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Goddamn OAP drivers!!

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Old 14 December 2000, 04:01 PM
Blow Dog
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[fury mode]

Walking to the Mak last night and witnessed this piece of **** ram my car in the front whilst trying to reverse/parallel park.

"Fukcs sake!" I shout

Please god, be a man in there, not a woman, please be a man (I wanted to thump him).

Out steps an 70 year old woman. She had absolutely no idea she had hit me, completely oblivious to the fact. I told her she shouldn't be on the road and that she was a danger to society. I realised that she was starting to get a bit afraid, so I calmed down a bit and took her details. I dont pay £30k for a car that I cherish and treasure and wash every week (I fitted stone chip guards last week) only to have some stupid OAP hit the car and drive off without any remorse.

I am sick to death of finding little dents in my car when I know I take the utmost care in things such as parking (I take 2 spaces at the back of car parks where there are loads of free spaces).

Why is it we are not allowed guns to carry when we allow any tom dick and harry behind the wheel of a killer death machine.

Shortly after she went, a man aproached me and explained how she had repeatedly hit my car before I had arrived.

My bottom line:



[/fury mode]
Old 14 December 2000, 04:10 PM
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Damn right mate, bleeding coffin dodgers should have their licences taken away long before then.

Christ, I would have gone ape, if I had seen someone do that! Complete incompetence.
Old 14 December 2000, 04:21 PM
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May I congratulate you on your calmness, not sure if I would have managed the same response in the same situation. Makes you wonder how they managed to get the car there in the first place...and your car is BRIGHT red with white wheels for gods sake

Yex - hope it doesn't cost too much to put right and that she was insured
Old 14 December 2000, 04:30 PM
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Totally agree Cem,

Two examples:

- Parked behind my mates house in their space.. when returning to the car, an old person being directed by an old person reversing, heard what i thought was a crunch, ran up to check the car out, and the old cow had the cheek to have a go at me!!

- cleaning my car the other week, found a largish dent and black rubber/plastic mark just past the door on the passenger side rear... Mark (Wizard Of Wax) got rid of the black gunk, but the dent is still there..

Why people dont show a little respect for others property I dont know!

Old 14 December 2000, 05:15 PM
Dave T-S
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Sorry to hear, I know how you feel M8 - however good choice of colour car - when you hack the old giffers head off with a chainsaw the blood spurts on your wings won't show....

DON'T GET ME ON THE SUBJECT OF CAR PARK DOOR DINGS - I have to park in a public car park at the airport every day - always try and park in between two cars already there that are parked well apart from each other - will park 50 yards further away just to find a better space - but STILL got three dings in the Scoob since it was brand new four months ago.

One of them was from a B reg sh1theap Cavalier which has a 10/99 tax disc on - I rang the airport police and they said it was on private property so they could do nothing!!

I rang the local DVLA office and they said they do not accept anonymous tipoffs for tax dodgers - I would have to put my name on a letter to them (yeah right) - so Mr Cavalier cr@pheap driver gets off with everything!! If it's untaxed for as year it's probably uninsured and no MOT - so next thing he goes down the road and smashes into someone that cannot claim off him......and WE are all paying for this fraud!!!
Old 14 December 2000, 05:30 PM
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One and all,

This kind of thing makes me boil. I cannot believe the way people treat other people's cars and other property. Other people may drive sh1theaps and not give a damn, but we do!

So, they don't want a nice car. Their choice. We do. Our choice.

So they don't earn enough to drive a nice care. OK, we work DAMN hard to own one. (Anyway, a person with a mint Skoda would be just as hacked off if they were an enthusiast). We may not spend our coin on **** and booze (well not all the time )

I am a FIRM advocate of repeat driving tests for people aged x and above. It astounds me that old codgers are allowed behind the wheel.

Jon - seriously pissed off with uncaring ***** on the road.
Old 14 December 2000, 05:36 PM
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They must have let them all out today. On the short journey to the bank (3 miles) at lunchtime I encountered the following:

1) Old dear in a Metro driving round a roundabout, stopping (i.e. actually becoming stationary) at every exit. I thought she was giving way to traffic coming onto the roundabout, until she got the exit I was waiting at and stopped across the end of it.

