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hux309 09 December 2007 01:06 PM

Never a truer statement
I bet most of you in the UK can tell who wrote this even if you haven't seen it in the papers.

WE are all supposed to feel proud of our country, even if we’re Belgian.

But as I huddled in a shop doorway last night, trying to keep my cigarette dry, I began to wonder what we in Britain have to be proud about exactly.
Our past? Not any more. We’re constantly told that our empire was actually built on the slave trade and that when we see an old globe we should blush as pink as the countries we invaded.
Our power? Today, our Armed Forces have been so run down by mean-spirited politicians, that in a bout of fisticuffs, we’d struggle to beat Finland.
Not that long ago, a country like Sudan would never have dreamed of banging up a British subject. Their president would have been bashed over the head with a hard-backed British passport and he’d have seen sense immediately. Not any more.

Our football team? I don’t think so.

So what about our world-famous sense of fair play? Well, as the Government hands out peerages in exchange for cash and then, when caught, takes donations from people’s dogs, you’d have to surmise, it’s gone. These days, the British Prime Minister spends most of his days being interviewed by the police.
Perhaps that’s why the South Yorkshire chief constable had his driving licence taken away. To prevent him from getting to London and bothering our supreme leader, Comrade Brown.
Not only has our intrinsic fairness gone, but so has any notion of living in a free country. You can’t advertise drink on the radio without telling listeners to be responsible. You can’t advertise a burger if children might be watching. You can’t smoke indoors. You can’t use your dogs to kill a rat. You can’t tell a colleague at work he looks like a terrorist. You can’t reverse without a banksman directing you.

In Communist Russia, you could do everything you liked except vote. Here, voting is all we can do. But sadly, not for another two long and terrifying years.

On the roads, things are getting worse and worse.
There are psychopathic bus drivers, Government agents in Smart cars with all-round CCTV cameras to spy on your every move and highways officers in four-wheel-drive tanks.
Small wonder the roads are so crammed. They’re full of state officials spying on us and ticketing us and generally making life as unpleasant as possible.
And all the fines are poured into the NHS which used to be the envy of the world. Now it’s just a million meeting rooms full of flip chart idiots eating biscuits and talking management nonsense.
And no one can get the nurses to wash their hands properly so when our soldiers come back from a war that the Government started but won’t ever talk about, all we give them is a dollop of MRSA.

See what I mean? You can’t fly the flag any more because you’re called a racist. But truth be told, I don’t even want to any more.

British. Look at the word carefully. You’ll note half of it’s an anagram of s**t.

Jeremy Clarkson, Currant Bun, 8th December 2007

apples24 09 December 2007 03:02 PM

its refreshing for someone to speak the truth isnt it

Fuzz 09 December 2007 03:14 PM

Can't argue with that one little bit..
I will be glad when I have paid off my debts to this country so I can finally shove two fingers up at it and wave good ridance.

andythejock01wrx 09 December 2007 03:17 PM

Where ya goin' fuzz ?

Can I come ? :D

gazza-uk 09 December 2007 03:18 PM


New_scooby_04 09 December 2007 03:21 PM

Ashamed to say, I agree.

Three Lions? Three weasles more like!!


Fuzz 09 December 2007 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by andythejock01wrx (Post 7471290)
Where ya goin' fuzz ?

Can I come ? :D

South.... A long way south.

andythejock01wrx 09 December 2007 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Fuzz (Post 7471306)
South.... A long way south.


Aha ! Hope you enjoy life in Cornwall !

lovinmescoob 09 December 2007 03:33 PM

Fuzz, get a mini-bus will you !!!

Fuzz 09 December 2007 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by andythejock01wrx (Post 7471310)

Aha ! Hope you enjoy life in Cornwall !

Aye, A bit further than that dude.. no make that a lot further.

See you all at the airport in about 2 years time. :thumb:

andythejock01wrx 09 December 2007 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by Fuzz (Post 7471323)
Aye, A bit further than that dude.. no make that a lot further.

See you all at the airport in about 2 years time. :thumb:

Errm - Soweto ?

apples24 09 December 2007 03:52 PM

isle white ? lol

hoskib 09 December 2007 03:52 PM

had a similar conversation at work the other day, i asked the question what makes you proud to be british? try it yourself, it's a real struggle to think of anything worthwhile.

the best i could think of is that we still seem to churn out good engineers and designers. trouble is they don't have much to do in this country so work elsewhere!

surprised clarkson hasn't been slated by the PC brigade like morrisey was, can't even speak the truth nowadays!!

CyprusScooby 09 December 2007 04:41 PM

Couldn't agree more myself!

mike1210 09 December 2007 05:00 PM

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Steve Whitehorn 09 December 2007 05:41 PM

That is spot on

From another thread

(Churchill had the vision in the spring of 1940 to recognise the NAZI state for exactly what it was - and he sacrificed our empire to take the moral high ground in order that basic freedoms could still be enjoyed in the world. Most of the British government wanted to preserve our empire and make peace with the Germans and this was the totally logical commonsense thing to do in the circumstances.
Churchill for all his faults - the brutal repression of the General Strike, Interning all the Italians etc Had MORAL VISION - he did the illogical thing in 1940. Britain and to a degree America, Imperfect and corrupt that our market capialist system is, HAVE to a degree been the MORAL guardians of the world. My big fear is under Blair and Bush we have rapidly lost our identity, morality etc and if another Hitler or Stalin should appear,I have a horrible feeling that this selfish rather lost PC society wouldnt have it in it to stop them)

Our stance in trying to protect some basic principles in the last war is something to be proud of. The British wanted all their suffering (rationing, kids beeing blown to pieces in their own homes etc) to result in a better postwar Britain for all. Hence the Beverage report of 1942 which laid down the principles of the post war welfare state couldn´t be handed out fast enough. And the imediate post war prime minster Attle probably the best that britain has seen in terms of genuinely trying to create a better society...

