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ReallyReallyGoodMeat 28 February 2013 04:03 PM

Bankers' bonus cap

Obviously bankers' bonuses are not popular, but can't help feeling it will do more harm than good. It will either drive salaries up massively to counter it, or people and companies will leave these shores and go elsewhere, which we really cannot afford.

Chip 28 February 2013 04:25 PM

The odd one may pack up and leave but for the vast majority it's just a little bit of sabre rattling.

TelBoy 28 February 2013 04:29 PM


Chip 28 February 2013 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by TelBoy (Post 11008218)


pslewis 28 February 2013 06:12 PM

Limit Bank Bonuses ......
.....suggests the EU and I quite agree with them!

And, guess, who thinks that his rich mates should be allowed to milk the system for as much as they possibly can?

Step up Mr Cameron!!! :mad:

The Tories are corrupt, inept and pathetic ........ in it up to their necks with the rich!!

They will be chucked out soon enough - but, what damage will they do in the meantime? :(

Fat Boy 28 February 2013 06:23 PM

Terry gets paid in Frappacinos anyway so it won't affect him ;)

dpb 28 February 2013 07:05 PM

I'm trying to work out what percentage of the loss these Rbs clowns are taking home with them :mad:

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 28 February 2013 07:38 PM

While not wanting to defend them, they'd probably argue that the losses would be much higher if it wasn't for some of them.

Problem is we'll never know.

Midlife...... 28 February 2013 07:52 PM

Not sure by what law the EU will be able to do it ?


Boro 28 February 2013 08:25 PM

If everyone was on the same page it would help. The EU as a whole needs to sort these silly bonuses out not just one or two countries.

alcazar 28 February 2013 08:27 PM

Makes me laugh to see them all threatening to go there are jobs for them all.

Then it makes me cry to see governments cave in to the greedy fekkers.

alcazar 28 February 2013 08:31 PM

LOL, remind me which party was in power when the government ended up having to throw BILLIONS at the banks?
And who "forgot" to tell them what to do with they trousered it and gave themselves huge bonuses?

What was that guy's name again? darling? brown? What party were they again?

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 28 February 2013 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 11008590)
Makes me laugh to see them all threatening to go there are jobs for them all.

They would relocate their HQs. And places like Hong Kong, Singapore, and New York would welcome them with open arms.

pslewis 28 February 2013 08:37 PM

We are where we are TODAY ........ what we are witnessing is what's happening TODAY.

We cannot change the past, but we should demand changes in the present!

The Tories are lining their mates pockets and all some can do is cry about what happened 4 years ago ........ we are getting fleeced by the rich TODAY!!

hodgy0_2 28 February 2013 08:42 PM

In pure philosophical terms, any sort of wage cap is a bad idea in my opinion

There should not be a limit on peoples pay for purely arbitrary political reasons

But the bonus system was easily abused, and became some sort of wage top up scheme

People seemed to be getting bonuses just for turning up to work, the KPI metrics were meaningless – in my view if they are doing a good job pay them what they are worth, whatever that figure is deemed to be

Give them a bonus if their sh1t doesn’t smell

madscoob 28 February 2013 09:19 PM

the bonuses will just become shares bonuses instead, our md was promised a silly amount of shares if he got the share price back to over £3.70. were £3.20 when he started, they are now £3.64 only problem with this is how he does it becomes irrelevent, even at the cost of rising prices and losing customers, and you can bet your bottom dollar as soon as they reach £3.70 he will cash in and clear off to retire :thumb:

alcazar 28 February 2013 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by ReallyReallyGoodMeat (Post 11008609)
They would relocate their HQs. And places like Hong Kong, Singapore, and New York would welcome them with open arms.

SURE they would. :rolleyes:

Like these places would relocate so they could pay their people more?

Not gonna happen.

alcazar 28 February 2013 09:36 PM

We were fleeced far more by the last lot.
Remind me again where your grinning mate is now and how much HE'S made?

ReallyReallyGoodMeat 28 February 2013 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 11008708)
Like these places would relocate so they could pay their people more?

