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Scooby Driver with a death wish in Didcot

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Old 21 September 2003, 07:38 PM
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Pleased with yourself?

Just tell me and the rest of the world, quite HOW you can justify overtaking 4 cars on a blind left hand bend at WELL OVER 100mph?

You rocketed up behind me in a 30mph limit, driving lights and headlights on. By all means, lets see what each other has under the bonnet out of town and out of a roundabout, but to keep your foot ploughed, overtaking a line of cars as we approached a blind left hand bend was nothing short of crazy. You would have killed yourself if amything else was coming.

And THEN, to do it again in Milton Park, you overtook another 2 cars, ON A BLIND BEND, at well over 80mph in a 30mph, the further I am from your accident the better.

I saw you in the petrol station 2 minutes earlier you little sh*t - goodness knows what your girlfriend/partner thought sitting next to you. I can only presume you saw my car as an incitement, short filled in the station and caned it down the road to catch me up - goodness knows what speed you were doing in the town centre - you were still walking into pay for your petrol as I was leaving.

I can only assume you were:
a) On drugs
b) Drunk
c) Stole the car or....
d) Have a death wish.

Serious allegations I make yes - but it reflects the unique behaviour I saw from you on the road just 45 minutes ago.

You know exactly who you are and I will be surprised to see any form of posting on here from you......not big, not clever and I dare say even on scoobynet, will anyone think that your behaviour was anything short of despicable.

Sell your car now before you kill yourself and numerous others.

Old 21 September 2003, 07:52 PM
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Sell your car now before you kill yourself and numerous others.
I would echo these words to the driver of the silver Scoob - who had his wristband removed and told to go from the trackday at Dono today. It was the most appalling, dangerous driving I have ever witnessed [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
Old 21 September 2003, 08:10 PM
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i have always wondered what promots people to take these actions.

You have the power in teh engine at anytime to let it go - maybe its an age thing..its the old analogy for youth:-

2 bulls on a hill the younger one says the older one - "Dad lets run there and **** the cows over there" the father looks at the son and say "No - Take your time - walk over and **** them ALL!!"

Thats the reason insurances are high for scoobies for the -30 age group..maybe this is one of the reasons??
Old 21 September 2003, 08:32 PM
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Unfortunatley Scoobs are so popular and much cheaper now that any T*** can buy one.

Did you get his registation?....Should of put that on here!
Old 21 September 2003, 08:56 PM
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People like this are an antisocial nitemare and unfortunately even after add campaigns on the tv ect some people still seem to think that they can drive like ******* tw@s.
I know i shouldnt sterio type but it always seems (in the main) like the lax power fraternity, quote, The diffinative guide to arsing about in cars! Choice words, not.
Personally i dont ever speed in a 30, 40 or 50. Somtimes when the time/place permits i will give it the loud peddal on the open road, this is probebly why ive never had a speeding ticket since ive held a full license (20 years)no scanners either.
I would like to ask the little ***** in question how he would feel if he's little son, daughter or mother, gran ect was mown down and killed by a so called "car enthusiast" who was travelling at 80 in a built up area.
You can restassure that he wont be big enough now, to come on here and offer an apology or explanation.
The upshot of all this is, is that when he does kill someone, he'l get away with a few bruises and 3 years (if he bahaves) B&B at her majestys pleasure.
Why do people still do this????
Old 21 September 2003, 09:24 PM
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Agree totally Leviathan. However, I've expressed similar sentiments here in the past and have been accused of being a bore/killjoy/hypocrite for driving a fast car myself etc. etc. etc.

Unfortunately, this is an argument you will never "win", as there are far too many irresponsible idiots ignorant of the risks their driving poses.

Also, as said, with old Imprezas becoming ever more affordable by youngsters, this sort of thing is unfortunately only going to become more common.
Old 21 September 2003, 10:28 PM
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I completely agree that the tw@t doing 80+ in a 30 and over taking 4 cars in one maneuver, should lose his license and shouldn't be allowed to own a scooby.

The bit I do disagree with, is that as soon as someone does something stupid in there scooby people on here start on the younger scooby drivers.

I'm a so called younger scooby driver and I wouldn't dream of driving my car anything like the way explained above. I have the upmost respect for my car and what it can do. I'm also not going to put my life or others peoples lives at risk by driving my car like a complete idiot on a public road.

I know that some younger driver's. Do drive there car's like complete tw@t's, but I have also witnessed older driver's driving there cars like complete w**kers too.

