuel generates more pollutants than just cars burning leaded fuel?

So with the production of unleaded fuel and burning of, how much crap is generated? :eek: Shall we compare that to how much cigarette smoke is generated??? :rolleyes:

Don't even get me started on diesel!!!! :o

[Edited by Andy Tang - 8/7/2003 4:50:18 PM]

TelBoy 08 July 2003 05:20 PM

Not at all Andy. If there were a *real* choice in terms of non-smoking bars etc, then i'd have no problem. But, as we all know, they're still in the vast minority, meaning non-smokers either don't socialise, or have to put up with everybody else's second hand smoke while we do. Triffic.

[Edited by TelBoy - 8/7/2003 5:20:56 PM]

damian666 04 August 2003 10:36 PM

I feel we should all be able to make a choice - and should vote with our feet on this issue - why do smokers need to be victimised?

I am fed up having someone wave their hands about if they dont like the smoke - simple choice peeps - stand elsewhere. I have just as much right to smoke as you do to smoke free - even more so - I paid for the right to smoke!


Dazza012 04 August 2003 10:45 PM

Quite right matey, but don't whinge then when cancer sets in and your doctor and the NHS start moaning at you and ur put last on a very long waiting list,

4 little words "YOU KNEW THE RISKS"

(flame suit zipped and ready for the volley of abuse from u smokers)

skoosh 04 August 2003 10:47 PM

Damian, as a smoker myself, I have to disagree mate.

Yes, it's our choice, but if you're in a public place and some goon starts swearing in front of your kids, do you move or ask him to stop?

I've no intention of giving up but I am considerate to other people's choices too.

I'm afraid that smoking has now become anti-social as the norm.

Skoosh, going for a fag outside.

bug-eyed wonder 04 August 2003 10:54 PM

Another smoker here too!

Totally agree with giving consideration to others. Should be banned in all eating establishments.

Not at all bothered by the nasty pics to go on packs as I buy elsewhere! ;) Not paying the tax on them and still entitled to NHS treatment so there! :p

Dazza012 04 August 2003 10:59 PM

getting warm.........feel a 3 pager comin on ere......

bug-eyed wonder 04 August 2003 11:00 PM

Only 3 pages? :rolleyes:

Brun 04 August 2003 11:01 PM

Smoker here to :rolleyes:
I won't smoke around anyone who is eating and i even sit in the non smoking area when i go for a meal. Smoke and grub don't mix :p
Smoking down the pup however is ace with a beer :p

<i will give up soon :rolleyes:>

Turbohot 04 August 2003 11:05 PM

Smoker here too! But I do understand why people victimise us.It's wrong,it's a drug!It's not easy to give it up.But why victimise someone else with our smoking?(Passive smoking-u know what I mean?I wish there was someone who would have enough power on me to make me stop this killer habit forever!!!!!

[Edited by Turbohot - 04/08/2003 23:06:52]

WRX Wannabe 04 August 2003 11:12 PM

As an EX smoker(6 years ago) :rooleyes: i think it should be BANNED is eating areas ;)

I gave up for a reason as i was into sports and i new it would be better for me b:)

Some people just dont have the will power or are addicted or dont want to give up and that;s their own choice :)

It make me mad when you go into a pub and everyone stands at the bar smoking, i am sure people blow smoke into your face on purpose [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Anyway give up if you can as you will be fitter taste your food better and have loads more £££'sss to spend on your SCOOBY:D

Turbohot 04 August 2003 11:30 PM

Right!I will try my willpower from tomorrow!It's nothing but a habit for me,not an addiction!

Dazza012 04 August 2003 11:31 PM

yep, gotta come clean im a ex smoker as well, 7years last June 2nd, reason i give up was i wanted a new car, couldn't afford the repayments, so i stopped smoking hey presto, new car, didnt last long cos i had a head on 3 mths later, but thats another story.

Anyway on stopping smoking, my hardest time was in the pub, but soon sorted it, as every time i went too the bar i ordered 2 pints,2 pints, hands full couldn't smoke,sorted but boy was i pissed at the end of the night.
i can still stand and talk to people who are smoking it really doesn't bother me, apart from when im eating.

nuff said over to u people.....

Dazza012 04 August 2003 11:40 PM

ok for you chaps/ess who wanna quit, i used to smoke about 10/15 a day, here's what i did,
identify the times when u enjoy your fag, mine were as follows,
1)after my dinner.
2)at work with a cuppa tea.
3)in pub with ur mates.
4)sitting in watching tv.

here's how i beat it.
1)when finished my dinner did the washing up.
2)not as many tea breaks
3)order 2 pints, carn't hold a fag
4)sat on my hands, ha ha no just find something else to do.
Must admit now i've passed the craving, don't wash the dishers anymore, brought a dishwasher......

WRX Wannabe 05 August 2003 06:05 AM

IMO if you drink & smoke and you want to give up there is 1 simple test ;)

Stop smoking and GO into the pub and get Pi$$ed :D

If you can go the night without a fag then you CAN givup :D

If you end up smoking then i think your gonna find it hard to quit :(

damian666 05 August 2003 07:44 AM

I dont mean in a restaurant - I mean in a pub, bar, club etc. Surely you have experienced this? There are certain places where smoke is to be accepted - its not forced on anyone.


PS. if someone was swearing in front of my kids, the easiest way out of the situation, avoiding confrontation, is to move the kids away - if possible of course!

NACRO 05 August 2003 07:45 AM

I'm an ex-smoker and feel that people who smoke should be able to do it wherever they like. I also think if someone asks them to stop they should have the good grace to do that also.
There are too many rules and regulations being imposed on us to start with. For example I find peoples screaming children offensive, particularly in confined spaces. In fact my blood pressure raises so much I'm probably at risk of a stroke. However I'm not seeking to have the little gits banned from places I frequent.
We need to be more tolerant and if that means leaving a place because WE foind the atmosphere unpleasant then so be it. If you don't like it then get out and go somewhere else. Simple no need for legislation.

