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Iain Young 04 February 2008 06:42 PM

DMC4 PS3 - How long to install?
Just read that the PS3 version of Devil May Cry 4, uses 5Gb of hard drive space, and takes 20+ minutes to install the first time you play it, whereas the 360 version just plays straight from the disc. Loading times and graphics between the two versions are pretty much identical, so why does the PS3 version have this huge overhead? Not good news when there's only a 40gb hard drive in the unit. Plus, it's £10 more expensive than the 360 version!!!

If this is the way PS3 games are going, then I think I'll still be buying most of my stuff for the 360...

spectrum48k 04 February 2008 06:53 PM

Iain Young, earlier today...

Neanderthal 04 February 2008 06:59 PM

Blueray not quick enough to spool direct off the disc?

Iain Young 04 February 2008 07:48 PM

Nah, I'm not that cheerful :D

I was wondering whether the bluray speed might be an issue.

chrisowe 04 February 2008 09:26 PM

Wait until you have to do a firmware update.

spectrum48k 04 February 2008 09:45 PM

DVD read speed
PS3 = 10.8 MB/s
XBox360 = 16 MB/s

Blu-Ray read speed
PS3 = 9MB/s

Microsoft fitted a faster DVD reader than Sony did.

If a developer develops a game simultaneously for Xbox360 and PS3, you probably wouldn't bother with Blu-Ray - you wouldn't bother adding more content (unless you charged an extra tenner for it) to fill the blu-ray and it reads the data slower anyhow.

PeteBrant 05 February 2008 09:06 AM

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7625441)

If this is the way PS3 games are going, then I think I'll still be buying most of my stuff for the 360...

They aren't "going" this way.

It's one game out of how many?

Does this mean you sucuumbed and bought one? :D

It's the price difference that bothers me

Search Results at

Different prices - far exactly the same game

PC £24.99
360 £32.99
360 (LE) £34.99
PS3 39.99
PS3 (LE) £44.99

bob269 05 February 2008 09:26 AM

I'd say pc games are cheaper because they don't have to pay a royalty fee to the console manufacturer, also as the 360 has a good 12month start over ps3 they can afford to reduce their royalty fee,

who knows, who cares, just stick with the 360 Iain ;)

PeteBrant 05 February 2008 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by bob269 (Post 7626919)
I'd say pc games are cheaper because they don't have to pay a royalty fee to the console manufacturer, also as the 360 has a good 12month start over ps3 they can afford to reduce their royalty fee,

who knows, who cares, just stick with the 360 Iain ;)

I think its probably a case of MS accepting less of a royalty from Capcom in order to be able to say "Look here's a PS stalwart, being outsold on Xbox360"

I would buy it on 360 if I was going to , simply on the price issue - But to be honest I found the demo a bit boring; It's just a prettier DMC3

Iain Young 05 February 2008 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by PeteBrant (Post 7626880)
Does this mean you sucuumbed and bought one? :D

Yes I did, and I'm already beginning to regret it. Not very impressed with the machine at all :(

PeteBrant 05 February 2008 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627051)
Yes I did, and I'm already beginning to regret it. Not very impressed with the machine at all :(

In what way?

DJ Dunk 05 February 2008 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by PeteBrant (Post 7626952)
I think its probably a case of MS accepting less of a royalty from Capcom in order to be able to say "Look here's a PS stalwart, being outsold on Xbox360"

LOL, fanboy-esque conspiracy theory alert ! :D

Capcom said that it was down to retailers to set the prices and that this sometimes happens. I paid just under £27 for my 360 version, happy with that :)

Iain Young 05 February 2008 11:00 AM

Might just be the games I got with it, but....

Motorstorm - ok for a quick blast but frustratingly long load times (especially in the car selection process), and fairly repetetive gameplay. Seen quite a few glitches in the graphics as well.

Resistance - Okish FPS. Nothing special.

Ratchet&Clank - I'm actually quite enjoying this one, however from a technical point of view there is some pretty nasty popup on the graphics, and glitches in the video.

Uncharted - Not bad I suppose, but I'm not "impressed". This was the one I was expecting to be blown away by, but it doesn't look any better than stuff I've seen on the 360 or PC, and the gameplay / puzzle solving is very simplistic.

Online service (as expected) is nowhere near as nice as Live, and it also seems very slow for downloads.

There are games on the store that I would like to try before buying (things like flow etc), but there do not appear to be any demos of these games (I was hoping for something like Live Arcade where you can try before you buy).

The online (Playstation store) does not seem to be linked to the PSN website in any way? I registered for the PSN network on the PS3, went to the website, and it has no knowledge of me. Not exactly cohesive.

It is quieter than the 360, but it's not what I'd call quiet.

Will only upscale dvds if you are using the HDMI connection. It will not do it over component, (not even 720p) despite the fact that the console itself will quite happily play games at that resolution through the component cable.