...and that is why alot of the moral and spiritual problems (which have been listed on many threads so I wont repeat them) we now find in Britísh society have a doubly harsh bite.

The Zohan 09 December 2007 05:59 PM

I agree with Clarkson and you as well Steve W, in fact most of the above comments. I am not happy about it and see little i can do about it.

I do wish there where some decent politicians, i do wish there where more people prepared to speak out like Clarkson - only prepared to get stuck into British Politics and change things for the better.

Petem95 09 December 2007 06:00 PM

Clarkson just says it like it is - whereas normally we are used to hearing the watered-down PC version of everything.

Clarkson for PM! :)

The Zohan 09 December 2007 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by Petem95 (Post 7471614)
Clarkson just says it like it is - whereas normally we are used to hearing the watered-down PC version of everything.

Clarkson for PM! :)

Saw him on Ross the other night, he stated he has no intention of going ninto politices and in fairness he is getting on a bit and i imagine he has a great lifestyle and enough put aside to live wherever he chooses to. It does need people like him to get involved.

David Lock 09 December 2007 06:50 PM

Many would like to "get out" but there aren't many places left to go!!

Now I have travelled a bit but not everywhere on the globe. But I wouldn't fancy moving to North or South America, Canada possibly. Russia or China, no thank you. Any of the old colonies - Zimbabwe any one? Most of Africa is out.

Australia perhaps, New Zealand sounds good.

I'd probably end up somewhere safe and close to home like a village in the South of France. Or just stay where I am until Putin turns off the heating :mad:

All very depressing. Vote UKIP I say. dl

STi-Frenchie 09 December 2007 07:59 PM

I'm an ex-pat and whilst there's a lot wrong with Britain (a LOT) there are still some things to be proud of...try watching Sports Personality of the Year -- good decent folk doing a fantastic job.

DYK 09 December 2007 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Fuzz (Post 7471285)
Can't argue with that one little bit..
I will be glad when I have paid off my debts to this country so I can finally shove two fingers up at it and wave good ridance.

likewise,im only waiting to pay my debts off too..then im running for the sis moved to new zealand and has been there a year now.the wage isnt as good as uk,as she is on a quarter less of the wage for same job she was doing in uk.but the cost of living isnt so high.she said yea you still have to work.but its better quality life less stress.she came back to uk for visit.and said everyone looks so depressed..i said u used to look like that too..would anyone like to pay my debts off for me so i can go now.:thumb:

LG John 09 December 2007 08:30 PM

What I can't understand is that an overwhelming (it seems) amount of the educated british public seem to agree with these statements and yet, nothing every changes?

The Dogs B******s 09 December 2007 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by Saxo Boy (Post 7472102)
What I can't understand is that an overwhelming (it seems) amount of the educated british public seem to agree with these statements and yet, nothing every changes?

Because people are to scared to tell the truth,this country is f*cked and wont get any better.:mad:

DYK 09 December 2007 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by Saxo Boy (Post 7472102)
What I can't understand is that an overwhelming (it seems) amount of the educated british public seem to agree with these statements and yet, nothing every changes?

nothing ever changes mate,because its always the same bone headed people who get into goverment..anyone with actual sense,and really wants to make a difference for the country and people..get hushed up,or told they are a racist,and so on..btw if voting really did make a differance,they would make it illegal.thaey know who ever gets into power as prime minister,is just as bad as they are..have you ever watched them in the houses of parliment.there like a load of cloned idiots trying to score points of each other,and just filling there own pockets with money..

Leslie 10 December 2007 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by Paul Habgood (Post 7471635)
Saw him on Ross the other night, he stated he has no intention of going ninto politices and in fairness he is getting on a bit and i imagine he has a great lifestyle and enough put aside to live wherever he chooses to. It does need people like him to get involved.

Can't think you infer that he is too old to go into politics. Modern politicians who start young are in it for a career and therefore far more intereted in furthering their own careers thus prostituting themselves to the dictats of their party leaders rather than actually doing something good for the people of the country.

It was a good bit of satire with so much truth behind it and we certainly need some people like him who might care enough for this country to sort out these self seeking traitors who are throwing us to the dogs!

Les !:(

r32 10 December 2007 12:06 PM

What a shame he isnt going into politics, but its difficult not to agree with what he says.......

alcazar 10 December 2007 12:14 PM

I think we all need to be a bit careful with "Jezza".

I've been watching him and reading his articles now for over 30 years, and ONE thing remains stable: Jeremy Clarkson is a TORY! He HATES the socialists/nu labia and supported Maggie thoughout her time as PM. He even supported Major.

On another topic, today I noted that Cameron is refusing to attack Labour over the West Lothian question. Scared stiff of losing any conservative votes in Jockland:mad:

Sorry "Dave", you just lost mine! And a HELL of a lot of fed up English .


PeteBrant 10 December 2007 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by The Dogs B******s (Post 7472122)
Because people are to scared to tell the truth,this country is f*cked and wont get any better.:mad:

I think you'll find that it more to do with the fact that people in this country are excellent when it comes to whineging but absolutely rubbish when it actually comes to doing something about it.

Don't like the current state of affairs? Get involved. Do something to change it. Don't rely on someone to do it for you.

andythejock01wrx 10 December 2007 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 7473209)

On another topic, today I noted that Cameron is refusing to attack Labour over the West Lothian question. Scared stiff of losing any conservative votes in Jockland:mad:



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