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Jye 10 January 2003 02:14 PM

The tax rise - disclosed in The Telegraph last Saturday - will raise an urgently needed £200 million for Mr Brown this year and £500 million in subsequent years.
£200 million looks like a rise to me :(

[Edited by Jye - 10/1/2003 2:20:33 PM]

The Zohan 20 September 2003 08:29 AM

Now, hand on heart can someone tell me that's not another tax hike.

Scoob99 20 September 2003 08:48 AM

What a tool that geezer is.:(

sammyh 20 September 2003 10:13 AM

Thanks Labour you bunch of total muppets [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

midget1500 20 September 2003 10:18 AM

ok, what do *I* get for my extra 5p. It's *MY* money so what is he spending it on, on my behalf? better roads? is the petrol better in some way?

bollox to this

OllieC 20 September 2003 10:28 AM

You wouldn't mind if there was any realistic alternative to travel. But our public transport is invariably smelly, dirty, uncomfortable, unreliable, overcrowded and overpriced.

I'm so dissapointed with Labour - I thought they were going to fix this country not fcuk it up even more than the Tories managed :(

The trouble is I can't see any party that is less of a sh1t-shower.

[Edited by OllieC - 9/20/2003 10:29:42 AM]

unclebuck 20 September 2003 11:07 AM

Another nail in their coffin. Bast@rds [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Boro 20 September 2003 11:13 AM

If enough people boycotted the big THREE petroleum companies, the government would be under so much pressure to reduce the amount of tax it would be untrue. Having said that, were a country of whingers who do nothing about it.

47 NAT 20 September 2003 11:14 AM


cletterridge 20 September 2003 11:24 AM

Sniff.... hmmm, can anyone smell chip oil? ;)

class_A 20 September 2003 11:27 AM

It's hardly fair that we boycott the petrol companies, before tax our fuel is around the cheapest in Europe. The government will also not respond to being held ransom. Far better to start an organised campaign involving a few high profile MP's who will then attract the attention of the mainstream press. Prolonged pressure may have some results.

Issues such as the "War on Terror" and the firefighters strike have taken the focus away from the lack of investment in public transport. Lets hope it doesn't need another horrific train crash to remind us of the work that needs doing.

The infrastructure has become so run down that it will take years of work and continous investment before we start to see improvements. There is no quick fix.

Leslie 20 September 2003 11:46 AM

It doesn't help though to take us into a very expensive war against international law leaving us with the cost of maintaining a military presence against the will of the majority as well as ignoring the run down public services in his own country. The lies are not very impressive either.

Scooby96 20 September 2003 11:48 AM

"against the will of the majority"

Thats quite an assumption!

unclebuck 20 September 2003 12:21 PM

Just saw on the news that the official spin on this tax hike is that it is "in line with inflation". Since when do taxes rise with inflation?:confused:

What do this government take us for? They just come out with any old B0ll0cks now and think we will just believe it.:rolleyes: Their contempt for the people of this country has become unbelievable.


midget1500 20 September 2003 12:26 PM

yep UB - there are no words, well there are some but not usable on this BBS.

unclebuck 20 September 2003 12:50 PM

They then dressed it up further by saying that they would have introduced the tax rise in April but didn't because of the Gulf War. Thus implying that we have all benefitted economically indirectly from the war, and that they have actually been doing us a favour all along.:rolleyes:

Yea right.[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

johnfelstead 20 September 2003 12:57 PM

looks like they took note of the by-election loss yesterday then. :rolleyes:[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

apples24 20 September 2003 01:38 PM

well we all remembered what happened last time when fuel creeped up to nearly 90p litre:D

bet yiour ass same would happen again

Chip 20 September 2003 02:14 PM

Well the ppl believed them and let them when the last two elections, whats to stop them winning a third. Cant understand it myself.

