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Peanuts 06 June 2006 11:20 AM

horses on the bleedin road
Feck's sake!
What is it with posh fookin horsey types that need to take the bloody animal on the road/pavement.

Yesterday I was witness to a girl on a horse that had no control over the animal, it was obviously not happy in close proximity with traffic, raring up and making all sorts of strange noises. So it was almost tantamount to cruelty.
Anyhoo, the traffic is forced to stop on both sides of the road for a good ten minutes while she tries to get to grips with it.
Then she gives everybody a load of abuse (although no one can understand it as she's dead posh) as if it was our fault.

The other obvious problem with the horse is the size of its defeacatory matter.
My dog lifts its dish on the footpath and I clear it up, about a decent desert sppon size, I dont mind as I wouldnt want a nipper getting covered in it, a horse empties its guts and it becomes a feckin sightline issue, blocking the sun from the next person to get within ten yards.
Arse! Ban feckin horses from the road, keep them in a field where they can prance about in relative safety.
Rant over

jpor 06 June 2006 11:24 AM

In the USA a horse by law has to wear a nappy (or as they say diaper). It's a bit pants really, when you have to clear up after a dog, but horse owners don't have to. It's a pain cleaning the stuff off the car,if you accidently run over it.

Andy McCord 06 June 2006 11:39 AM

The amount of times in the past i've nearly binned it on a steaming pile of horse doo-doo on my bike is unbelievable :mad:

Agree with you andy, get them in a field or send them to KiteKat factory :D

Still I suppose someone will remind us horses were here before cars :rolleyes: but there nowhere near as fookin useful

GaryK 06 June 2006 11:42 AM

Yep I always say, are they taxed? No, are they insured? No! well get em off the fecking road then! I DO slow down for horses and on B roads fine but I dont agree with them being taken on A roads, simply too dangerous for all parties involved.

lightning101 06 June 2006 11:43 AM

Horses and horse drawn carriages don't pay road tax anymore, so if they want the same rules and regulations applied they should pay the same money. At the end of the day, they damage the roads, someone has to clean their **** up, and they cause congestion in our modern environment. :)

stilover 06 June 2006 11:45 AM

Tell me about them. The amount of people who insists on "WALKING" there horses on back country lanes with blind corners in unbelievable !!! The amount of open fields round here is unreal, yet they insist on using roads. Years ago I remember driving from Shildon to Middridge, and at the bottom near Middridge there is a blind left hand corner, all be it in a 60 zone, and easily taken at 60mph. Anyway, a drive round this corner, only to find a bleeding horse Right in the middle of the left hand land. I swerved to avoid it, but luckily nothing was coming the other way, otherwise it would have been a choice of hit the horse, or have a head on crash with a car/bus/lorry. What did I get for my efforts of not hitting this idiot on a horse ???? A 1 finger salute........... Charming.
It happened a few weeks ago in another village near me. 3 horses walking through the village, I come up behind them just as they come up to parked cars on the left, and 2 of the horses stop, as they see me coming, while the 3rd horse which also saw me decides that they have priority, and walks their horse Right into my path. If I hadn't hit the brakes !!!!!!!!

W@nkers on horses really do my head in. I really feel like hitting the horn to teach them a lesson. They all think that they are better than you, and they have priority over cars. Fcuking pr1cks !!!! :mad: :mad:

Leslie 06 June 2006 11:51 AM

Roads were made in the first place for horses and carts etc which incidentally did not necessarily belong to "posh" people. just the same, horses today don't necessarily belong to posh people either!


Your inverted snobbery does nothing for your argument. I find a bit of patience out here in the country works wonders too.


Daft Lad 06 June 2006 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by Leslie
Your inverted snobbery does nothing for your argument.

Lol I remember you calling me an inverted snob aaages ago, I didn't know what you were on about then either! :D

I'm glad I'm not the only person who gets fcuked off with horses being on the road, you do get a bit used to it living in the countryside but doesn't make it any less irritating - especially when kids as young as 7 or 8 are riding them on the roads. Wouldn't they be much safer riding in fields at that age? After all, there's much more space in fields than there are on roads, they're much softer if the worst should happen too ;)

lightning101 06 June 2006 12:00 PM

If we applied that archaic system les, would you be happy to commute to work if the journey took two hours each way.

Modern progression has its place as the population of the world has swelled and large industries/ supermarkets/exporters require high speed travel to make our world economy work.

Only third world nations have a necessity for horse drawn carriage now.