Browsing photos / video from a media PC on the network works fine, but it is definitely slower to download the images than the 360 (especially when there are a lot in the directory). The photo album option is quite a nice gimmick, but I'd like a way of selecting an image to view full screen rather than a wierd angled thumbnail.

And it shows up dust / fingerprints very easily.

In summary, I was expecting a machine that would be an equal of the 360 and maybe even a bit better (accepting that there aren't very many games available at present). However what I seem to have bought is a poor cousin.

At least I can use it to buy some PS1 games for my PSP, and it hasn't broken yet :D

gotmashed 05 February 2008 11:30 AM

heavenly sword is very good and theres a demo on psn to try first

Iain Young 05 February 2008 11:32 AM

I've tried it, and though it was a bit average. Looked pretty, but basically just a button masher :D

PeteBrant 05 February 2008 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627136)
Might just be the games I got with it, but....

Motorstorm - ok for a quick blast but frustratingly long load times (especially in the car selection process), and fairly repetetive gameplay. Seen quite a few glitches in the graphics as well.

Resistance - Okish FPS. Nothing special.

Ratchet&Clank - I'm actually quite enjoying this one, however from a technical point of view there is some pretty nasty popup on the graphics, and glitches in the video.

Uncharted - Not bad I suppose, but I'm not "impressed". This was the one I was expecting to be blown away by, but it doesn't look any better than stuff I've seen on the 360 or PC, and the gameplay / puzzle solving is very simplistic.

Well that's subjective obviously. Uncharted is one of the games of the year as an overall package - And graphically nothing touches it

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627136)
Online service (as expected) is nowhere near as nice as Live, and it also seems very slow for downloads.

There are games on the store that I would like to try before buying (things like flow etc), but there do not appear to be any demos of these games (I was hoping for something like Live Arcade where you can try before you buy).

The online (Playstation store) does not seem to be linked to the PSN website in any way? I registered for the PSN network on the PS3, went to the website, and it has no knowledge of me. Not exactly cohesive.

Agreed, Live is a nicer more cohesive environemnt. I do quite like the way stuff is presented on PSN though.

Of course all this will change when Home hits.

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627136)
It is quieter than the 360, but it's not what I'd call quiet.

I found it virtually silent - I think my SkyHD box is louder

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627136)
Will only upscale dvds if you are using the HDMI connection. It will not do it over component, (not even 720p) despite the fact that the console itself will quite happily play games at that resolution through the component cable.

I'm using HDMI, so I didn't know it was an issue - I seem to remember the same issue with 360 DVD play back, if you have the 360 set to , say 1080i or 720p, then if you are using components, you have to amnually switch to 480 to get it to display. Works fine over VGA though.

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627136)
Browsing photos / video from a media PC on the network works fine, but it is definitely slower to download the images than the 360 (especially when there are a lot in the directory). The photo album option is quite a nice gimmick, but I'd like a way of selecting an image to view full screen rather than a wierd angled thumbnail.

I found it to be pretty much the same - The whole Media centre experience is much, much better through PS3 than 360.

Also you can select a pciture to view full size, just scoll along and press "x" IIRC

And it shows up dust / fingerprints very easily.

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627136)
In summary, I was expecting a machine that would be an equal of the 360 and maybe even a bit better (accepting that there aren't very many games available at present). However what I seem to have bought is a poor cousin.

At least I can use it to buy some PS1 games for my PSP, and it hasn't broken yet :D

As far I am concerned, the PS3 is superior to 360 in every way, except two - the game line up, and live integration.

STi wanna Subaru 05 February 2008 11:52 AM

The main things then :D

Iain Young 05 February 2008 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by PeteBrant (Post 7627234)
Well that's subjective obviously. Uncharted is one of the games of the year as an overall package - And graphically nothing touches it

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. Graphically it's nice, but nothing special. Certainly no better than COD4, or any number of games released recently, and as mentioned, the gameplay is very simplistic. Definitely an "unplug brain" game.

I found it virtually silent - I think my SkyHD box is louder
When the fans kick in it is quite noisy. Not as loud as the 360, but nothing like silent (and a lot louder than my Sky+ box).

I found it to be pretty much the same - The whole Media centre experience is much, much better through PS3 than 360.
I timed it. To display a folder list on the 360 from my media PC (contains a lot of sub-folders etc) took around 5 seconds. On the PS3 it took 25 seconds. Similar results with folders containing video. Not sure how that makes the PS3 have a better Media center experience, especially when it doesn't actually act as a media extender (you can just browse shared folder lists)?

Also you can select a pciture to view full size, just scoll along and press "x" IIRC
It didn't do anything when I tried it, but I'll give it another go.

