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Jamz3k 07 September 2010 09:57 PM

Tea/Coffee Drinkers
How dependant are you on your tea/coffee?

Yesterday on the way home from work, I daftly picked up decaffeinated tea by mistake and only realised when I got home. It tasted quite different like it was missing something (like it didn't have any bite) but I didn't realise the full impact until today. I could not function at all! Totally head wrecked for the whole day, couldn't focus on a thing!

Needless to say, the decaf tea is now in the bin, after a few cups of proper stuff i'm now back to normal.

mart360 07 September 2010 10:18 PM

Coffee - total addict :)

1 cup as i get into work

1 at break



when i get in at tea time

then 2-3 cups in the evening

1 before i go to bed

sleep like a baby :):)


Lisawrx 07 September 2010 10:19 PM

Not sure really.

I drink a few cups of tea a day because I like it and it seems to refresh me/quench my thirst, but I'm not sure that it really does anything special for me.

I don't really like coffee, but if I ever have it, it does nothing to perk me up so I don't think caffeine factors in for me.

I've never had de-caff tea so couldn't comment as to whether it would make a difference. Maybe I need the caffeine I get from tea and don't even know it. :confused:

DCI Gene Hunt 07 September 2010 10:20 PM

20 to 30 cups a day - last one in bed before I nod off to sleep.

brendy76 07 September 2010 10:21 PM

Love my coffees,
While away in Singapore I found a Nespresso boutique in the ION centre, a few testers later and I was sold!
When we got home ordered and have just received our new magimix nespresso machine.

There are 16 varieties and you get a sample of each, my favourites are arpeggio and ristretto, both nice and strong. Just ordered another 250 as part of a welcome deal and should be here on thursday :)
Ive tried bean to cup machines, all of the instants, tassimos etc and the Nespresso is the first one that actually made me think "great, I have to get me one of them"
Coffee doesnt hit me caffeine wise where the likes of Redbull or Relentless would keep me awake for hours easily. I think it is more the taste, very little milk and one sugar thanks!
When my coffee runs out, I take some of the missus decaf Carte Noir and have never felt much different.

brendy76 07 September 2010 10:21 PM

Gotta love duplicate posts, so here is a pic of one of the monster machines in the Nespresso boutique in Singapore

Lee247 07 September 2010 10:24 PM

Me, just after morning shower :D

Jamz3k 07 September 2010 10:28 PM

I don't drink much coffee myself, I would have phases when I will drink it. Used to drink alot of Starbucks Coffees but it kills my stomach and gives me the shits these days.:(

brendy76 07 September 2010 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by Jamz3k (Post 9588441)
I don't drink much coffee myself, I would have phases when I will drink it. Used to drink alot of Starbucks Coffees but it kills my stomach and gives me the shits these days.:(

The cups aint edible you know?:lol:

Jamz3k 07 September 2010 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by brendy76 (Post 9588445)
The cups aint edible you know?:lol:

They put a lid on mine cus i'm special.:D

brendy76 07 September 2010 10:42 PM

Dont talk to me about lids, I was in The Streat in Bangor Rd Filling Station the other day and ordered a sandwich and a large coffee, as I took the coffee the lid flew off, threw molten coffee over my hands legs and feet, let out a slightly girlie noise (not sure where it came from really) and called the girl behind the counter (who I swear oinked trying to surpress laughter as she turned around). Straight away she said she would make me another coffee, a second girl came over (nice arse) put her weight one one cheek and said yea those lids dont fit great!
Fantastic I thought, got a voucher for a free coffee too though.

Stevesbluewrx 07 September 2010 10:45 PM

I'm a caffeine freak. I do shift work and some times work full 16 hour shifts for sometimes up to 14 days.

Anyone who has been round mine will vouch for the stacks of Redbull, Relentless,Monster Energy etc stockpile I have.
I drink coffee,tea and lattes all the time too.

I did have one bad expierience late last year when I had a cold but had to come into work. I felt run down etc and was taking Sudafed along with my daily intake. Taht night I woke up and had a scene that would have graced trainspotting !! I freaked out and went for a walk at 02:50am wearing shorts,flipflops and a vest in November!!

My other half got fed up with my come downs and after than night pured x5 cans of my caffeine fixing brews down the drain.

Teh next few days after not having anything I was shaking and could not function. I've cut down a lot on my intake but evey now and then I have the odd one more than I should an suffer from days of no sleep.


markjmd 07 September 2010 11:06 PM

The French author Balzac regularly drank up to 30 cups of strong coffee a day when he was hard at it, and Voltaire (another author/philosopher) drank up to 50 :eek:

Not to be outdone, Beethoven used to individually count out 60 beans per cup for all the coffee he made himself, which works out at around 54 cups from a one pound bag of ground coffee - roughly double the strength of normal filter coffee.

astraboy 07 September 2010 11:11 PM

I used to be in the same boat as Steve, complete caffiene addict. My poison was Diet Coke, I used to drink 2 litres of the stuff a day.

I'm pretty sure it cost me my appendix as well. but I was too focussed on not dying to realise I was coming out the other side of my addiction as well as recovering from the op. Not eating or drinking anything for 9 days did it in the end and after I got out the hospital I remember thinking "You know, I fancy a drink of diet coke" then I realised, that was the psychological addiction, the physical "need" to drink coke just wasn't there anymore. It was at that point I realised how bad it was and that was in the year 2000. I haven't drunk it since.