Gridlock Mikey 05 August 2003 10:15 AM

I like smoking! I consider myself considerate when non smokers are about and generally I go about my business smoking when i want to. Not the biggest fan of smoking and driving at the same time. Feck all to do with stopping the car smelling of smoke, i just don't like the ash blowing everywhere. I don't smoke at work, no need and normally pre occupied, then when i get home i'll have maybe 2 or 3 watching the tv or summat. A pack of 20 lasts me all week.
Then you get the weekends :eek: Beer = Smoking. On a proper session i can go through maybe 20 in the night :eek: and boy do i feel it in the mornings, but despite that, I doesn't ruin my night out, i still don't consider myself a heavy smoker and I wish non smokers would keep thier opinions to themselves or speak to me directly.
If i've ever been asked to not smoke or put a fag out then I do, no problem, when someone is trying to embarass me into putting a fag out, i take 3 big drags, dont inhale and make the biggest smoke cloud I can.
Non smokers, if i wanna smoke, let me. I'm 34 i reckon i can make my own mind up don't you?

Mikey :cool: <Gets off soap box>

TelBoy 05 August 2003 10:20 AM

Would all the smokers on here please take out private medical insurance for cancer of the lungs, thorax, throat and whatever else smoking rots please, as i don't want to be the one who's NI contributions go towards bailing you lot out in years to come.

That's the choice *I* would like to make.

weapon69 05 August 2003 10:22 AM

I am fed up having someone wave their hands about if they dont like the smoke - simple choice peeps - stand elsewhere.
You're the one inflicting a load of sh!t on our lungs! Passive smoking can do as much damage as actually smoking. You pay to die. Non smokers don't.
Get real.

Mungo 05 August 2003 10:26 AM

If people want to stop smoking, just go and spend half an hour at your local hospital and see the state of people dying from smoking-related diseases. It will make you feel sick.

Drunken Bungle Whore 05 August 2003 10:47 AM

I'm a rampant non smoker but believe in free choice - if people want to smoke then they are well aware of the risks and it's absolutely up to them.

I expect smoke in pubs - goes with the turf. But I hate smoke in restaurants - 'smoking sections' separated by a couple of pot plants are a joke and there's nothing worse than someone lighting up at the table next to you just as you're tucking in.

As I said I believe in free choice - but if someone lights up a cigarette at the table next to me then I have no option but to inhale their smoke. They take my free choice about breathing away from me.

No problem at all with considerate smokers! :D

How about any peeps living with smokers/ non smokers...? Where is/ isn't smoking allowed...?

[Edited by Drunken Bungle Whore - 05/08/2003 10:48:17]

Reffro 05 August 2003 10:48 AM

Tel Boy we do pay for our medical care, the duty on fags covers the increased bills very nicely, but thanks for worrying about our wellbeing. Any NI people pay today is going to cover pensions and benefits, the NHS is funded by fags and booze duties, and of course not forgetting motorists, in addition to income tax, VAT, capital gains tax, increased stamp duty, taxing pension fund's dividends etc etc etc.

As ex-smoker who has picked up the habit again in the last month, I try to be considerate of other people around me who might not enjoy breathing in my smoke. So no smoking in restaurants, I will smoke in cafe's if I'm sat outside or in a well ventilated area. But pubs are and always will be somewhere where I will smoke freely. If there is a non-smoking section in said pub, they I will abide by that, but I won't be made to feel guilty for enjoying a fag. I know the risks and consequences and am happy to continue smoking, well at least until I get bored with it again.....

BMW bikes 05 August 2003 10:51 AM

Telboy smokers pay
ten thousand three hundred million pounds in excise duty and VAT a year in the UK.

The NHS spends one thousand seven hundred million on treating smoking related illness a year.

Add on the taxes on tobacco company profits BAT is based in the UK and made 1011 million pounds profit in 1998.

Add on the taxable profits made by advertising companies form smoking campaigns. Then add on the taxes payble on salaries across the whole smoking industry.

Once you have done all that I think a big thank you is due to all the smokers for pumping all that cash back into the economy with little or no reward to themselves other than idiots trying to denythem the right to health care they have been paying for in excise duty and National insurance payments for years

Drunken Bungle Whore 05 August 2003 10:53 AM

ten thousand three hundred million pounds
I think I get the drift though... :D

Must admit the whole drive to stop people smoking does worry me. If they all stopped then wouldn't my tax bill double...? :eek:

A bloke from Starbucks 05 August 2003 11:06 AM

Couldn't resist the "idiots" sideswipe could you BMWbikes? Pathetic.

So would all patients in hospitals with smoking related diseases be happy if the hospital beds, nurses and so on were used for more productive things rather than keeping them alive with their self-inflicted diseases? No, they'd rather read about an over-stretched NHS and complain about it.

It's not *quite* the paid-for, free option that smokers would like it to be...

RichWalk 05 August 2003 11:22 AM

Smoking, dreadfull habit- that why most people do it... I smoke crack it creates less litter and smells nicer

BMW bikes 05 August 2003 11:29 AM

So what you are saying is people who eat un healthily should be deprived of any medical care since it is quite clear it is their own fault that they have heart disease. If people are invloved in car crashes that are their own fault lets deny them ambulances and medical care since they shgoud just drive better. I know lets let all the car crash victims drug addicts alcoholics people who injure themselves playing sport and every other self inflicted injurys and diseases sort out their own medical care. That would show 'em.

so many fool's little time.

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