I 'm sorry but it does upset me when people start stereo typing all younger scooby drivers as being complete k**bs. As I'm not one

[Edited by DBMSCOOBY99 - 9/21/2003 10:29:58 PM]
Old 21 September 2003, 10:35 PM
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Same here... (25 thats young aint it ) n my bros 22... IMO we're sensible drivers...
I know people stereo type n say its the youngsters who drive like this but to be honest IMO it is MOSTLY youngsters and Yes there are quite a few oldies who drive like Idiots...

Especially those that can barely read the road signs let alone see the traficlights turning red...
Old 21 September 2003, 11:47 PM
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Care to expand a little? I was there - what did i miss?

Old 22 September 2003, 01:16 AM
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The idiot was overtaking on corners, namely when driver's were on the line from Melbourne Loop turning into Goddards, saw him do it twice there [witnessed by an Instructor out on track too]. Also I saw him overtake through Craners, he lost it coming out of the Hairpin, so ended up on the grass/gravel and exited by Starkey's bridge [by the Marshall's box] making a complete tw*t of himself. I was also told at the end of the meeting by the guy who did the briefing, that he had overtaken through Craners on the right handside on the same session he had the off at Craners.

He had his wristband removed and was told to leave and they have noted his reg no. [as I have too] if he attempts to book another trackday there.

The stupid thing was, that his car wasn't particularly fast, so I don't know what he was trying to prove - but if he was attempting to get himself and his car noticed - he succeeded!

[Edited by Redkop - 9/22/2003 1:19:29 AM]
Old 22 September 2003, 01:32 AM
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Don't you just hate cyclist's at night with no lights, wearing dark clothes and there's also a fog about! Shouldn't the coppers have a go at them too!!!! oops, i think i changed the subject....sorry. I do put my foot down on roads i know and where there isn't traffic lights or such hazards and also where i have a nice long view in front, it's nice to feel the power once in a while and also to see granny and grandad in their new jaguar in the rvm nodding in discontent as you've just whizzed past them a bit of a laugh too, but I like to think i do it safely, but i have seen drivers, and i don't just mean scooby drivers go out on the road to show people what they got and to beat you is the only thing on their mind. I drive for me. Not to race other people or to put them, or myself in any danger, just like most of us on scoobynet do, unfortunatly, some 'unsafer' drivers do give peeps a bad name, and I don't think it's just the younger gen and i've completly lost on what i'm talking about so i'll shut up now! Don't you just hate cyclist's at night with no lights, wearing dark clothes and there's also a fog about! Shouldn't the coppers have a go at them......hee hee
Old 22 September 2003, 01:51 AM
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I'm sorry but it does upset me when people start stereo typing all younger scooby drivers as being complete k**bs. As I'm not one
Good to hear that you're not one, however, if you'd read my post twice before jumping on your high horse, you would have noticed that at no point did I label all young drivers as idiots.

As you say, there are incompetent/dangerous old drivers around, but it's much rarer to see blue rinsed old grannies zooming around driving like eejits than it is pimply late teens. Not attempting to tar everyone with the same brush, merely stating a reality of which I'm sure you are already well aware.

I think you'll find that stereotypes only become stereotypes because they're true an awful lot of the time.

[Edited by greasemonkey - 9/22/2003 1:55:43 AM]
Old 22 September 2003, 01:56 AM
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The thing is, I bet most people, whether they admit it or not have performed an similarly foolish and dangerous manouvre at some point in their driving history. Usually when they've just acquired their 1st fast car.

This doesn't excuse this type of behaviour, but I'd be a hypocrite to slag it as would 99.99% of us.

I'm sure we've all done an overtake and thought "**** me, that was close" at some point in our past. I know I have, on more than one occasion.

Not in a built up area, though. I think.

[Edited by fatherpierre - 9/22/2003 1:57:07 AM]
Old 22 September 2003, 07:47 AM
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ftao greasemonkey

I wasn't pointing the finger at anyone in my last posting. Its just that the young scooby driver theory is raising it ugly little head a lot when you hear of people being tw@ts in the scoobys. I have also seen thread's that state younger drivers shouldn't be allowed to own a high performance car.

One of the reasons I own a scoob is because of this forum and the people on it. so please no one take my last post as me having a dig at everyone who has every blamed a young driver of being a ****.

Just remember when you next posts about young drivers you could word it like this :

Young driver's (not including the sensible one's) are a bunch of tw@ts and can't drive there car's for ****e.

