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Nat 16 May 2009 09:38 AM

Labour consistently takes a smaller tax share of national income than the Tories did
Look, see :)

BBC NEWS | Magazine | A really quick game about tax

Party of the people :thumb:

hutton_d 16 May 2009 10:03 AM

I'd read some of the comments to *put it into perspective* ....

Nu Labia - party of the 'I intend to get re-elected whatever it costs* people ... :shtf:


dunx 16 May 2009 10:05 AM

A smaller percentage of a larger GDP.... but it's only the rich doing well from it, not the "ordinary" working bloke.


boomer 16 May 2009 10:06 AM

So the Tories reduce the "take" from 40% to around 36% (and even get it as low as 35%), after taking over following the winter of discontent, militant unions, massive inflation etc.

NuLabour inherit 36% and then increase it to 37%, despite being handed one of the best economies for years!

...and more worryingly, the future looks very bleak - with the country now owing hundreds of billions that need paying pack :(


Nat 16 May 2009 10:10 AM

You've never had it so good!

dpb 16 May 2009 10:11 AM

No worries this is the outlook Gordan was after

The nex generation will pick up the tab , theyll never be able to afford to leave the house and woe betide if they did they can forget about driving themselves :thumb:

Nat 16 May 2009 10:13 AM

Who'll need to drive with all the new 200mph rail lines we're building and projects like cross-rail (largest construction project in Europe).

I've already given up driving and only wished i'd done it sooner.

mrtheedge2u2 16 May 2009 10:40 AM

You've also already given up talking sense

Leslie 16 May 2009 10:40 AM

Worth reading all the comments and then associating those with the graph.

One should also remember the parlous state of the economy after the previous Labour government of course and the fact that taxes had to be increased to be able to run the country initially. Taxes then dropped significantly until Labour took over again, and overborrowed to make the economy look strong even though it was drifting down in fact.

Now they have borrowed more than any government has ever done before to attempt to run the country because of their abject failure to run the economy properly in the last 12 years.

This has been done in an effort to get re-elected by which time they will have wasted all that borrowed money and inflation will have taken hold in Spades!

Ask Martin how much it cost for his train ticket and all the delays that went with it Nat 21!


SunnySideUp 16 May 2009 12:49 PM

Looks like the Tories are not only the 'No Nothing Party' - but are also the 'Tax, Tax, Tax, Tax Party' too!! :eek:

Vote for them at your peril!

Luminous 16 May 2009 01:17 PM

It is easy not to charge much tax when the economy is going well, so much harder when its not. People often look at facts through rose tinted glasses too, so its all too easy to see what you want to see rather than what is in front of you.

You can clearly see taxes fell throughout the last tory gov, and in fact were lifted as soon as Labour came into power.

Torries are generally a lower tax government, but then they generally give out less in the way of benefits too (which can be a good thing in some ways).

What is really certain, is that no matter who is in power in the next 10 yrs, taxes are up. Simple as that, this country is nearly bankrupt :(

unclebuck 16 May 2009 03:29 PM

:lol1: BBC again - lool

I'll listen to the intelligent comments posted by people below that misleading graph rather than the class envy politics of internet loonies such as those posted above.


Timwinner 16 May 2009 05:47 PM

If any full grown adult can hold there head and with no sense of sarcasm or embarrassment try to tell me that I should even consider voting for Labour then IMO they are clearly insane, VERY ill informed or a Labour whip.

douglasb 16 May 2009 06:36 PM

Nat - My interpretation of the initial graph is that taxes rose under the initial Thatcher government but then decreased so that at the end of the Thatcher/Major period they were significantly below where they were in 1979.

While the graph shows the tax rates it doesn't give any more information such as that after Healy's disastrous Chancellorship we were indebted to the IMF and the money had to be paid back. Whichever party was elected in 1979 would have had to take some tough decisions and these would have involved either higher taxes or more borrowing (to be paid at some time in the future by higher taxes).

I think we can guess where the graph will go when the current lot are either removed next year or are re-elected and forced to deal with the consequences of what they have done.

I suggest that you read How To Lie With Statistics. I first read it about 30 years ago and it is still relevant today. ;)

Leslie 17 May 2009 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 8706331)
Looks like the Tories are not only the 'No Nothing Party' - but are also the 'Tax, Tax, Tax, Tax Party' too!! :eek:

Vote for them at your peril!

Don't rocket scientists understand graphs?

Les :D

hutton_d 17 May 2009 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 8708142)
Don't rocket scientists understand graphs?

