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wilf 04 January 2002 08:49 AM

As a very occasional browser on EVO forum I have noticed that others from Scoobynet use the forum under different names (sort of pseudonyms I suppose).

So that we all know who we're abusing on EVO Forum can I challenge those with different names to identify themselves?

BT52b 04 January 2002 09:07 AM

Damn, my cunning disguise has been rumbled.

Actually I forgot the password for BT52 and I don't have access to that email account either.

IntegraR 04 January 2002 09:13 AM

Im SideShowBob, but take a far more mature and serious approach to posting on here (ahem), so have taken on the more distinguished name of IntegraR.

wilf 04 January 2002 09:16 AM

I use the same alias on Evo forum - however my posts suddenly increased by about 100 without my knowing. Has someone been posting under my name or was this a glitch in the website?

Also why does the Evo Forum have so few registered users these days? I'm sure there used to be more.


Nice to hear from you. I remember reading your posts on importing the new shape WRX. Glad to see you went through with it.

ChrisB 04 January 2002 09:26 AM

I'm, erm, ChrisB on there as well. :rolleyes:

IntegraR 04 January 2002 10:02 AM

Wilf? yeah, I remember when those 100 posts appeared recently, all about how you were Elton Johns lovechild and stuff right? and all that business about the farm animals, I mean chickens, how low can you go? and I havent had a glass of milk since reading about your cow shananigans.

Before those posts, I thought you were alright, but after finding out you're a queer chicken lover, Im not so sure.
Im guessing that you feel that you perhaps exposed a little too much of your goings ons, and now come on here proclaiming "someone else mustve posted 100 posts, wasnt me", well buddy, your most recent post gave the game away, no one missed the "How do you clean chicken feathers off your back seat?" thread.

rsquire 04 January 2002 10:04 AM

Evo Name = RS200

Scoobynet name = Errmm.... I can't remember ;) :D : D:

EvoRSX 04 January 2002 10:15 AM

Evo name AndyF_RSX but then again, I'm from the dark side, lurking on here and no the other way around :)


wilf 04 January 2002 10:17 AM


Heck, I wish I had read those posts I would have enjoyed them. Good to see you followed them avidly though :).

Anyway, any more funny business and I'll send Elton round to give you a good kicking.

Scoobychick 04 January 2002 10:30 AM

Scoobynet: scoobychick

Evo forum: scoobychick

Stops me getting confused :D

Jerome 04 January 2002 10:41 AM

Jerome on both. I have about 30+ different accounts on various systems, boards etc. I like to keep it simple for my feeble intellect and failing memory.

rsquire 04 January 2002 11:09 AM

Aaahh Sal

I'd hate to see such a loverly lady getting confused.

now when you comin home to the Muppet Forum :confused: [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] ;) :D

fast bloke 04 January 2002 11:19 AM

I have cunningly disguised myself as FastBloke (no space) on Evo. I shouldn't tell you all, as no-one has realised it is me :D

InsBro 04 January 2002 11:25 AM

I'm InsBro on Evo as well.

SJobson 04 January 2002 12:13 PM

ChrisB et al - you're so boring![;)]

[Now why isn't posting smilies the same on here as Evo, eh?]

Dream Weaver 04 January 2002 12:14 PM

I am Dream Weaver on most of the forums I use:

iBoost Forums

As well as the Evo forum, the SIDC forum and the yank Impreza one as well.

On Flashkit I am known as Scooby ;)

I wonder how long it will be before people are selling unique uernames the same as domain names??????


ChrisB 04 January 2002 12:26 PM

Boring? Says Mista know-it-all-teaser man ;) :p :D

scooby nutter 04 January 2002 12:49 PM

scooby nutter aka scooby nutter:) (but i drive a evo??)

dba 04 January 2002 01:08 PM

right,who the f..k is the Mr White fella who keeps starting all the flamers!??

has he been banned from muppets or something?

oh,and i'm "dave",but i belong over there,its to polite here for me. ;)

mutant_matt 04 January 2002 01:10 PM

I was mutant_matt on the EVO BBS but I obviously didn't post often enough 'cos my account no longer exists...[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Never mind, I think it sucks anyway....

Matt :)

EvoBarry 04 January 2002 01:11 PM

erm...I used this login on here so people knew it was me from the EVO board - but people just assume I drive one of them Lancer fingies now....can't bleedin win!

I agree with dave, far too polite on here!

Little Miss WRX 04 January 2002 01:23 PM

I used to post here as MichelleWRX1994 and over on EVO as Little Miss WRx, but as you can see now, I am the same on both forums, though EVO is getting boring IMHO so I stay here :D and glance at EVO every now and then.

Richard Askew 04 January 2002 01:24 PM

....that would be Richard Askew aswell then....

Louise 04 January 2002 01:39 PM

I'm Christine....Just registered on here now!

Ok, Louise isnt some cunning disguise, I just had to go by my middle name cos I'm to unoriginal to think up anything else and someone has already used Christine...

Hello everyone!

Stained Duvet 04 January 2002 01:44 PM

....ello Christine - at last DaBean hasn't made it over here ;) :D Unles he's really PSLewis?? :p

Louise 04 January 2002 01:46 PM

Stained - Whos you then?

Richard Askew 04 January 2002 01:51 PM

....oooops posted under my muppet pseudonym.... I'm Mels other (better) half too :D

Louise 04 January 2002 02:00 PM

You should know that women are ALWAYS the better half!

Christine Louise

hmm, people are going to start getting confused by this Louise and Christine thing. I know I am.

jackal 04 January 2002 02:05 PM

"jackal" on all forums, although a few years back I was wretched_jackal on

SJobson 04 January 2002 02:11 PM

Christine Louise - you could always call yourself MrsBT52 (or MrsBT52b) ;)

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