As far I am concerned, the PS3 is superior to 360 in every way, except one - the game line up.
So far, my experience has shown the PS3 to be inferior in every way except maybe reliability and noise ;)

bob269 05 February 2008 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by PeteBrant (Post 7627234)
As far I am concerned, the PS3 is superior to 360 in every way, except two - the game line up, and live integration.

lol, maybe the 2 main things for a console then. Let's not forget it's a console first and a media playback centre second

spectrum48k 05 February 2008 12:05 PM

Interesting comments Iain. I've never owned the Xbox360, so its interesting to hear you compare the two, especially the online experience and media server.

The games - we'll as Pete says, its all subjective. I loved Drake's but it was the first game I played on PS3 so couldn't help but be impressed. Last week I started COD4 for the first time, and its fantastic.

So combined PS3 and Xbox360, what's your top 3 games ?

DJ Dunk 05 February 2008 01:55 PM

Devil May Cry 4 on PS3 and Xbox 360 - £24.99 :)

Gamestation :: Search Results...

bob269 05 February 2008 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by DJ Dunk (Post 7627608)
Devil May Cry 4 on PS3 and Xbox 360 - £24.99 :)

Gamestation :: Search Results...

Still £10 and £20 diff for the Limited Editions tho

PeteBrant 05 February 2008 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627260)
, especially when it doesn't actually act as a media extender (you can just browse shared folder lists)?


?? It works in exactly the same way as the 360 does effectively. Go into WMP 11 - go to tool options>Library>Sharing - add the device, job done. It works on a per user basis (if that how you want to do it - or just add more folders to the monitor settings).

I find it far more intuative through the XMB - The whole feel of it is far more professional than on 360, and the visualisations etc are just the icing on the cake.

DJ Dunk 05 February 2008 02:08 PM

Statiscally, PS3 owners are dumber and will pay the extra :thumb:

Jest :rolleyes:

PeteBrant 05 February 2008 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by bob269 (Post 7627618)
Still £10 and £20 diff for the Limited Editions tho

Well, yeah, but if you are going to be the sort of person that insists on paying the extra for "limited editions" (ie. exactly the same game, just ina fancy box and some dull as dishwater Making of DVD) then you deserve to be ripped off.

Iain Young 05 February 2008 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by PeteBrant (Post 7627649)
?? It works in exactly the same way as the 360 does effectively. Go into WMP 11 - go to tool options>Library>Sharing - add the device, job done. It works on a per user basis (if that how you want to do it - or just add more folders to the monitor settings).

I've done that of course, however that's not using the Media Center stuff at all. :)

Compared side-by-side, using WMP11 to serve the content, the PS3 is much slower to respond.

I find it far more intuative through the XMB - The whole feel of it is far more professional than on 360, and the visualisations etc are just the icing on the cake.
Hmm, I don't see any difference in the professionality of the two products. One you select from a tab, the other you select from a drop down menu. They're just different, (although I find the PS3 one a bit more fiddly).

The 360 has full screen visualisations written by Jeff Minter that can be manipulated using multiple joypads simultaneously whilst listeneing to your tunes. Not sure why you would want any more that. I always have them turned off anyway :)

bob269 05 February 2008 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by PeteBrant (Post 7627652)
Well, yeah, but if you are going to be the sort of person that insists on paying the extra for "limited editions" (ie. exactly the same game, just ina fancy box and some dull as dishwater Making of DVD) then you deserve to be ripped off.

I was actually defending your quote about the ps3/xbox price differences and pointing out to Dunk that the 360 LE is +10 and the ps3 +20 more.

Personally I don't give a **** about the free comics, behind the scenes dvd crap ;)

bob269 05 February 2008 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 7627716)
The 360 has full screen visualisations written by Jeff Minter that can be manipulated using multiple joypads simultaneously whilst listeneing to your tunes. Not sure why you would want any more that. I always have them turned off anyway :)

They are great for showing off your new HDTV tho :D

DJ Dunk 05 February 2008 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by bob269 (Post 7627718)
I was actually defending your quote about the ps3/xbox price differences and pointing out to Dunk that the 360 LE is +10 and the ps3 +20 more.

Why are you pointing it out to me? :Suspiciou I simply said that it was down to retailers to set the prices, which it clearly is.
I then posted a deal for the game with prices both the same for everyone (which also further proves my point):wonder:

bob269 05 February 2008 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by DJ Dunk (Post 7627784)
Why are you pointing it out to me? :Suspiciou I simply said that it was down to retailers to set the prices, which it clearly is.
I then posted a deal for the game with prices both the same for everyone (which also further proves my point):wonder:

lol, yeah i was pointing out to you that altho your link showed the standard editions can be bought at the same price the LE weren't.

As for retailers setting the prices you'll probably find gamestation will up the price in a week or so, they are probably trying to shift initial stock after poor presales, retailers mostly usually stick to rrp with the exceptions of offers now and then.

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