I think that sound much better

Old 22 September 2003, 07:49 AM
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Opps double posted

[Edited by DBMSCOOBY99 - 9/22/2003 7:51:14 AM]
Old 22 September 2003, 08:21 AM
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I wasn't pointing the finger at anyone in my last posting. Its just that the young scooby driver theory is raising it ugly little head a lot when you hear of people being tw@ts in the scoobys.
Eh? If you see a spotty teen behaving like a tit behind the wheel, there's not much theory involved, it's simply a question of observation!

I have also seen thread's that state younger drivers shouldn't be allowed to own a high performance car
Damn right they shouldn't. The idea that any newly qualified driver (whether 17 or 70) should be able to get out of their driving school Corsa and into a Ferrari is absolutely ridiculous. Limit them to 70bhp or less for the first couple of years and only allow them anything bigger if they've passed the advanced test as far as I'm concerned.
Old 22 September 2003, 09:00 AM
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All newly qualified drivers go through a "learning curve" when misjudgements are made and (hopefully) life-preserving lessons are learned.

Sounds like this guy in the silver scoob wasn't just making a misjudgement, he was venting his anger and frustration in a powerful car in an urban area. That's simply dangerous and unacceptable. Sounds like he should be given anger management councilling and be prevented from driving ANY vehicle until he's shown he isn't going to lose it and kill innocent people.
Old 22 September 2003, 09:09 AM
Aintbroke dontfix
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You can't pass your bike test at 17 on a 125, then drive away from the test centre on a Ducatti 996. So why can you with a car? However saying that, if the person has been driving 20 years and has a screw loose, their going to die, and probably take a few with them.
I would quite like to be a traffic cop. I wouldn't stop speeders unless it was rediculous, but would stop the following:
People driving like nutters.
Middle overtaking lane 65mph hoggers.
Outer overtaking lane 71mph hoggers.
Lorrys overtaking on a 2 lane duel carrageway doing 51mph and 51.000001mph (M11/A14 aspecialy)
Everybody over 70, to check they can 1. see 2. see over the steering wheel 3. have rear view mirrors and 4 will allow people to overtake when their going 20mph below the speed limit without flashing their fxcking lights.
Monday morning rant over with.
Old 22 September 2003, 09:48 AM
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There you all go again having a pop at the younger subaru drivers.

I personally wouldnt dream of driving a car like that, and do think its bang out of order.

However, according to you lot, no-one under the age of 45 should be allowed to own a Subaru. Get a life! Im just hoping that its not gealousy thats pushing you into these pathetic assunptions!
Old 22 September 2003, 09:56 AM
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If I was Prime Minister I would

1.Remove speed cameras from all non-accident related sites.
2.Raise motorway limit to 85mph
3.Increase speeding fines to £120
4.Remove penalty points for offences <35 in a 30, < 47 in a 40, <60 in a 50, <75 on unrestricted, <100 on a motorway.
5.Graduate new drivers
<100bhp under 20 years old
<150bhp under 25 years old

IMO a lot of sense in the above.
Old 22 September 2003, 10:02 AM
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You have got my vote
Old 22 September 2003, 10:08 AM
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Very well said Matt, and Ain'tbroke, hope Ian W reads that!

There you all go again having a pop at the younger subaru drivers
Why the devil not? It's easier than shooting fish in a barrel!

However, according to you lot, no-one under the age of 45 should be allowed to own a Subaru. Get a life!
Stop putting words in people's mouths you little drama queen. Who mentioned 45, or indeed any specific age? The only figure I mentioned was a couple of years after passing your test - which would indeed mean 45, but only if you passed at 43...

Im just hoping that its not gealousy thats pushing you into these pathetic assunptions!
Lol! No prizes for guessing which age bracket you're in, as it doesn't look like you've sat your English GCSE yet. Jealousy is spelt with a j, there are apostrophes in I'm and that's, and assumptions is spelt like that.

We're jealous of what exactly? Why should a desire to not see idiots hooning around the roads in cars they haven't learned enough responsibility to drive be attributed to jealousy? Why should it be anything other than a desire not to see people unnecessarily killed/injured, together with a wish for a small minority not to give the rest of us - including responsible youngsters - a bad name?

[Edited by greasemonkey - 9/22/2003 10:11:25 AM]
Old 22 September 2003, 10:12 AM
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i'm 21 and don't drive like a tw!t. how people can come on here and say young people shouldn't have fast cars is crazy. i work kin hard for my scoob like everyone else, so why shouldn't i be allowed one??

just because one young d!ck head does a stupid move, the "older" brigade come out and say younger people shouldnt be allowed one.

fcukin nuts if you ask me, and all ask yourself "have i ever done anything on the road that was a bit silly??"

i bet 100% of people say yes...
Old 22 September 2003, 10:22 AM
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scoobygav - I agree with you, in part. And I for one have done silly things in cars, but only when I was in my teens. At a more responsible 32 years old, I genuinely believe that graduating would be a sensible policy.