Chip. ( Tory)

misty 20 September 2003 02:46 PM

Whats the alternative! Tory's LOL! Libdems, don't make me laugh! It's no good whinging on here, get to your local MP and tell the focker to earn his £53,000 a year. Or put together a credible alternative to these tossers!

SCOSaltire 20 September 2003 03:52 PM

maybe the Tories are not any better.

However, Labour is in charge and fooking us up.
They failed in my eyes.
They should be out and let someone else have a go.
If the new Gov dont make it any better... then hopefully the one after that will coz they will realise that THE NATION will not stand for incompetence / disregard / spin / lies and all the other rubbish that WE have to CHOOSE.

Change will always drive things forwards.
Labour failed.. out
someone else have a go
they fail - out
and so on
they will get the message
and the UK will reach its potential.

fatherpierre 20 September 2003 05:12 PM

No one's happy with petrol prices going up, but don't be deluded into thinking that any other government wouldn't do exactly the same.

It's an easy target.

It was the Tories that introduced the fuel tax esculator that sent fuel prices silly, and Labour that got rid of it, remember.

Oh, and corner;)

Monkeh 20 September 2003 05:19 PM

Whats the point of another fuel blockade !!!

Everyone queue'd up to get petrol. You should have all stayed at home - no going to work.

It would have brought the whole economy to a halt, then the goverment would have dropped the prices by any amount we asked for to get us back to work !!!!!!

alcazar 20 September 2003 05:20 PM

Right, some simple maths:
Inflation is at 2.5%, (Government's own figure)
Fuel costs, what? 75p a litre?
This gives an "inflation" increase of about 2p:(:

So where are the greedy lying b@st@rds getting the other 3p from then????????[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Lying Labour
TB Liar

I don't care what the alternative is. I don't care who can or can't do better, or what anyone did in the past: WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THESE B@ST@RDS[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

fatherpierre 20 September 2003 05:23 PM

So you wouldn't care if the tories got in and added 20p per litre on fuel? :rolleyes:

Petrol, booze and fags will always be hammered for tax for as long we continue to buy it at any cost.

Fast_Blue_Scooby 20 September 2003 05:32 PM

The people of this country don't know how much power they have got. We could bring the government down easily but the majority of people are like sheep, as in you can predict what they are going to do!

In the last petrol shortage, what did people do? As soon as petrol got through they went and bought some? The only people who should have bought petrol were the people who worked as nurses, doctors, etc etc, the rest of us should have stayed at home and continued our stance against rising petrol costs.

So all we have to do now, is not buy the stuff, it is taxed to the hilt and we don't agree with it. Easy solution! All those people in jobs where lives don't depend on it, stay at home, phone in sick, does it really matter if you don't go into work, what will happen if you don't? If the rest of the country aren't going into work, then it doesn't matter. The country will grind to a halt and the government will have to make a move or they will be out.

So I for one will not buy any more petrol until they have reduced the rate of tax on it, scooby stays in garage...

Who is next to sign up.....

OllieC 20 September 2003 06:16 PM

Count me in Fast Blue.... While I'm at it I'm going to apply the same rules to buying fags, booze and anything with VAT on it. So bread and cheese for dinner tonight. And a book (no VAT on them yet). In front of the place where the TV used to be (I'm cashing in my revenue-generating TV licence).

Actually, sod it - I pay too much tax on my earnings so I'll tell my boss where to stick his "income for the state" job on Monday.

Yay!!! Down with the system. I can feel a song coming on :)

<Ollie wanders off to dig out his Billy Bragg collection - "Here comes the future and you can't run from it, if you've got a black-list i wanna be on it")>

yoza 20 September 2003 06:20 PM

All this moanin can be rectified with a few pieces of velcro!

fatherpierre 20 September 2003 06:33 PM

You've been watching a bit too much Citizen Smith, fast blue!

Mega 20 September 2003 06:41 PM

Well, well, Well
Fag Labour have decided to return to the "Rape the car driver". I suspect that this is to cover their little adventure in Iraq, which has gone VERY Pear shaped!


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