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weapon69 23 February 2006 03:06 PM

Having Wisdom teeth out...
I have to have my lower wisdom teeth out but wondered if anyone had had this done privately? If so, how much did it cost?

Dracoro 23 February 2006 03:08 PM

Dunno about monetary cost but you lose all that clever knowledge you've aquired over the years.

King Eric 23 February 2006 03:15 PM

I think its in the region of two grand ish....

I had mine done this week, on NHS. Wait was 3 months.

Piece of cake and under general

weapon69 23 February 2006 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by King Eric
I think its in the region of two grand ish....

I had mine done this week, on NHS. Wait was 3 months.

Piece of cake and under general

Did you have both lower teeth out? Much pain? 3 months wait is good compared to Kent!

King Eric 23 February 2006 03:27 PM


No pain at all (Im being deadly serious)

You get paracetamol and voltorol before you go in, so its working when you come around....
Went in at 8.00am.

Waited until 12.00 to go down

Came too in recovery, nicely injected with pain killers! Face a bit numb from local which they whacked in my gob too. Two hour wait on ward on a drip, home by 14.30. Ate a pasta meal at 15.00 with a milkshake. Slept like a log after that. Washed mouth out with salty warm water every few hours. Had a couple of small stitches which have disolved already (some come out with no need for stitches depending on how they are damaged/impacted)

Get given some drugs when you leave which work

I was papping myself sunday night, I'd have it all done again tommorow if I had to!

King Eric 23 February 2006 03:29 PM

(Oh just tell your consultant that you are happy for a cancellation/short notice appointment) because there were people on the ward with me who saw their consultant the week before and got called to come in as people had pulled out. I didnt tick that box on the admission form! LOL

King Eric 23 February 2006 03:29 PM

Oh, and i'm healed up already! No soreness at all :)

King RA 23 February 2006 03:33 PM

I went private and the total bill was about £700 with bupa. My insurance covered this but I can't see why it would be a different price if not insured.

RussBoy 23 February 2006 04:02 PM

Mine was £600 for 2. Absolutely no pain, both done under local. In fact, I was eating steak 4 days later! The only bit which for me was a bit stomach churning was the sound of the teeth snapping as they gripped and yanked them out....


Crazy Chick 23 February 2006 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by RussBoy
Mine was £600 for 2. Absolutely no pain


Apart from the price. :cry:

OllyK 23 February 2006 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by weapon69
I have to have my lower wisdom teeth out but wondered if anyone had had this done privately? If so, how much did it cost?

Good luck - my other half is currently on the NHS waiting list to have all 4 done :eek:

TimWRX01 23 February 2006 04:13 PM

I had mine out on NHS but I won't describe what it was like as I wouldn't want to make you nervous.

King Eric 23 February 2006 04:54 PM

Just get it done on NHS under general! God knows what they do to you when your asleep but it gets the job done with no snapping noises! LOL

If you need anymore advice PM me

oobster 23 February 2006 04:58 PM

I also had two out - probably about 10-12 years ago now. Same as eric - went in in the morning, got a general and had no pain at all. I also had to wash mouth out with warm salty water every few hours.

Go for the general - no way i'd want to be awake when they snap those things out my jaw!

fast bloke 23 February 2006 04:59 PM

wifey had hers done under hypnovale. NHS dentist took the x-ray, decided they needed to come out and pulled them all in one visit. wifey doesn't remember a thing about getting them pulled

Nat 23 February 2006 05:01 PM

Had mine upper and lower on NHS (Over a year wait :rolleyes: ) last year. They forgot to take out another tooth (lower second molar) though (which is now hurting loads). Was ok but they left two sharp shards of bone in my jar that cut up all my gums and hurt like feck so went back to get them wrenched out. Lovely. Started hurting like mad after two/three days. Went back to hospital again (so three trips in One week) and demanded diclofenac sodium tablets which made all the pain go away when dropped with codeine and paracetamol. All in all vey very poor service from the NHS.

