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Old 21 October 2007, 08:14 AM
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Default Flora London Marathon Training Blog - make a difference


Take the time to look at my Flora London Marathon Training Blog on the Essex Scooby Crew Forum

I'm running for HEART UK. a charity that means a lot to me and my family.

They support inherited heart disease with can be a silent killer that can be passed from generation to generation....

Imagine the fear of not knowing if your children will get this...?

This is exactly what happens!

Please read the thread then take the time to donate using the link....

Thanks Ian.
Old 21 October 2007, 07:54 PM
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Sunday 21 October 2007

After a weeks training that saw me run a 5 mile race Thursday and get PB (personal best)!!! 40'07 mins. Not bad considering the course is half on road and half off road with some sneaky slopes!!!!!

Anyway back to today... Last night was spent waking up every hour as Katie wasn't well... can't complain as Mrs BB normally does this, but she took a well deserved trip out for the night. I ended sleeping on the floor in Katies room.

I'm getting ready for a run to Danbury later today. Sunday is when I do my long run of the week. This run should be around 10-15 miles with some hills thrown in!

Anyway, will let you know how I get on later.
Old 21 October 2007, 07:55 PM
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Sunday 21 October 2007 continued....

Well just got back from my jog..... a slow run from Chelmsford to Danbury and then some hill rep. laps around the hills on the various commons and then home.

Took a bit longer than I thought.... approx. 13 miles in 2 hrs but not bad considering the terrain I guess. Should be able to smash that on flat road (I hope).

Talking of 2 hrs.... your mind starts to consider very strange things when your plodding along trying not to fall over or get knocked over by horse riders. Apart from the normal things like "what are we going to have for dinner", I found myself thinking strange thoughts like "is Tinys car really going to have Carlos Fandango wheels?"

Anyway it wasn't that bad but one lesson learnt.... wearing extra short running shorts and chilly mornings equals bleeding inner thighs after 2 hrs of friction burns!!!!

Remember kids.... Sport hurts!

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Old 22 October 2007, 08:49 AM
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Monday 22nd October 2007

Well back to work and the legs are feeling a little stiff and sore today..... man, I feel really old today for some reason!!!

Anyway, as this is the day after my scheduled "long run", today is usually a flat and really slow untimed 3 mile recovery run. The point of this is really just to keep the joints loose and not let the mind think your slacking!!!! (one thing the Army has taught me is that 80% of any physical task is mental. Or was that you have to be mental )

You will notice that I used the term "usually" in the above paragraph One if the disadvantges of blogging my training schedule is no one wants to read... "oh and today I put my feet up and played GT3 on the PS2", so I can see I'm going to have to tailor my rest days around something interesting for you guys!!!!!

So today I'm going to extend my recovery run a little but try and keep it as flat as possible

So see you later as I've got to go and try and squeeze some money out of the guy's at work (not easy!).

Speak later


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Old 22 October 2007, 02:20 PM
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Monday 22nd October 2007 continued

Well back from my recovery run...... not sure how much I've recovered because my legs feel worst than ever!!!!!

Also more lessons learnt.... failing to remove stones from shoes from last run taken, results after 5 miles in..... BLISTERS

As I said earlier, decided to beef up the recovery run and ran my Thursday 5 mile race route backwards.... (that's in anti-clockwise direction, not actually backwards!).

Took 6 minutes longer than race pace but was taking it quite steady, so not so bad.... Once again, I started to think about things you would never notice unless you too were in isolation for an extended period of time.... Like I've only just noticed today when I run my neck clicks It doesn't actually hurt but I'd never noticed it before

Also, I wondered If BeeSTI's mate and Tesco supreamo DJ Swede could arrange to set up a drinks station outside the Laindon Tesco at around 12ish everyday?

And finally, I personally love kids chasing me on their BMX's through the woods whilst they shout encouraging remarks to me!!!!!

How long is half term?

Loads of people still haven't sponsored. Please make this pain worth it!

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Old 23 October 2007, 01:28 PM
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Tuesday 23rd October 2007
Legs still hurt and I really need to rest them but I hate not training (mad I know). Whenever I miss it, I start feeling slow and lazy.... which is mad because i should be letting the muscles in my legs recover and as a result get stronger... if you keep training continuosly, they will never get any better as the fibres in the muscles cant regrow fast enough before being broken down by training again....