_Meridian_ 06 June 2006 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by stilover
Tat the bottom near Middridge there is a blind left hand corner, all be it in a 60 zone, and easily taken at 60mph. Anyway, a drive round this corner, only to find a bleeding horse Right in the middle of the left hand land.

In other words, it was pretty bl**dy stupid to take it at that speed. The speed you take a corner is regulated by the distance you can see ahead and stop in, the maximum before you slide off the road.


Brendan Hughes 06 June 2006 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by stilover
Years ago I remember driving from Shildon to Middridge, and at the bottom near Middridge there is a blind left hand corner, all be it in a 60 zone, and easily taken at 60mph. Anyway, a drive round this corner, only to find a bleeding horse Right in the middle of the left hand land. I swerved to avoid it, but luckily nothing was coming the other way, otherwise it would have been a choice of hit the horse, or have a head on crash with a car/bus/lorry. What did I get for my efforts of not hitting this idiot on a horse ???? A 1 finger salute........... Charming.

They're in the right. You drive round a blind bend at 60mph, you get what you deserve. I did a similar thing and almost put my scoob through an ambulance which was reversing into a drive on that corner. If you'd wiped out a cyclist would it be their fault as well that they couldn't do 60mph?

"Make progress" as you want, but admit it when you're in the wrong.

watto52 06 June 2006 12:16 PM

i love horses:luvlove:

Peanuts 06 June 2006 12:24 PM

Les, inverted snobbery? This young girl in question had absolutely no need to be anywhere near where she was.
As for posh swearing, I switched off after the first "fark orf ", she spoke with a plum in her mouth, it was an observation

SiPie 06 June 2006 12:37 PM

Roads were made in the first place for horses and carts etc which incidentally did not necessarily belong to "posh" people. just the same, horses today don't necessarily belong to posh people either!

99.9% of the time I agree with your points of view on Scoobynet.


although horses were on the roads first etc .... times have changed, roads are busy, and on the roads mentioned above (blind corners etc) they are plain dangerous fact

Coupled with the fact that they are easily startled and on top of that they have a brain the size of a pea or something.

They now have no place on our roads.

End of

Aztec Performance Ltd 06 June 2006 12:42 PM

I have no problem with horses on the road.

Always give them LOTS of space and go past slowly and as quietly as possible.

Must say that I wouldn't particularly like to ride on the road but sometimes you have to get from A to B.

Brendan Hughes 06 June 2006 12:42 PM

I wonder if Les has a man with a red flag walking in front of his M3? ;)

watto52 06 June 2006 12:43 PM

ok, so people walking dogs on country roads are a no no, sheep on the roads, and all wild life.
In city centers and busy areas i agree its unfair on the horses but quiet roads, why not?

danwrx1980 06 June 2006 12:45 PM

There are such things as Bridleways criss crossing the country side, you can find them on any OS map. There really is no need to take a horse on the road even if you actually use it for a purpose.
I'm sure they'd have a lot to say on Horseynet if we were to take our scoobs on their bridle paths, leaving big piles of scooby poo everywhere.

Daft Lad 06 June 2006 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by watto52
In city centers and busy areas i agree its unfair on the horses but quiet roads, why not?

For the reasons already given - the quiet roads they are ridden on tend to be very narrow and consist of many blind corners, and of course most country roads tend to be NSL so SOME people will want to drive a bit faster on them.

J4CKO 06 June 2006 12:48 PM

To be honest it isnt that often you come across a horse, problem round here is HORSE BOXES, get stcuk behind one of those buggers and you know about it, nothing like spending a summers day stuck behind some fat posh woman who wears jodphurs (despite what she looks like in them) and is covered in dung and straw whilst driving a forty year old Bedford horse lorry that has all of 4 horsepower (two in the back, another two under the bonnet) . She will use all the road and drive at 2 mph unless it a hill when she will slow down considerably, it well belch not smoke but solid clumps of coal whilst dragging its creaking frame up a 1 in 2. She has no licence to drive this thing, just a normal car licence, chances are it has no MOT, its tax exempt anyway (like the f*cking horses).

it will be sign painted to say 'SHOW HORSES' on the back, why, does it make any difference to just plain 'HORSES', an I meant to be impressed, am I meant to care, I mean I didnt think she was transporting huge genetically modified Yorkshire Terriers (now that would raise an eyebrow if it were painted on the back of a lorry), the smell of sh1t and straw is a big clue as is the aura of general Jolly Hockey Stick, Pony Club, Gymkhana, Drag Hunt, big toothed, fat thighed, honking laughed Horsey wankiness emanating from the general vicinity of the motorised stable (stable, thats a laugh). Why cant they invest some kind of equine Recaro so that Dobbin can go at a proper speed ?