My private health care and private dental insurance through my work both would not cover me to have it done privately.

weapon69 23 February 2006 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by King Eric
Just get it done on NHS under general! God knows what they do to you when your asleep but it gets the job done with no snapping noises! LOL

If you need anymore advice PM me


I only asked about having it done privately because i assume the waiting list to be greatly reduced? Had a back tooth out already(not wisdom tooth) and the procedure and the aftermath was like something out of a horror movie and far more painful than giving birth to my Son:eek:

Hopefully this time it will go without hitch....

rossyboy 23 February 2006 05:58 PM

I'm sitting here resembling a hamster. I had bottom 2 out under general on NHS last Saturday. I waited about 4-5 months from initial referral to op in total which I dont think is that bad.

Mine were badly impacting, with one hidden under the gum.

Op was at about 1pm and I came round about 2.30. Discharged about 4.30. They pump you full of painkillers in the hospital, so no pain straight after. You will be spitting a small amount of blood while you wait to be discharged. I got 2 types of Anti-Biotic and 2 types of super strengh painkillers.

Went straight home to bed, but wasnt that tired until normal 10-11pm. First night was the worst. I woke up in the middle of the night chewing a big blood clot and blood gushing down my teeth, which was nice.....

Its been better since then, but my face did swell up a lot and I now know how it will feel to shave if I ever become fat :D Its still swollen, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel and there hasn't been much bruising.

I haven't eaten any solid food since last Friday (soups, smoothies, Jelly). Hopefully will manage tomorrow. It hasnt been as sore as people suggested though and I have been able to talk, though not properly. I also used a triangular pillow to sleep so that I was forced to lie on my back and not my side.

As said, you need to rinse with warm, salty water 3-4 times a day.

Its all very much dependant how hard the teeth are to get out. If they are visible, life will be a lot easier.

weapon69 23 February 2006 09:17 PM

Went straight home to bed, but wasnt that tired until normal 10-11pm. First night was the worst. I woke up in the middle of the night chewing a big blood clot and blood gushing down my teeth, which was nice.....
I had that just having one tooth out:cry:

B2Z called me Buzz Lightyear last time:o I think i'm going to have to hibernate for 2 weeks and endure the dry socket im bound to get:Whatever_

and yes they are under the gum:cry:

mart360 23 February 2006 10:02 PM

I had them ALL out in november, :):) :D

wisdom & normal teeth,

the top wisdoms & teeth went in the late 80,s no pain as done under a general,

then as i said i had the rest done in november,

once they shot the premed in the back of my hand, that was it,

went in at 1, prepped by 2 down to theatre by 3 woke up in recovery at 4.30

cup of coffee, etc wife came and collected me and home we went.

i had had a huge shot of steroids antibio,s and a few locals when under to ease the pain when i came round, and when away with a weeks supply of coco's which if you do aSN search people will confirm they make you fly (sod redbull :D)

the first evening was ok and the initial painkiller wore off late in the evening so it was just of case of hitting the the coco's

didnt have much swelling as such, just a stiched hole where the wisdom was, and a few other stiches in the gum, there was also a mouthwash Corsodyl which i had to use for a couple of weeks,

other than that i was fine, it was a bit sore, but the painkillers helped :thumb:

the only thing you should be aware of is the possible side effects when having wisdoms done, but being pain free far outweighs them


Nich B 23 February 2006 10:05 PM

Been told I have to have all 4 done, which was nice. :(

Apparenty done under sedation and pain killers, so your not fully under but havnt a clue whats going on

Any one else been sedated and had this done? :wonder:

Tops are fully down, bottom jaw impacted and just visible

NOT looking forward to this at all

mart360 23 February 2006 10:38 PM

sedation will be valium intro,

then its any method teeth removal,

they suggested this to me and i flatly refused.

they reffered me to my local hospital, and it went from there,

last i heard, local dentists wernt doing wizzys due to the work involved, they were all being refferred to local hospitals for general anethesia


GU5 23 February 2006 11:09 PM

How about taking part in after care drug trials?