So.... it's a 6 mile climb to the top of Landon Hills, what we call "The Crown Run".... it's a punishing 3 miles of mainly off-road steep dirt tracks that meet at the top of the highest part of the area by the Crown Pub funny!!!! Then it's straight pass the pub without stopping and the last 3 miles is mostly downhill

Hopefully the neck clicking will have stopped and I'm steering clear of housing estates, so being chased by kids SHOULD be at a minimum!

Oh finally, entered 2 races today to form part of my training..... Chelmsford 10k on 18th Nov. and the Witham Boxing Day 5 miler..... so I'll let you know how I get on....

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Old 23 October 2007, 02:12 PM
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Tuesday 23rd October 2007 continued
Breaking News OK, don't panic!!!!!! the neck clicking has stopped!!!

Found out a couple of new things on today's run. Firstly the top of the hill halfway point isn't halfway... it's 4 miles into the run.... oh and it's more 7 miles than 6 in total !!!!!!

Did the run today with Chris, a friend from work. He's a more experienced runner than me but doesn't occassionally mind slowing down to a walking pace so i can keep up with him on the odd run or two.....

This is only the second time I've run this route and anyone that knows langdon Hills, knows It's a maze in those woods so Chris led the way. Last time I ran this I really struggled on the various hills and chris would go off into the distance at what seems like a lightening pace whilst I'd plod along like the tortoise vs the Hare (but this time the hare's on speed and he's not sleeping!).

Surprisingly the training might be starting to pay off though as I manage to keep right behind him all the way.... Only difference is he's calmly talking about life in general and I'm moaning like a $10 hoochie

Anyway, the run felt really good today and tomorrow I WILL be taking a rest day........

Don't worry, I'm sure I'll think of something to write! (No one's probably reading this rubbish anyway Ian!)

And finally todays thought of the day.....

If your running with someone and whilst your flatout their running backwards to see how far they can run like that.... It's time to up the training schedule!

I know loads of people have been great so far and thanks for that but there's loads that haven't.... please support this great cause.

Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page

P.S. some pledge 90p as I'm stuck on £399.10 at the moment !!!!
Old 24 October 2007, 08:02 PM
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Wednesday 24th October 2007

Was out of the office today in an all-day meeting.... so sorry for the late blog entry....

Because of this, I took today as my rest day. As I've said previously, even though resting is an essential part of physical training and overdoing it is something I'm very good at I HATE REST DAYS

There's something about being by yourself surround by nature and the elements (and a few chavs!) that makes you feel really relaxed.... Does that make any sence?

I have to admit though, the rest has done it's job, as this is the first time in about a week that my legs don't hurt!!!!

Looking forward to getting back into it tomorrow though and as it's Thursday it's the Thursday 5 miler at work..... Problem is.... someone's only booked a meeting at the same time Don't you just hate that? lol Not a huge issue... I've had PB's from that race the last 2 weeks running so to be honest I don't mind missing it.

Another huge part of training for an event is understanding that sometimes you won't perform as expected..... You WILL eventually get to a point where your performances will stop getting better and on some days when you feel 100% up for it, you'll look at your watch after and you'll want to cry and give it all up!!!! This is the norm and you have to except this.

I guess what I'm trying to say is.... always look at the big picture? When you start training you will see big changes.... Weight will fall off, you'll knock 5 minutes off every run and everything will seem great... just make sure you mentally understand the entire proccess you are going to go through....

So anyway.... back to tomorrow...!!! I'm going to probably do 5-7 miles depending on time and I'm going to give it some I'll let you know how I get on.

Also I started thinking about my weekend long run today.... As we're at the Dyno Day Sunday, I can either get up at 5am Sunday OR I'll go Saturday ..... hmmm let me think!

I'm not going for mega distance because I'm going to have to start shortening runs ready for the start of the 16 week marathon schedule, so will probably do 10 miles-ish on roads to get used to the surface....

Thought of the day:

The 5 P's.... Proper Planning Prevents P1ss-Poor Performance - as they say in the Army
Please keep giving.....

Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page

Many thanks today to BeeSTI and everyone again that's supporting me.
Old 25 October 2007, 09:15 AM
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Thursday 25th October 2007
Morning fellow snetters ....

Woke up today and nightmare.....

I've had a little pain in my right heel for the last 2 weeks but I haven't said anything as it's been intermitant and not that bad.....

Well today it's throbbing so I took some advice...

Looks like I've torn slightly my Plantar fasciitis.... Hmm what's that? I hear you cry!!!!!

If you curl up your toes and rub the base of your foot, you SHOULD feel a band that goes from the pad of your foot near your toes to your heel about an inch wide?

Well thats your Plantar fasciitis tendon.... In cases where sudden increased workload occurs or where someone over pronates (when the foot hits the ground from the outside of the foot first and not on the centre, putting more stress on it) the tendon get torn at the base of the heel and becomes inflamed...

The only real cure is to stop training until the pain stops to let the tendon grow back..... Well we all know what the chances of that happening are!

Well I'll try and keep to softer surfaces for now... and also as i suffer from overpronation, I'll start wearing the running shoes that I have especially for this (motion controlled with insoles).

Well I'll let you know how I get on....

PLEASE... make this pain worth it.....

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Old 25 October 2007, 01:32 PM
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Thursday 25th October 2007

Well because of work...... cut my run down to 3.6 miles at a reasonable pace.....

The foot wasn't too bad... but I've noticed that I had pains in both legs on the route round..... I think the main issue is my calfs have got so tight that I really need to spend a lot more time stretching off!!!! Also, If anyone's a massuse, then I could really use some leg work

Anyway, back to the run.... in one of my last blog entries I've mentioned the story of the Hare and theTortoise..... Well it's amazing the wildlife you encounter when running..... cats, dogs, birds, squirrels, turtles...... TURTLES (see below)

Todays thought of the day:

Always go to the toilet before going on a long run!

I know I say this every day, but please.... if you haven't given yet, please visit the link below and give what you can..... It's easy and secure

HEART UK have 10 runners for the marathon.... and I'm currently at number 7.
Please carry on giving

No ones sponsored me today

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Old 26 October 2007, 01:25 PM
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Friday 26th October 2007I'm getting excited This is going to be a great weekend......

Tunnel Run 4 and the Rolling Road Day at EA on Sunday !!!!!!!!!

All I need to do is change my oil today

Have you seen the weather!!!!!!! Not looking forward to that one

Anyway running......

Decided to replicate Tuesday's Crown long run, 7ish miles to the top of the hill.....

This would be my third time doing this run and is probably the hardest run you can do around here without going silly (that's next week!!!!).

This would be the first time I had run this on my own, so I had to navigate as I ran and didn't have my mate Chris to set the pace.... As I result I was expecting a slower time, which is to be expected....

Well managed to negotiate the route to the top quite well even though when hitting some of the slopes, I felt like I was moonwalking.... (ask Dad kids!!!). I didn't feel too bad and when I looked at my watch I was actually 10 seconds FASTER than last time out.... most surprised....

As I've said before, most of the return trip is down hill on mud slopes and I decided that i'd try and run them as fast as i could. Normally, going down hill can be slower than going up..... This was going well and at times I thought I was just jumping down hill!!!!!

Anyway, legs held up and I kept looking at my watch thinking i might post a half decent time? Got to the finish....... 3 minutes better!!!!!! RESULT!

Had some pain in right leg calf, when stretching oof so I'm going to get my trainers sorted at a specialist running shop....

So, another good day and a great weekend coming up

Thought of the day:

Have a great weekend

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Old 27 October 2007, 04:50 PM
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Saturday 27 October 2007

Well loads of stuff to do today..... Clean car, sort cams etc....

Decided I didn't have time for a long run, so I ran the few miles into town and did some shopping....

The main reason for the shopping..... well I didn't want to run out of power in the video camera, so I found an old 12v to 240v power converter and rewired it.... All seemed to be fine until I left it for a minute and returned to find the car... slightly warmer thank when I'd left it

Lets just say I was a little concerned!!!!!