I have nothing against horses themselves but Horsey People are another matter, they live and breathe it, their houses are full of horsey tat and twee litttle cartoons involving Ponies, in case you missed the stables and the smell, they dont like you to be in any doubt of their horsey credentials, its like a middle class badge of rank owning a horse, like owning a sailing boat and having total contempt for anything with an engine. Also getting a kid a Pony, unforgivable, any small child sat atop a Pony just looks so bloody precocious and spoilt, I am so glad my parents could only afford a Raleigh Arena as I would have died of embarassment if they had dragged out photos of me sat on 'Chipmunk' or 'Pepper', I mean my paper round would have taken ages and I would only have written it off anyway.

I say that seeing as petrol is so highly taxed, why cant the govenment introduce higher tax on straw, Sugar Lumps, big green wellies and Polo mints ?

sti-04!! 06 June 2006 12:53 PM


Daft Lad 06 June 2006 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO
To be honest it isnt that often you come across a horse, problem round here is HORSE BOXES, get stcuk behind one of those buggers and you know about it, nothing like spending a summers day stuck behind some fat posh woman who wears jodphurs (despite what she looks like in them) and is covered in dung and straw whilst driving a forty year old Bedford horse lorry that has all of 4 horsepower (two in the back, another two under the bonnet) . She will use all the road and drive at 2 mph unless it a hill when she will slow down considerably, it well belch not smoke but solid clumps of coal whilst dragging its creaking frame up a 1 in 2. She has no licence to drive this thing, just a normal car licence, chances are it has no MOT, its tax exempt anyway (like the f*cking horses).

it will be sign painted to say 'SHOW HORSES' on the back, why, does it make any difference to just plain 'HORSES', an I meant to be impressed, am I meant to care, I mean I didnt think she was transporting huge genetically modified Yorkshire Terriers (now that would raise an eyebrow if it were painted on the back of a lorry), the smell of sh1t and straw is a big clue as is the aura of general Jolly Hockey Stick, Pony Club, Gymkhana, Drag Hunt, big toothed, fat thighed, honking laughed Horsey wankiness emanating from the general vicinity of the motorised stable (stable, thats a laugh). Why cant they invest some kind of equine Recaro so that Dobbin can go at a proper speed ?

I have nothing against horses themselves but Horsey People are another matter, they live and breathe it, their houses are full of horsey tat and twee litttle cartoons involving Ponies, in case you missed the stables and the smell, they dont like you to be in any doubt of their horsey credentials, its like a middle class badge of rank owning a horse, like owning a sailing boat and having total contempt for anything with an engine. Also getting a kid a Pony, unforgivable, any small child sat atop a Pony just looks so bloody precocious and spoilt, I am so glad my parents could only afford a Raleigh Arena as I would have died of embarassment if they had dragged out photos of me sat on 'Chipmunk' or 'Pepper', I mean my paper round would have taken ages and I would only have written it off anyway.

I say that seeing as petrol is so highly taxed, why cant the govenment introduce higher tax on straw, Sugar Lumps, big green wellies and Polo mints ?

:lol1: :luxhello: :lol1: :luxhello: :lol1: :luxhello: :lol1: :luxhello: :lol1:

Peanuts 06 June 2006 12:59 PM

they smell of sh1t and have too many male hormones in em

Poor Guy 06 June 2006 01:01 PM

I was out with some friends camping in pickering recently and we were taking part in a scatter rally. We were caning through a 60 when a horse was spotted on the road, so we slowed to 30 clutches dipped. Yet the rider in her toff voice was screaming at us "SLOW DOWN YOU SILLY SODS!"

Horse sure did buck when my mates TR7 V8 caned away! If someones horse is sensitive to traffic it shouldnt be on the road. My mate was a jockey up until he got his knee smashed in. He told me some of the race horses were totally barmy, they used to flip out and go wild if a plastic bag blew by the stables or if there was some kind of odd item around like a carrot on the floor or a spool of wire.

RoadrunnerV2 06 June 2006 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by SiPie
Coupled with the fact that they are easily startled and on top of that they have a brain the size of a pea or something.