2) Old dear with a shopping bag on wheels steps off the pavement in front of me and proceeds to walk down the middle of the road.

3) Old dear in a Toyota two cars ahead of me comes off a roundabout onto a dual carriageway and stops for no reason. Even if she'd gone the wrong way, stopping on a dual carriageway is not going to help (and traffic coming off the roundabout doesn't expect to stop when the road is clear ahead).

My great uncle stopped driving when he realized he didn't have the reactions for it any more. I'd like to think I'd do the same, but I'm not sure how aware of your worsening driving you'd be. The only way is compulsory retesting.

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Old 14 December 2000, 06:18 PM
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There but for the grace of god go I.I can understand your anger at the damage to your car, I also take great pride in trying to keep my Scoob as new, but it`s not a crime to get old it will hapen to us all one day if we are lucky. I wonder if you will feel the same about older drivers when you reach retirement age.
Old 14 December 2000, 06:51 PM
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Sorry to hear about this mate - can't believe some people. Their attitude (old or not) stinks. Boo I hope you have a thick flame proof suit on.....

Old 14 December 2000, 07:03 PM
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Agree with all thats been said. I know people who admit they don't give a **** and think its a laugh if their kids slam the doors into a decent car


Whats the damage then?

Old 14 December 2000, 07:18 PM
Rob W
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Cem, sounds like a f###ing nightmare!
How's the car hope it's not too bad?
Is your car capable of a blast on sunday? let me know
Old 14 December 2000, 07:26 PM
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Just to reply with my dings and dents.
My parents bought a brand new BMW 323ci.
The doors are a bit heavy, so my mum (bieng all of 5`0) decides to open the doors with her foot using my passenger door as some sort of doorstop. Upon questioning I was told, I should'nt park so close. Seems mother is always right.
Old 14 December 2000, 07:27 PM
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Thumbs down

Several years ago one of my wife's elderly relatives was given a lift by an equally elderly friend.

On their way down a desrted road (I did say it was a few year's ago!)the driver commented on the number of heavy lorries on the road that day. Confused relative couldn't work out was he was on about until she suddenly realised he was confusing the houses down the side of the street with HGV's!!!!

Bravely she 'shopped' him to the DVLC after the trip and he subsequently failed an eye test and had his licence taken away.

So afer that cautionary tale of what might be coming towards you when you next take the Scooby for a spin, in the words of Hill Street Blues 'Let's be careful out there!'
Old 14 December 2000, 07:49 PM
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OAP's top 5 ROTR (Rules of the Road):
1 - never signal until you have stopped & parked(this one doubles up for all women as well ...flame suit on)
2 - always do 23mph in a 30 limit in a volvo or metro
3 - always pull onto outside lane @ 45mph on dual carrigeway, when approaching 70 mph traffic is almost level with you.
4 - then said OAP's stay in outside lane for approx 2 miles, as road ahead is totally clear in both lanes .
5 - when parking, make sure you go head first into a 6 foot gap & try to do a 3 point turn with rear window fully misted-up.

hope this cheers you up Blowdog
Old 14 December 2000, 08:00 PM
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Thursday = pension day.

The only day of the week that the wrinklies get the car out.

Be careful out there.

Old 14 December 2000, 08:05 PM
Andrew Timmins
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You may not believe this but it is true.

A relative of mine used to drive on a regular basis until a week before he was pronounced totaly blind and was given a white stick!

Makes you wonder how some of them live so long when you see the poor standard of driving.
Old 14 December 2000, 08:07 PM
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legalise euthanasia
Old 14 December 2000, 08:30 PM
Philip Attaway
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LOL Beatle!
Old 14 December 2000, 09:15 PM
Dave T-S
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Any truth in the rumour that you are 93 years old and your Scoob is electric powered??

Old 14 December 2000, 09:58 PM
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I bet that gets more than 20 to the gallon then?
Old 14 December 2000, 10:27 PM
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If u ever need to talk....