After the smoke had cleared, I disconected the inverter and surprised to see that the plug had melted? Yep..... best not to "invert" the positive and negative wires!!!!!!

Anyway no real damage actually and real lesson learned....

Sometimes what seems the cheapest route to solve a problem really isn't !!!

See you tonight

Please keep supporting Heart uk

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Old 28 October 2007, 09:08 AM
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Sunday 28th October 2007
Still asleep after Tunnel Run.......

Just run 6 miles..... managed to wake up for the last 3

See you at EA

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Old 29 October 2007, 11:30 AM
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Monday 29th October 2007
Hope everyone had a good weekend? I was at Tunnel Run on Sat. then at the ESC Dyno Day Yesterday.... generally great fun

So what happend training wise over the weekend......?

Well I did go running as my blog said, but i have to admit today that I feel like I was a little lazy!!!!!!

Saturday morning, I wanted to do a long run but due to the planned events I wrote that off and thought I'd do the long run sometime Sunday......

I thought I'd test out my motion contol shoes with a little run to see if that helped my foot pain... So I decided to take a run into town.... This is about 3 miles and as I had a few things to pick up, I wore a small rucksack.... (have to stress at this point, my very supportive wife always takes the pee out of me when I go running with a pack!!!!! Thanks love)

Anyway, I tried to run to town not looking like a wierdo and went about looking for some advice on my current trainers and also a couple of other bits of running gear.

First stop was a new specific runners shop called Runners World. This is run by a selection of very nice young ladies who are only happy to offer expert advice on all things running or fitness. If buying trainers, they will get you on a treadmill and video you running to fully evaluate your running style and what footwear you need. After some advice I left after purchasing some shorts and some gel pad inserts for my trainers.

Next was Sports World.... I picked up another pair of running shorts here and a sports bag for the gym at work....

Finally, I packed my rucksack and ran the 3 miles home..... (feeling like a complete tool, praying I didn't run into my wife or anyone else i know.....)

On Sunday I woke up early and decided to try out one of my new pairs of running shorts.... Those that have been reading this blog for a while will rememeber the "bleeding thigh" episode, and i hoped as these were slightly longer would solve the problem......

Well they were slightly longer..... but also had a seem in the groin area that I called "the Shreader".... After a couple of miles this seem slowly began to tear my unmentionables to pieces leaving me with what I can only describe as "meat and ONE veg"

Well at least the above stopped me thinking about my sore foot!!!! After 26.2 miles of that, I'll won't have to worry about saving up for that gender change op..... happy days!

Finally.... thanks to everyone that chipped into the charity box on Sunday (a DVD will be available soon) and also Andy-C, who donated on Tunnel Run.

After speaking to you Andy, it only goes to prove what a worth-while charity Heart UK is......

Please donate:

Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page

Please guys.... we really need as much support so Keart UK can continue to help people like my father and the many people that have donated saying their families have been effected by this.....

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you give up a little something. We started really well but have lost a little momentum in the last week and it would be great if all the snetters could help out?



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Old 29 October 2007, 04:20 PM
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Monday 29th October 2007 Continued

Well as I'd been "lazy" over the weekend, I thought i'd do the Crown run today..... 6.5/7 miles on punishing hills

I run during lunch times at work and the same group of people tend to go out most days..... To put my efforts into context..... and to people that think I'm doing something extra ordinary, I'd say I was one of the slowest in the group......

Today I set off a couple of minutes ahead of the main pack who I'd overheard saying "we'll do a slow Crown route" (this resembles a Tour De France style race where everybody coasts along waiting for someone to make a break... then, Woooosh all hell breaks loose!!!!), I of course plodded along

Anyway, 1/4 of the way around, I get passed by most people and I end up running with a nice guy called Les that's still a lot more of a runner than I am... (i.e. not overweight and doesn't run like a headless chicken)

I'm fine of the flats and can actually pull away sometimes, but as soon as we hit a slope, i'd slow right down and I'd start getting killer stitch..... This continued until we were almost at the top and this was the only time in my fitness experience, that I nearly threw up..... I was wasted!!!!

I limped past a group of OAP's walking in the park and I'm sure they were laughing at me!!!!! I looked at my watch.... 1.5 minutes faster than my PB, wow. This gave me the energy I needed to keep going....

