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super_si 24 September 2003 05:44 PM

My bet looks safe mate ;)

Just wondered after all the " i wanna get big threads " how people are doing. Looking in your direction Saxo boy :)

Since doing my back in 5 weeks ago im now stronger then ever.

Deadlifted 160 for 8, then 170 for 3. hand were red roar so called that a day.

yesterday overheaded 80kg piss easy :eek:today was the daddy though.

squatted 140kg for 6, thought hmmm lets try 150 got 4 :) thought id be insance and try 160 expecting to faild but did 2 reps :) could done more but i was power cleaning yesterday and the pain was too much for my shoulders

So Terry 18months and only another 40kg to go :)


TelBoy 24 September 2003 09:08 PM

Keep goin'!

Remember tho, i'm coming to watch first-hand before parting with the hard-earned!

Sounds like i need to map out a B-road route from Essex to oop North!! :cool: :D

super_si 24 September 2003 10:07 PM

Lass in the gym said the same. Ive got a Digi cam that does Video :)

It was scary walking off with 160 my whole body was shaking i was thinking "oh no im going to drop this". I tend to get myself in a very agressive frame of mind and it feels so muchy easier lifting when pissed off :)


[Edited by super_si - 9/24/2003 10:07:45 PM]

milo 25 September 2003 09:27 AM

hand were red roar so called that a day
use chalk... it rocks

super_si 25 September 2003 09:30 AM

It really doesnt though,i do use chalk but what you fail to mention is the fact when the bar does slip it rips all the skin off on the rivetts of the bar. Which is damm painful. Before them 2 lifts id also done 10 rep 100 and 6 @ 140 so my hands were going anyway


scoobydooooo 25 September 2003 09:31 AM

are these figuers roid boosted or not ???? also is it just power lifting this bet ?

[Edited by scoobydooooo - 9/25/2003 9:32:52 AM]

milo 25 September 2003 09:43 AM

but what you fail to mention is the fact when the bar does slip it rips all the skin off on the rivetts of the bar
not if you use enough chalk it shouldn't!

if it does, i think you need to work on your grip my friend!

STi wanna Subaru 25 September 2003 09:44 AM

Well I'm showing a steady improvement. I have only been going since about March time and only recently started looking at my diet and using some supliments. Right excuses out of the way............ My flat beach press is now at 90Kg for 6 reps. I only started doing squats a month ago after reading about the benifits on here (yes another excuse!) and I'm currently maxing out at 100Kg, but improving each week. Over the past month with the diet and supliments I'm now up to 13 1/2 Stone from just slighly over 12 1/2 (I'm 6'2"). I feel I'm getting stronger each week and have had comments about how I'm getting bigger so this is pleasing and adds to the motivation.

andrewdelvard 25 September 2003 09:44 AM

No roids with super_si.
Considering how much he eats, his shopping bill is so huge he couldn't afford them!

milo 25 September 2003 09:50 AM

sti wanna subaru... hope you're deadlifting.. that'll add serious size and strength :)

STi wanna Subaru 25 September 2003 09:56 AM

No milo I haven't been. Any good advice you can give me? or a website to read? The thing is with my legs is that I play football so anything I do on my legs can't be detrimental to that. Having said that I think my increase in weight is taking it's toll on my legs in training as they are feeling a lot heavier once I've finished running. I expect that will improve though as my legs get stronger.

milo 25 September 2003 10:06 AM

No milo I haven't been. Any good advice you can give me? or a website to read? The thing is with my legs is that I play football so anything I do on my legs can't be detrimental to that
it's back, especially lower back that is worked the most by deads. in my opinion it's the only true fully compound move.. well that and bench (the way i do it anyway!).

deads will pile on the muscle all over.. start light and get your form right first.. head up, back arched NOT rounded. check sites for exact details on form, or try to find some online videos.. they are definitely worth doing.

you can also do variations to target other muscles (e.g. sldl for hams).

deads are the daddy of all exercises imho and a true indicator of all-round strength

milo 25 September 2003 10:07 AM

how is the creatine working out for you by the way?

ChrisB 25 September 2003 10:09 AM

Smiths machine arrives at our gym today I'm told :D

super_si 25 September 2003 10:09 AM

Milo totally agree i only got about 2 meters using 90kg farmers walk. Grip just went :( But at 20 i really cant complain im content.