To get the best talent, yes. Why not?

Imagine the Premiership had a wage cap, the best players would move out and you'd be left with a load of Carlton Palmers and Joey Bartons - no one wants that.

scoobynutta555 28 February 2013 09:43 PM

Rather strange that the cosseted, overpaid. wasteful, unelected and bureaucratic EU should be complaining about performance related pay. If EU bureaucrats were on prp how much should their wages be? Fcuk all.

scoobynutta555 28 February 2013 09:55 PM

A complete waste of time. They'll just discover more loopholes just as the top 20% of earners do along with most multinational companies. Introduce a low flat tax rate and dramatically cut benefits and the problem with the economy is solved immediately instead of pyrrhic dogma.

Matteeboy 28 February 2013 09:58 PM

They can F right off and stay there for all I care. We need proper industry, not a bunch of lying to55ers.

The best talent? Talent at what exactly?

GlesgaKiss 28 February 2013 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555 (Post 11008720)
Rather strange that the cosseted, overpaid. wasteful, unelected and bureaucratic EU should be complaining about performance related pay. If EU bureaucrats were on prp how much should their wages be? Fcuk all.

Well they've achieved the square root of f*ck all in their lives, so that seems an appropriate level of pay. Scummy career politicians.

Geezer 01 March 2013 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by Matteeboy (Post 11008741)
They can F right off and stay there for all I care. We need proper industry, not a bunch of lying to55ers.

The best talent? Talent at what exactly?

Ah, yet another person who thinks that running an international bank requires no talent whatsoever. Naive beyond belief. What ever you think of these people, they do a job not many people could (or would want to). The rewards are great, but so is the responsibility, the pressure, the effort, you name it.

The other thing people get hung up on is the notion that these bonus pots are shared amongst a few top cat bankers. Lloyds employs 110k people, so thats £365 million to share. The bulk of it goes to normal hard working people who have put in a tremendous effort to help turn the organisation to profit (operating profit). It's not their fault the bank is in a position to pay them a bonus.

I bet there's not one of you who would turn it down if you were in that position. It's easy to take the moral high ground on an internet forum, I doubt you would refuse it if offered.


TelBoy 01 March 2013 11:08 AM

Pointless arguing with ignorant halfwits, Geezer, but i appreciate you typing what i couldn't be bothered to do :)

davyboy 01 March 2013 11:12 AM

Nothing stopping any of you from becoming 'bankers'.

Isn't that great, you can have some of that wealth you are moaning about!

But first, you have to stop moaning about it and seek a new career.

Matteeboy 01 March 2013 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by TelBoy (Post 11009063)
Pointless arguing with ignorant halfwits, Geezer, but i appreciate you typing what i couldn't be bothered to do :)

Sorry, you called?

Banking is the last job in the World I would want to do. Yet bankers appear to not only spew arrogant rubbish about their "skill," they also have the pompous opinion that others want to be them.

Now why on earth aren't they very popular?

No issues with the majority of bank workers who do a decent job but these City muppets need throwing out of the country.

Then maybe our country could realise how tragic our reliance on the finance sector has been.

If a major bank wanted us to work with them, Id turn them down. Luckily a handful of more ethical ones exist, almost all overseas.

TelBoy 01 March 2013 11:36 AM

Banking is the last job in the world *i* would want you to do too. :)

Matteeboy 01 March 2013 11:42 AM

What, because I have some work ethics dragging me down?
Seriously guys, how many scandals, how many lies before you realise your job is currently below used car dealing and traffic warden roles in the "respect" hierarchy.

But hey, it's well paid so that's all that matters.

Geezer 01 March 2013 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by Matteeboy (Post 11009092)
What, because I have some work ethics dragging me down?
Seriously guys, how many scandals, how many lies before you realise your job is currently below used car dealing and traffic warden roles in the "respect" hierarchy.

But hey, it's well paid so that's all that matters.

Business is rife with dishonesty and chancers, you only hear about the big boys because of the impact they have.

You probably do business with lots of people you shouldn't based on your statements, you just don't know it!


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