On the run back, Les kept pushing me.... he knew where i was weak and would push harder and faster up hill and i would overtake him on the flat... for the next 3 miles we swapped like this pushing the pace as much as we could until the finish..... just under 53 minutes.... another PB... I couldn't believe I'd knocked 10 minutes off this run in a couple of weeks!!!!!

Please, if you've stubbled on this thread or even a regular.... please take a second to visit the link and pledge and pass the link onto a friend.....

Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page

Thought of the day:

Another Army classic.... "Pain is just weakness, leaving the body"
Old 30 October 2007, 12:31 PM
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Tuesday 30th October 2007


08:06 Junction of A127 and A128 (Halfway House), on route to a meeting, waiting at a roundabout....... BANG! A truck fails to stop and smashes into the back of the car.....

Almost 12 months to the day that someone hit me up the back in the Terzo.... At least this time I was a passenger in a company car...

I just due to attend my last physio appointment next week!!!!! Looks like I'll be extending it as my neck and back started to play up instantly....

A great start of the day, but could have been far worst..... Strangely my first concern was if my training or worst my race would be effected......

Anyway..... I'm off on a run and I'll let you know how I get on........

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Old 30 October 2007, 12:35 PM
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i would donate but the link doesent seem to be working
Old 30 October 2007, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by fred coupe
i would donate but the link doesent seem to be working
Fred, try this.....

Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page

Wow, your the only person that has said they will pledge that's not Essex Scooby Crew TOP MAN
Old 30 October 2007, 09:22 PM
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Tuesday 30th October 2007 Continued

Well the run went fine..... Feet have stopped hurting so the changes to my foorwear must be working....

Just did an easy 3.6 mile jog as I did want to push it...... But had loads in reserve at the finish, where a few weeks ago, I would have been struggling

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Old 31 October 2007, 12:17 PM
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Wednesday 31st October 2007

Wow, I can't believe it's November tomorrow....

Just over a month and my official marathon training plan will be in effect...... (currently I'm just building up base fitness)

Here's a sample week:
Mon. 5 miles off-road / Tues. 6 Miles Steady pace / Wed. 6 miles steady with sprints / Thurs. 8 miles / Fri. 3 miles / Sat. Rest / Sun. 20 miles!!!!!!!

If I follow this plan for 16 weeks till race day, hopefully I survive?

Anyway, today.... feeling stiff today due to the incident yesterday and today could be a rest day, but i feel it's important to keep moving, so it's off with the neck brace and a cheeky 5 miler......

Speak soon

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Old 31 October 2007, 10:16 PM
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Wednesday 31st October 2007 Continued

Firstly sorry about the lateness of this post.... didn't want to post too much as I felt the Canvey fire thread needed to be at the near the top....

Anyway, I'm glad everyone seems to be fine..... PHEW

Back to running... planned to do a 5 miler but only did around 4/4.5.... Legs were a little sore and I decided not to over do it as I wanted to give it some on the Thursday 5 miler tomorrow.

This probably means that I'll do my worse time ever...... , see how it goes?

Looks like I've sorted my feet issues Still not 100% about the "shorts" situation... the only option I haven't tried is the cycling style shorts... hmmm nice

Well I'm off

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Old 01 November 2007, 11:48 AM
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Thursday 1st November 2007

Well I hope everybody had a good Halloween? We went out with the kids and most houses we visited would just open the door, slam it shut then draw the curtains!!!!! One house had even nailed the front gate shut for the night.....

Oh well there were a couple of people getting into the spirit of things, so the kids were happy....

Anyway..... What to do today? Well it's Thursday and that means the Thursday 5.....

Trouble is, I really should have rested yesterday, but I still paranoid about the neck stiffness, so I went and now the pins are a little tight....

I think I will run it today as it would be good to finally run it and get to the point where I don't get better times.... So far I've always beaten PB's when I've run 100%, but as i've said before, that will slow down as it's impossible to set PBs everytime you go out.

Also I'm off on a "special job" with the Army tomorrow night and won't be back till Thursday next week and even though I'm sure running will be involved somewhere, I'd like to get a couple of runs in before going.

