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Dingdongler 20 July 2010 01:51 PM

Obama is beginning to annoy me...
I feel like he isn't showing us respec'

I found it funny at the time, , but when Brown was in NYC he asked for a meeting with Obama 5 times and then got 10 minutes in the UN kitchen. Thats no way to treat the PM of our country, even if he is a fat c8nt.

His whole attitude over the BP spill. I can unerstand he needed to be seen to be strong but some of his rhetoric was unneccesary. Lets not forget it wa san american company that was responsible for the WORST industrial accident EVER in the WORLD

Some figures put the death toll at up to 15,000:o

It was reported that the big wigs of that company flew out of India the very night the accident happened to avoid matters.

Now senators and that tart Hilary Clinton want explanations from the UK govt about the release of El Megrahi. It seems like it was a cock up on our part, but these conversations could happen in private couldn't they? I'm sure thats what Thatcher and Regan would have done, rather than the yanks trying to make political capital out of it.

Obama, if you're reading this, I used to think you were cool but you're acting like a ****:mad:

SwissTony 20 July 2010 01:54 PM

" and reporting live from Washington is our political correspondent DingDongler "


DaveBeck 20 July 2010 01:59 PM

Obama, if you're reading this, I used to think you were cool but you're acting like a ****

PMSL :lol:

Butkus 20 July 2010 02:13 PM

He is starting to annoy me too, especially with the way he insisted on saying 'BRITISH Petroleum' instead of just 'BP' (their actual name now). I think it is pretty clear he is anti-British. Hopefully he'll get booted next time round.

fivetide 20 July 2010 02:48 PM

I think Cameron has made the mistake here too. Some senators want a meeting to discuss something he had no influence over? Send the Amdassador or at best Clegg. The PM should not jump up and do what a few lesser politcians ask of him. He's stepped to their level. Could you see Obama agreeing to meet a group of annoyed MPs who simply don't understand how the goverment works?


Leslie 20 July 2010 02:48 PM

He is a politician with all that goes with that! Not very impressive of course but he has got elections coming up! Politicians all got to "Slippery School" before they get the job these days!

Les :(

shooter007 20 July 2010 03:30 PM

just started boy your slow to get p***** off got passed that stage 3-4 months ago

The Zohan 20 July 2010 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by fivetide (Post 9505138)
I think Cameron has made the mistake here too. Some senators want a meeting to discuss something he had no influence over? Send the Amdassador or at best Clegg. The PM should not jump up and do what a few lesser politcians ask of him. He's stepped to their level. Could you see Obama agreeing to meet a group of annoyed MPs who simply don't understand how the goverment works?


Yup, this was Brown and NL's mess, Pretty sure Cameron was against it and hardly accountable, do we hold Anglea Merkel responsible for Hitler and ww2???

Obama is looking like a bit of a to$$er and should show a little more decorum and leadership, like the true leader he thinks he is!

fivetide 20 July 2010 04:19 PM

Problem was - it isn't even Brown's mess. Its devolved, Megrahi was convicted under Scottish Law and was released by the SNP Justice Minister - they hate NL too. He should have directed them to Salmond or something, not taken it upon himself to try and explain the UK consititution.


alcazar 20 July 2010 04:21 PM

But I bet he's appealing to a whole host of Americans..........

The Zohan 20 July 2010 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by fivetide (Post 9505281)
Problem was - it isn't even Brown's mess. Its devolved, Megrahi was convicted under Scottish Law and was released by the SNP Justice Minister - they hate NL too. He should have directed them to Salmond or something, not taken it upon himself to try and explain the UK consititution.


Originally sentenced to 27 years in 2003 and TBH he would not have got early release on any grounds without agreement from Brown, no way! This was about GB PLC doing business (oil and releted) in/with Lybia

The irony and kicker is that Cameron was always against the early release of the mass-murdering coward and now has to make excuses for someone elses actions. As i said Merkel does not get hauled over to the Uk to explain Hitler and his actions!

I am getting a little pi$$ed at the American attitude and the BP disaster - happened on an American owned drilling rig, crewed by Americans and hired by BP, if they had any concerns over safety or bad practices then they should have shut it down straight away - no, greedy American big business and the typical lack of responsibility demonstrated by Americans and now America.

alcazar 20 July 2010 05:14 PM

And, of course, Cam-moron will tell them that, plus he'll mention Bhopal, and Piper Alpha, not forgetting the Exxon Valdez and the Torrey Canyon, (was that theirs?)

Or not:rolleyes:

TBH, the sooner we get out of this so-called "special relationship" that means we lick the Yanks asses, the better. It's only ever worked their way in living memory, so why not?

speedy steve 20 July 2010 05:16 PM

Obama..... I'm in the states at the moment ( Texas ) and every local I talk to think hes a complete c..k, if your black or unemployed hes sent from god to save the world.

If however you do get up in the morning & work for a living hes basically the anti christ..

As for the aftermath of BP's screw up.. lets not forget they did some seriously dodgy **** to get in this mess but I'm not going into that here, check the internet most of the crazy and unbelievably stuff is actually true !

The environmental impact was made many many times worse by Obama not lifting something called the Jones act immediately, specifically international aid was offered as soon as the incident occured in the form of skimmer ships which could have easily dealt with the issue ( or at least significantly improved the situation ) thanks to this "only US UNION personel crewed vessels being allowed into US waters" the help was effectively refused untill it was way too late.

If I wasnt so trusting I would say it was an intentional move on his part to screw the Oil industry over here ( well specifically the deepwater stuff )
the fact he can blame BP ( the Brits ) for this situation just makes it easier politically for him to screw the industry as he had already planned.