Statistically young drivers have the most accidents, don't forget most of us have been there done it.

Trust me when you are in your early 20's life is forever, it's only when you get to your 30's you realise how mortal you really are. I'm not just talking about car accidents, but life in general, and it gives you a different outlook.
Old 22 September 2003, 10:27 AM
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i'm 21 and don't drive like a tw!t. how people can come on here and say young people shouldn't have fast cars is crazy.
i work kin hard for my scoob like everyone else, so why shouldn't i be allowed one??
Because there are far too many **** around giving the likes of you a bad name. Why do you think young drivers get absolutely nailed on their insurance for cars like this?

You won't find newly qualified pilots jumping straight into F-18's, they graduate through from slow trainers through faster and faster planes before they get their hands on the real deal. Cars should be no different.

just because one young d!ck head does a stupid move, the "older" brigade come out and say younger people shouldnt be allowed one.
So, taking that argument to extremes, would you trust your 11 year old kid brother (if you had one) to take your car out for a spin?

fcukin nuts if you ask me, and all ask yourself "have i ever done anything on the road that was a bit silly??"
i bet 100% of people say yes...
Indeed. I made more than one such error when I was in my late teens. Thankfully, I was only driving a 1.3 litre Toyota Corolla that wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding, so the day I really did f**k up, I wasn't travelling very fast. If I'd been in anything as powerful as an Impreza during that period there's little doubt I'd have been dead long ago.
Old 22 September 2003, 10:31 AM
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matt, i think graduating could be the way forward but whats going to stop them putting a supercharger or turbo on the car and "forgetting" to tell the insurance or what ever???

still be at square one mate..
Old 22 September 2003, 10:35 AM
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greasemonkey, if you read my above post you'll see that i said there should be some sort of graduation period, but how can you go about it??????

Old 22 September 2003, 10:36 AM
Gary H2
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Ummmm, my two penneth. Driving a Subaru or any high performance vehicle seems to be a red rag to some other drivers. Some seem to think they have to prove that their VTR/RS (usualy), is a far superior machine because it cost them £500 and have spent another £7000 on a body kit, paint job and large exhaust and even louder stereo. I don't normaly react to them but god do they annoy me. When I'm on my motorbike I take great joy in filtering past at the next set of lights, not to be bothered by them again. In the Scooby it's a diferent matter. That doesn't fit between lanes 2 & 3! But hey if I'm in the car I am warm and listening to the radio.

The point - Instead of spending all this money on paint,ICE, why not spend it on some trackdays?

When I was a lad I had a £800 Scirocco and some great driving days at Castle Coombe. Far more fun they ripping up and down a McSh*t car park and not half as fattening.
Old 22 September 2003, 10:37 AM
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Jenson Button should be taken out of that F1 car immediately. Hes far too young to be driving that car and is putting ALL the other F1 drivers in serious danger of their lives!!

The point that any driver under 25yo should be limited to 150bhp is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. My first car at the age of 17 had more than that, I have have still to have an accident in my 7 years of driving.
Old 22 September 2003, 10:38 AM
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Strange how the argument always gets polarised into whingeing about older and younger drivers. What we should do is just to face the facts and admit that there are bad drivers and slow drivers and downright wicked drivers right across the whole age spectrum. Yes we get held up behind elderly drivers who tend to stay within their own personal limits and as Greasemonkey says, are at least easy to see and avoid. They are of course completely within their rights to drive carefully using the road as it is intended, ie to get from A to B. We have to remember that like it or not,the roads are not designed to be used as a racetrack and we have no right to expect that we have a God given right to drive at excessive speeds on them. In the same way as younger drivers get fed up of being labelled as reckless, and not everyone is of course is going to behave in the dangerous and disgraceful manner described in the first post on this thread, those who are older get annoyed at the ageist attitudes of so many on this net who describe them as "Coffin Dodgers", "grannies and grandads etc. It is unnecessarily extremely rude and as in the first case of young drivers, inaccurate. I am in the older age bracket but love my Scoob which I have modded myself, and enjoy using the performance under safe conditions. I know a good many people in the same bracket who also are very fast and capable drivers and who could teach most younger drivers a thing or two about car handling. You might be surprised how many younger drivers would find themselves being "left for dead" on a track!

The best answer really is to accept that there are good and bad drivers across the whole range and to vent your spleen on those who prove themselves to be selfish and dangerous. Most unfair to generalise in either case.


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