Not just coke either, tea, coffee, even chocolate. None of it gets a look in as I function a lot better without it of a morning. I am not dependent on anything to kick start me and I am better for it.

Same as steve, I have the occasional can of redbull and I am physically wired and up for the duration of the night. So for all of you who like your caffiene fix, ditch everything with caffiene in it for a fortnight, then drink and energy drink. You'll need to be scraped off the ceiling 45 minutes later :D

LG John 07 September 2010 11:35 PM

I agree with Astraboy. I recently changed my diet to remove caffine from it as much as possible and aspartame as well. With the exception of my green tea - which is less caffinated than normal tea anyway - my tea is all decaf and I very rarely drink fizzy drinks.

At first it was really hard and I struggled to get going in the morning. However, my brain is no longer addicted to what is essentially a stimulant and I see that as a more healthy option. I agree that the decaf tea tasted like it missed something to start with. However, now that my body no longer craves caffine it just tastes like tea.

SiPie 08 September 2010 07:10 AM

Yup.... Gave up caffeine 3 years ago and feel a whole lot better for it :thumb:

urban 08 September 2010 08:43 AM

Originally Posted by mart360 (Post 9588410)
Coffee - total addict :)

1 cup as i get into work

1 at break



when i get in at tea time

then 2-3 cups in the evening

1 before i go to bed

sleep like a baby :):)


Pfffffffft - amature :D

Get up - make 1 cup before shower (which is taken to bathroom)

1 cup with breakfast before going to work.

get to work maybe 7.45 - 1 cup

in fact is now 8.40, so I'm away for another cup.

Approx 20 cups of coffee a day probably

Jamie 08 September 2010 08:56 AM

Very i drink 15 cups of coffee per day :(

Gregsti01 08 September 2010 09:33 AM

Start my day with mug of tea then finish the day with a beer,works for me

Frosticles 08 September 2010 09:43 AM

Not really Coffee but a red bull addict as I have M.E

Jamie 08 September 2010 09:48 AM

You should meet astraboy :)

Simon C 08 September 2010 09:53 AM

Yup, another caffine freak here. I drink about 3 pints of coffee a day and I though and swore blind it didn't effect me, as I'd go to the parents at Xmas and only have 2 cups a day.

2 weeks ago at work, I started drinking decaff after 2 caffined coffees (1 on get up, 1 on getting into work). Have to admit, I felt a shed laod better for not drinking at amount of caffine, and I'm pretty sure the nicotine contributes to that as well.

Simon C 08 September 2010 09:53 AM

Yup, another caffine freak here. I drink about 3 pints of coffee a day and I though and swore blind it didn't effect me, as I'd go to the parents at Xmas and only have 2 cups a day.

2 weeks ago at work, I started drinking decaff after 2 caffined coffees (1 on get up, 1 on getting into work). Have to admit, I felt a shed laod better for not drinking at amount of caffine, and I'm pretty sure the nicotine contributes to that as well.

hutton_d 08 September 2010 10:00 AM

Not an addict but drink quite a bit of tea and coffee. A few years back I was having problems sleeping so I thought maybe it's too much caffeine. Went cold turkey and had a headache for a week ..... Didn't cure the sleeping problem either! I reckon because of the effects it has it can't be good for you but I like it .....


Jamie 08 September 2010 10:02 AM

Tea or coffee dave ?

Scooby Soon! 08 September 2010 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by brendy76 (Post 9588420)
Love my coffees,
While away in Singapore I found a Nespresso boutique in the ION centre, a few testers later and I was sold!
When we got home ordered and have just received our new magimix nespresso machine.

I have got this machine at work, its great, I posted a thread on here before I bought it and a lot people were saying bean to cup was the only way, but its very good and I am glad I bought it!

A nice coffee every time, just make sure you run water through it once before you make your coffee to make sure its super hot :)

Everyone I have given a coffee too from it says its the best coffee they have ever had.

hutton_d 08 September 2010 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by Jamie (Post 9588849)
Tea or coffee dave ?

I drink both. Got a coffee with me as I type but the next one will probably be tea. Maybe ..... :wonder:


Neanderthal 08 September 2010 12:25 PM

I drink both. Working for myself now I tend to work much longer hours and there's no way I'd get through the day without my hourly fix!
I soon know if I need a top up cause I start getting headaches. i tend to ease off when it's a warm day (diet coke is your friend..) but winter time, there's nothing like warming your hands round a hot cup of tea/coffee.

There was a girl where I used to work that drank tea and coffee in the same mug!?!

ScoobyDoo555 08 September 2010 12:28 PM

Not as bad now, but at the peak of working in recording studios (where the session can be anything from 18 - 24hrs straight), I would almost IV both Tea and coffee (not Nescafe though - had to be real coffee).....

My studio b1tch would always have a cup ready for when I finished the one in my hand.... every 15 mins or so.... :eek:

When I finally reduced (both intake and amount of sugar).... the withdrawal symptoms (headaches) were AWFUL.

Now it's about 6 per day....


windyboy 08 September 2010 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by brendy76 (Post 9588465)
... second girl came over (nice arse) put her weight one one cheek ...

I may call in one day for a coffee then :norty::norty:

Did they offer to rub you dry ??? :norty::norty:

I drink 1 cup in the morning whilst getting ready for w0rk, another 2 or 3 of black filtered during the day, 1 when I get home and maybe another 1 or 2 in the evening. At the weekends I would drink less coffee and sometimes get a headache


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