Obviously I work in the business and may have a skewed perspective but I'm amazed no one has had a "pop" at him by now.

There are elections for senate & house of reps. comming up very soon and the expected turnout from those who stayed quiet in the last presidential elections is high & definately not pro-liberal.......
although Obama is here till 2012 ( unless impeached but thats highly unlikely )
I seriously doubt he'll make another term...

Its time for the working man ( & woman ) to stand up and say no to the crap hes shovelling, in no time at all they will be in the same ridiculous situation as the UK, those who work paying for lazy twa_ts to sit on their asses for their entire lives...

And to use the UK as an example of where he wants to head re health care benefits etc.... now thats just not funny..

Sorry rant over.....


GlesgaKiss 20 July 2010 05:55 PM

Obama's a c*ck in my opinion. At least Cameron has made it clear he's not there to try and suck up to the Americans or act like a little puppy following its master (i.e., Brown and Blair). Be friendly with them, etc, but that's it - it should be as business like as possible. We're not here to do their dirty work or carry out anything to benefit them... it should be about putting our national interests first and trading, not policing the world for them or trying to please them.

Cameron ticks all the boxes so far, although he's still being a bit soft.

Xx-IAN-xX 20 July 2010 05:59 PM


"spethial relationship" that .quote]

GlesgaKiss 20 July 2010 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by SwissTony (Post 9505057)
" and reporting live from Washington is our political correspondent DingDongler "


I can just imagine the following on the 10 o'clock news.

Originally Posted by Dingdongler (Post 9505051)
Now senators and that tart Hilary Clinton want explanations from the UK govt about the release of El Megrahi.

Obama, if you're reading this, I used to think you were cool but you're acting like a ****:mad:

Would certainly make the news a bit more entertaining. :thumb:

warrenm2 20 July 2010 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by speedy steve (Post 9505370)
The environmental impact was made many many times worse by Obama not lifting something called the Jones act immediately, specifically international aid was offered as soon as the incident occured in the form of skimmer ships which could have easily dealt with the issue ( or at least significantly improved the situation ) thanks to this "only US UNION personel crewed vessels being allowed into US waters" the help was effectively refused untill it was way too late.

Exactly, this disaster has been manufactured by Obama for political capital. With the right will, this could have been nipped in the bud months ago by the Dutch ships. Don't expect to hear that on the 'Bama Bumlove Corporation though

Jamz3k 20 July 2010 07:33 PM

he's nowt but an uppity nigra!;)

itr786 20 July 2010 07:45 PM

Thats what you get for going to bed with americans. And rest assured its the americans who are wearing the trousers, which in turn, makes you along with every other englishman a bitch :lol:

Dingdongler 20 July 2010 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by itr786 (Post 9505645)
Thats what you get for going to bed with americans. And rest assured its the americans who are wearing the trousers, which in turn, makes you along with every other englishman a bitch :lol:

I take it that includes you? In which case bend over and get ready for my big hairy c8ck you little sissy beeeeatch!

22BUK 21 July 2010 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Jamz3k (Post 9505617)
he's nowt but an uppity nigra!;)

Just like Lewis Hamilton :mad:

Leslie 21 July 2010 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by Jamz3k (Post 9505617)
he's nowt but an uppity nigra!;)

Looks good coming from a white honkie!

He has lost a great deal of popularity over there and is looking for any way to get it back before their elections. All standard career politician stuff as we see anywhere these days!


The Zohan 21 July 2010 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 9506870)
Looks good coming from a white honkie!

He has lost a great deal of popularity over there and is looking for any way to get it back before their elections. All standard career politician stuff as we see anywhere these days!


Coupled with the fact that he and government acted slowly to help contain the spill - he will be doing what all scumbag politicians do, avoid the blame and stick it elsewhere. Yes BP created the slick but the slow response has made it a lot worse!

Leslie 22 July 2010 10:54 AM

Quite right of course!


andythejock01wrx 22 July 2010 12:24 PM

What do you guys think of the "special relationship"?

Does the UK gain any special treatment/consideration from the US or it it just a matter of them being interested when we're towing their line?

Leslie 22 July 2010 12:29 PM

I think its a matter of convenience to either side when it needs it.


andythejock01wrx 22 July 2010 12:32 PM

I suppose the question is "what do we gain"?

Obviously defence, but in that respect we don't gain any more than France and Germany and they appear to do what they want regardless of US policy.

GlesgaKiss 22 July 2010 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by andythejock01wrx (Post 9508424)
I suppose the question is "what do we gain"?

Obviously defence, but in that respect we don't gain any more than France and Germany and they appear to do what they want regardless of US policy.

Exactly, it's a load of sh*te. But you can garantee the politicians must have something to gain, otherwise they wouldn't keep going on about it.

hutton_d 22 July 2010 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by andythejock01wrx (Post 9508407)
What do you guys think of the "special relationship"?

Does the UK gain any special treatment/consideration from the US or it it just a matter of them being interested when we're towing their line?

There is no "special relationship". It's always been about the US putting their interests first, no matter what we do to cosy up to them (Iraq, etc etc). It would make life so much better, and help the politicians gain some respect back from the public, to do the same sometimes. That is, they were elected by the UK electorate to look after UK interests! That should be it, unless, in times of plenty, we the resources to help others.

This is maybe what the PM should be saying .... .... :thumb:


shooter007 22 July 2010 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by Paul Habgood (Post 9506882)
Coupled with the fact that he and government acted slowly to help contain the spill - he will be doing what all scumbag politicians do, avoid the blame and stick it elsewhere. Yes BP created the slick but the slow response has made it a lot worse!

thought bp rented the rig as was run by an AMERICAN company

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