Do the police know about these flaws within horses ;)

Dazza01 06 June 2006 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO
To be honest it isnt that often you come across a horse, problem round here is HORSE BOXES, get stcuk behind one of those buggers and you know about it, nothing like spending a summers day stuck behind some fat posh woman who wears jodphurs (despite what she looks like in them) and is covered in dung and straw whilst driving a forty year old Bedford horse lorry that has all of 4 horsepower (two in the back, another two under the bonnet) . She will use all the road and drive at 2 mph unless it a hill when she will slow down considerably, it well belch not smoke but solid clumps of coal whilst dragging its creaking frame up a 1 in 2. She has no licence to drive this thing, just a normal car licence, chances are it has no MOT, its tax exempt anyway (like the f*cking horses).

it will be sign painted to say 'SHOW HORSES' on the back, why, does it make any difference to just plain 'HORSES', an I meant to be impressed, am I meant to care, I mean I didnt think she was transporting huge genetically modified Yorkshire Terriers (now that would raise an eyebrow if it were painted on the back of a lorry), the smell of sh1t and straw is a big clue as is the aura of general Jolly Hockey Stick, Pony Club, Gymkhana, Drag Hunt, big toothed, fat thighed, honking laughed Horsey wankiness emanating from the general vicinity of the motorised stable (stable, thats a laugh). Why cant they invest some kind of equine Recaro so that Dobbin can go at a proper speed ?

I have nothing against horses themselves but Horsey People are another matter, they live and breathe it, their houses are full of horsey tat and twee litttle cartoons involving Ponies, in case you missed the stables and the smell, they dont like you to be in any doubt of their horsey credentials, its like a middle class badge of rank owning a horse, like owning a sailing boat and having total contempt for anything with an engine. Also getting a kid a Pony, unforgivable, any small child sat atop a Pony just looks so bloody precocious and spoilt, I am so glad my parents could only afford a Raleigh Arena as I would have died of embarassment if they had dragged out photos of me sat on 'Chipmunk' or 'Pepper', I mean my paper round would have taken ages and I would only have written it off anyway.

I say that seeing as petrol is so highly taxed, why cant the govenment introduce higher tax on straw, Sugar Lumps, big green wellies and Polo mints ?

couldn't have put that better myself :luxhello: :D:D:D:D:D

we moved race horses by air, and the best bit is knowing that if the animal fooks about the captain can order the vet to SHOOT the mother fooker, and he don't care if it worth millions :D:D:D:D:D

stilover 06 June 2006 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes
They're in the right. You drive round a blind bend at 60mph, you get what you deserve. I did a similar thing and almost put my scoob through an ambulance which was reversing into a drive on that corner. If you'd wiped out a cyclist would it be their fault as well that they couldn't do 60mph?

"Make progress" as you want, but admit it when you're in the wrong.

As you don't know the corner, you can't really comment on what is a safe speed to take that corner. I have in the past taken it at over 90mph (when I was younger) but it is a 60mph corner, just like EVERY car traveling on that road does.
The point was, was that the girl on the horse lived in the village, so she knows the corner, yet walks her horse in the middle of the lane anyway. 20 yards around the corner is a wide grass verge that is very able to accommodate a horse, probably even 3 horses side by side.
If it was me riding the horse, knowing the corner, I would have at the very least galloped the horse around the corner, as a matter of safety for myself, the horse, and any unsuspecting road user.

Oh yes, and there are fields as far as the eye can see, yet she always insists on walking her horse on the roads, WHY ??????????? I don't walk my dog on the road. I don't see parents pushing the kids in pushchairs on the road. Roads are for cars, not animals.

davegtt 06 June 2006 01:20 PM

Stupid things should be nowhere near any tarmac what so ever. really pees me off. Apart from the stinking mess thats apparently good for the environment thats left on the road where ever they have been we often see kids as young as 10 in charge of such a looney creature, surely this is dangerous and is pretty bad parenting IMO.

OllyK 06 June 2006 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by watto52
i love horses:luvlove:

Indeed - pan fried with garlic is best :thumb:

Daft Lad 06 June 2006 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by Dazza01
couldn't have put that better myself :luxhello: :D:D:D:D:D

we moved race horses by air, and the best bit is knowing that if the animal fooks about the captain can order the vet to SHOOT the mother fooker, and he don't care if it worth millions :D:D:D:D:D

Do you have to have 'SHOW HORSES' painted on the back of the planes mate? ;)

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