No roids yet! No point till you can do what naturals guys lift. Food :eek: going through the roof these days!! family shopping used to be £100 + every 2 weeks now its once a week :)

Terry just didnt think i could squat 200kg within 2 years ;) Thats the bed odds 10-1

STi wanna Subaru 25 September 2003 10:16 AM

how is the creatine working out for you by the way?
Well the weight I'm lifting is improving each week which is encouraging. If that is due to the creatine or just motivation I can't say. What I have found is that after doing a set and having a rest, the next set would feel harder than the last. Now I'm finding that each set is equally as difficult but I'm not failing earlier on the later set which is what was happening before.

Also the last 10 minutes of a football game my legs would feel quite fatigued. Now at 90 minutes I still have some left in the tank.

A couple of questions about the creatine. I'm only taking it on my gym training days. 5g about 45 mins before I train and then 5g about 30 minutes after training. When is the best time to have it? Should I also take it when I'm playing football and training for football? This would only leave Sunday when I wouldn't be taking it.

cheers for the advice


PS I'll check out the deadlifts. Legs tonight so I'll try them

[Edited by STi wanna Subaru - 9/25/2003 10:17:36 AM]

milo 25 September 2003 10:24 AM

take 5g a day every day... even on non-training days.

when training take 5g with dextrose immediately after training.

when not training, take 5g (can be with dextrose if you like) at the time you'd normally finish training if it were a training day.

in other words, 5g every 24 hours. i wouldn't go more than that.

with regards to deads - they should be done on back day, not legs!

stiff-legged deads are ok to do on leg day as they work your hams more. but normal deads.. leave them for back day.

STi wanna Subaru 25 September 2003 10:27 AM

Ok, thanks :)

super_si 25 September 2003 10:28 AM

your supposed to take creatine all the time............. if your on it

LG John 25 September 2003 10:34 AM

Progress seems to be ok but I've had a cold for about 5 days now so have found it really difficult to eat and can't train. That said, I'm breathing pretty well just now and feel 'clear' headed so I might hit the gym tonight :D

I've got a good base of strength now and I think its time to take some of the nutrition advice of the other threads more seriously and get seriously mucked in :)

super_si 25 September 2003 11:02 AM

Just done something to my spine felt like it was going to snap.

Pressing the log i had it on the chest but was leaning back too much. AS i went up the arch increased. Got to the top and it went my spine feels :eek: washing lines destroyed and a big hole in the garden :eek: **** it hurts [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

CC 25 September 2003 11:05 AM

Good to see people progressing :), and those who aren't thru lack of discipline get ure a$$e$ back in the gym :D!

Over the past two months or so I've been trying to get leaner and still working out hard n heavy in the gym. Strength has not really changed either way which is pleasing considering i'm basically dieting.

Deffo more definition and smaller waist i.e. abs are just about showing thru now, some nice vascularity appearing on arms, shoulders etc.

Ditto the above comments about deads, wicked exercise when done right :). Gives me a buzz (and next day ache :D) like no other, even squats. Just ONE very near maximum lift on deads get me out of breath!

King RA 25 September 2003 11:35 AM

I have just started using reflex creatine and the results are very encouraging.

Went to the gym the other day for a legs workout. On the leg extensions as a pre-exhaust i normally do 14 reps at 55kilos and then straight to the squats doing 110kilos and again about 14 reps.

After doing the loading phase of the creatine I did 15reps at 55kilos on the leg extensions, holding each one for alot longer than normal and then went on to do 22reps on 110 kilos on the squats which is a massive improvement.

Arms workout at the weekend and am expecting less of an improvement, but an improvement none the less. I don't know if it's me but I do have a better mental attitude towards the weights than I did before, less lethargic and much more FEKIN AVE IT ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!! if you know what I mean :D:D:D:D:D:D

CC 25 September 2003 11:44 AM

king ra, i think alot of people reading will know exactly wot u mean.

attitude and 'bein up for it' has a massive bearing on my workouts.

on days when i know i'm gonna be d.lifting or squatting heavy, i often have a quiet 10 mins or so to myself b4 the workout just thinking about what i'm going to do in the session, getting myself 'psyched up' if u like.

STi wanna Subaru 25 September 2003 02:11 PM

milo, how much dextrose powder do you take with the creatine?

milo 25 September 2003 02:19 PM

milo, how much dextrose powder do you take with the creatine?

grovesy 25 September 2003 02:25 PM

Si you always seem to be injuring your self. I think you should take up knitting or somthing ;)

[Edited by grovesy - 9/25/2003 2:26:07 PM]

STi wanna Subaru 25 September 2003 02:35 PM


King RA 25 September 2003 03:07 PM

Where do you get your dextrose powder from???

milo 25 September 2003 03:11 PM

Where do you get your dextrose powder from???
anywhere that does supplements should have it.. even highstreet stores like gnc

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