I did this a couple of years back. Had the tooth out within a fortnight (by a proper dentist not some trainee) and got paid £250 for being part of the test programme.

Best part of it was that it didn't really hurt much so I didn't even have to take the pain relief drugs :cool:

King RA 23 February 2006 11:15 PM

I went under general and the whole thing (2 bottom, 1 top) took 45mins.

gotmashed 24 February 2006 12:27 AM

i went under local felt a bit of pulling to my jaw and heard grinding with the plyers but nothing else drove home 20 min later ( they made me site down to make sure i wasnt going to pass out lol) found it hard to talk tho as they had stiched my gum to the inside of my cheek on one side lol laughed at something next day and sorted that relax its pain free the worst part was being injected

GarethE 24 February 2006 12:29 AM

I had all 4 taken out about 15 years ago, top and bottom on the left done together, right hand side done a month later under local at the dentist.

No really pain, just the discomfort from the force needed to remove them, and the sound made during the process.

I ended up working the following day, photographing a railway incident at the Severn Tunnel involving a train collision (thankfully no-one was killed but nearly 200 passengers caught up in it, some with serious injuries), but one of the coppers thought I'd been involved in the incident as my face was badly bruised and I was spitting blood everywhere, and tried to insist I'd be taken to hospital.

Little Miss WRX 24 February 2006 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by Nich B
Been told I have to have all 4 done, which was nice. :(

Apparenty done under sedation and pain killers, so your not fully under but havnt a clue whats going on

Any one else been sedated and had this done? :wonder:

Tops are fully down, bottom jaw impacted and just visible

NOT looking forward to this at all

Same here, am not looking forward to it. The top need taking out pretty quickly as they are not in a good state due to them not being fully exposed and the bottom are pushing against my other teeth and haven't broken fully through the gum causing continuous infections.
I had x-rays today and will see the dentist about whether they can do the procedure there or I have to get it done at hospital (would prefer former to latter!).

imlach 24 February 2006 10:32 AM

Had 2 lower ones done, BOTH impacted and causing infections....

Got them done under local at the Dental Hospital.
Took 45 mins each side - because took too long to do the lower right one, they decided to do the other one a month later.

It was a comedy of errors. Injections (needle about a 6" long - no joke!) went fine. Then you get about 3 tubes in your mouth (one water flush, one for sucking up blood & water, and guess the other one was some tool or other).

Anyway, once injections taken effect, corkscrew type thing goes into the mouth and is screwed into what can be seen of the top of the impacted tooth. Then PULL! Except the top of my tooth came away, leaving huge root in place, and corkscrew not useable....UNTIL they used a drill to drill away large amounts of jawbone to allow access to the tooth using the corkscrew again.

THEN he dropped the drill on the floor (dirty!), and couldn't find another drill to replace it with....10 minute this time, he was drilling RIGHT into the nerve/root and the anesthetic was wearing off so I could begin to feel EVERYTHING.

Nice. He laughed at the end and said he was sure the other one would be easier a month later. It wasn't - same came off tooth again!


916Duke 24 February 2006 02:45 PM

I had one lower impacted wisdom tooth removed privately in November. I originally went via the NHS route, saw the consulatant, mentioned that I had private cover through work and he assured me they would cover it. He then gave me the number of his secretary at the private clinic. 11 month wait for the NHS or have the same bloke do it privately at date of your choice!

I was sent a copy of the invoices that the insurance company paid. It was just over £1000 for the operation and another £500 for the 20 minute follow up appointment 2 weeks later. They made me pay £12 for the pain killers they gave me though!

weapon69 05 April 2006 03:32 PM

OK needed to dredge this thread up again. Whats the quickest way to get them to yank my wisdom teeth? I have green pus in my mouth and the antibiotics are just about killing me with the side effects:cry: :cry: :brickwall

I'm on a cancellation/short notice list, but theres a big waiting list to go on the cancellation list :brickwall :brickwall

There must be a way without getting the pliers and pulling them out myself :cry:

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