Les :D

Nah. The only ones they see are always going straight up ...... :lol1:


Martin2005 17 May 2009 07:20 PM

To be fair is was Mrs T who finally destroyed socialism in this country and won the argument on taxation i.e. lower taxes equal greater revenues and encourage business investment.
Despite a lot of the usual one-eyed comments on SN NL have pretty much stuck to this mantra - we still have some of the lowest taxation in Europe.
We can thank Blair for destroying the less desireable elements of old converativism and forcing the Tories into reforms that means they can never again go to the polls without a proper plan for investment in the public services, which of course makes them electable once more

cster 17 May 2009 08:09 PM

According to that graph, taxes decrease under Tories and do not do so under Labour.
I am not really sure what you are trying to get at.:wonder:

97TURBO 17 May 2009 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by Timwinner (Post 8706711)
If any full grown adult can hold there head and with no sense of sarcasm or embarrassment try to tell me that I should even consider voting for Labour then IMO they are clearly insane, VERY ill informed or a Labour whip.

If any full grown adult can hold their head and with no sense of sarcasm or embarrassment try to tell me there is a better option, then please do so.

Its better to be at the top of the **** pile than the bottom.

RyanSTI 17 May 2009 10:03 PM

was the graph made to stir up trouble?

judgejules 18 May 2009 03:42 AM


Leslie 18 May 2009 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by Martin2005 (Post 8708790)
To be fair is was Mrs T who finally destroyed socialism in this country and won the argument on taxation i.e. lower taxes equal greater revenues and encourage business investment.
Despite a lot of the usual one-eyed comments on SN NL have pretty much stuck to this mantra - we still have some of the lowest taxation in Europe.
We can thank Blair for destroying the less desireable elements of old converativism and forcing the Tories into reforms that means they can never again go to the polls without a proper plan for investment in the public services, which of course makes them electable once more

Martin, look at the cost of Billy Liar's and Flash's policies to us now! We have nothing left in reserve!


r32 18 May 2009 12:57 PM

Amazingly I dont believe you ................ see below.

Britain's tax burden is at its highest level for more than 20 years after a relentless rise in council taxes, according a respected international think-tank.

Total taxation as a proportion of national income jumped by a full percentage, the Organisation of Economic Development said.
It has not been higher since 1985 when giant mobile phones and red braces were the emblems of the decade's ' loadsamoney' culture.

The sharp rise was down to a huge £1bn rise in council taxes to £22.4bn collected during 2006.

Whitehall was particularly stingy with its handouts to local authorities last year, forcing them to raise charges, say experts.

Corin Taylor of the TaxPayers' Alliance pointed the finger firmly at the former chancellor for the large rise in bills.

'You can put most of the blame at Gordon Brown's door,' said Mr Taylor. 'Local councils could, in theory, spend less.

'But they have requirements put on them by central Government, and they have to get the money somewhere.'

The Treasury also joined in the taxing spree, reaping tens of millions of pounds in extra income by keeping the stamp duty tax bands steady - even as inflation rose and property prices continued their relentless ascent.

SJ_Skyline 18 May 2009 01:25 PM

Come on, be honest. Did you really expect the BBC to give independent insight into the government's taxation policy - i.e. the hand that feeds the beast? :lol1:

Martin2005 18 May 2009 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 8710119)
Martin, look at the cost of Billy Liar's and Flash's policies to us now! We have nothing left in reserve!


Apart from your normal ranting;):p, I fail to see what this comment has to do with mine:)

Hey we all we spent too much Les, but thats unfortunately what politicians do, they only see things in 4 or 5 year cycles.

They did generate a lot of wealth as well though didn't they.

hutton_d 18 May 2009 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by Martin2005 (Post 8710500)

They did generate a lot of wealth as well though didn't they.

Nope! Politicians do NOT create wealth. All they did was 'utilise'* the wealth generated by successful companies/people of this country and p[ss it against the wall.


* - I could have used the word 'steal' as that is what taxes really are. Monies stolen from those who generate them ....

Martin2005 18 May 2009 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 8710583)
Nope! Politicians do NOT create wealth. All they did was 'utilise'* the wealth generated by successful companies/people of this country and p[ss it against the wall.


* - I could have used the word 'steal' as that is what taxes really are. Monies stolen from those who generate them ....

Ok a better phrase would be that they help create the conditions for wealth creation.

Taxes are not 'stealing' and you know it!

cster 18 May 2009 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Martin2005 (Post 8710637)

Taxes are not 'stealing' and you know it!

But of course they are - what is the problem with admitting this point?
Instead of a gun, they use the threat of incarceration or confiscation.
I don't have a problem with this. It is more the wastage.

r32 18 May 2009 04:31 PM

Highest taxation levels already, and more to come, who's going to pay back the record Government loans?

Us that's who.................

hutton_d 18 May 2009 07:41 PM

Study from the US ... Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich - ... so not all applicable as we (in the UK) can't move counties to get lower/higher tax rates. However, it does show the effects of too much tax. But then this is elementary stuff, it's just that Nu Labia haven't even reached pre-school when it comes to sensible economic policy.


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