Or borrow a gun

Old 14 December 2000, 11:05 PM
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Sorry to hear mate, hope it get sorted soon.

Old 14 December 2000, 11:32 PM
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Cem. sorry to hear about your bump, but

We all get old one day, my dad keeps telling me that - It's just a thought, that we all will have to give up our cars one day- and that will be a sad day.

Just saying that we should have time for the old people, cos we will be there all to soon.


PS - I am saying that once you are incapable of driving you should stop driving - but it will hurt when it happens to us.
Old 15 December 2000, 12:28 AM
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Sorry to hear about this Cem . I had a smilar incidence, and, again ranting an raving from me frightened the poor timid 'it's not me' OAP. Got the police involved and as he stated, "if you see an OAP in a car give'em a 150 yds 'no-go zone' if they are wearing a cap... double it!"

All the best, Merry Christmas.


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Old 15 December 2000, 12:50 AM
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Only a little scratch - phewwwwwy

You know that I only pay out for one claim a year M8!!!!!

After that you get absolutely NO service from Schofields cos we're cr@p!!

Catch ya in a while.


Old 15 December 2000, 01:04 AM
Tim W
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oh Cem m8 it just isn't fair

If I were you I'd come back from the dark side and get another scoob, you seemed to have better luck with them

When my Grandmother died 2 years ago and my grandfather came to live with my folks we soon realised that he was in fact living the life of a goldfish! We soon hid his car keys, and about 3 months after he started living with us sold is car...every so often he remembers that he once had a car and that 'they' took it away from him...when pressed for the identity of 'they' it turns out that he thinks it was the police/government/erm... (depends on the time of day) dad has already put in a formal request to be shot if he ever becomes as confused My sister, who still lives with my folks, has come up with the saying; 'oh it's 5 o'clock, must be 1945 again...' and it's so true....
Old 15 December 2000, 01:26 AM
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You have my sympathies, Blow Dog.

I recently had a run in with a lady of the old and crumbly variety.

I was approaching a large rounadbout near where I live, and the lights controlling the entrance to it went red. I pulled up and stopped behind a G-plate Golf CL that was at the front of the queue.

The lights went green, and much to my astonishment, the reversing lights suddenly illuminate on the Golf. Uh oh!, I thought, and start sounding my horn. I can't actually go backwards myself, as there is somebody right up my ****.

The Golf then proceeds to reverse straight back into the front my Catalunya.

I get out, pretty damned mad, and tap on the window of the Golf. There sitting in the drivers seat is a sweet Octagenarian lady, whose only excuse for the incident was the fact that she hadn't driven for 6 months because they took her license away, and she's only just got it back!

Apparently, she was having difficulty seeing the little symbols on the gear lever, and couldn't remember where first was.

As a result of the indcident, I am glad to say that she lost her license again, and therefore is no longer a danger to herself and others.

Old 15 December 2000, 01:53 AM
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Sitting in my scoob at the services reading the paper and the guy next to me bangs his door into mine!!!!! git!!!! he then has the cheek just to climb into his car and not even look at mine, thus i lowered the window and looked out at my door.... thank god for those side protectors they were the best investment on the body that i have made no dents so far but saying that..... no doubt some silly bugger will reverse into me at some stage and drive off

Old 15 December 2000, 09:15 AM
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I was staying in a little B&B/hotel in Tunbridge Wells a few years ack and there was this 89 year old biddy who was also there.

The hotel manager told me one day that she'd told him that "she'd been driving down Tunbridge Wells' main street when she realised that she couldn't find the brake. Luckily she had been able to go into a side street."

It just defies belief..... imagine if someone had been walking along the side street.

Compulsory driving tests from age 60+, every year IMO.
Old 15 December 2000, 11:55 AM
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As long as everyone on here voluntarily gives up driving the moment their ability to drive due to old age is questioned.

Mind you, having nearly collected an old biddy in a Mini coming the wrong way around a roundabout, you do have my sympathies!

Quick Reply: Goddamn OAP drivers!!

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