Finally, had a look at the calendar today and it's only 2 weeks until my first road race in ages!!!! the Chelmsford 10K... Being chelmsford, I'm guessing at there won't be many mountains so Im hoping for a decent time?

See you later

Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page

P.S. you may have noticed that I also post a copy of this thread in the General area.... but I haven't had one non-ESC snetter sponsor me....
Old 01 November 2007, 02:39 PM
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Thursday 1st November 2007 continued

Just finished 5 miler and was not too bad

I had to start the run earlier than normal as I had a meeting to attend.... the only problem with this is normally the slow guys start first and the fast guys start last.... and hopefully everyone finishes at the same time......

Also if using the above method, everyone has a chance of pacing them against faster runners i.e. its a race ..... My problem today is that as I started 10 minutes before the slowest guy's, I didn't get a chance to pace myself against anyone.....

Net result were pretty good regardless.... not a PB, but 40'43. 36 seconds slower than PB and considering I could only push against myself, that's not bad.... I must have been worrying about making my meeting on time

Very pleased with that and I think I'm going reward myself with a day off from running tomorrow (boo!) but will go down the gym instead and do some upper body stuff to try and get rid of the moobs....

Thought of the day....

I must, I must, reduce, my bust

Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page

We have done so well up to now, but haven't had any pledges today.....

If you haven't put your name on the list, please visit it today...

Don't forget, put DVD in the remarks and receive a copy of the dyno day!!!!!
(come on Frayz, it's for charity mate)
Old 02 November 2007, 03:07 PM
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Friday 2nd November 2007

Greetings.... Well guess what .... I didn't go down the gym!!!!!!

The thought of sitting down whilst lifting silly weights up and down does my head !!!!!!

So...... I went for a run

Did a slow 3.6 mile recovery run and was suprised that the legs are holding up really well... I think I'm getting to the stage where my body is finnaly getting used to the miles

The above is good news, but that's doing 5 miles a day and i need to get my body used to doing 26.2 miles!!!!!

I'm away tonight until Thursday with the Army so I'm not sure how i'm going to post up the blog? I'll have a laptop and mobile if anyone has any ideas please let me know!!!!!

I've already researched running routes and there's some decent hills so training will be good if i get the time? Can't tell you where i'm going until after, but it's not that exciting anyway!!!!

So have a good weekend and i hope to continue posting...?

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Old 02 November 2007, 08:14 PM
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Really try to raise as much as possible..... PLEASE

Can anyone spare a few quid for this worthy cause?

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Old 08 November 2007, 10:59 AM
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Thursday 8th November 2007
Well what can I say.....?

I've been away for the last few days on an Army training course on the Kent coast, hence the delay in posting on the blog.....

Well the course went well and I managed to run every day!!!!!

First day I jogged a 5 mile route with someone on the course. The route was about a mile down hill to the coastline, then 3 miles along the beach ending in a mile steep climb back into camp. First attempt 45 mins.

Next day should have been a rest day but I had some spare time so decided to go on the 5 mile route again. This time I ran by myself and tried to beat the last time.... The person I ran with on the last run had some back issues, so took it easy in places, this time out I got a time of 37 minutes. Not bad.

So what next? I didn't fancy the 5 mile route again... so me and about 6 other people on the course decided on laps of the running circuit....

As soon as we started, the group split into to groups.... runners and walkers, lol... soon I lost count of no. of laps and time and it was only me and another young chap left running together.

We kept going and even the local Gurkas that were training on the same track gave up!!!! It was starting to get silly as it was getting dark and neither of us wanted to quit first...

In the end i said that we should get to the top of the hour and stop then.... So it was a draw

The next day, We did the 5 mile route... After the attendance of the last run, we had over 12 people of all abilities join us....

I set off slow but tried to break off around halfway. It was me and a young Scottish soldier that hit the front. We got to the last hill and we both ran it as hard as we could.... The road twisted so everytime you thought it would end.... it didn't!

We passed a few more Gurkas training and finally finished, 35 mins!!!! I asked him if he found the climb hard.... he just said "well it was alright". Im sure he could have gone even faster!!!!

Well can't really talk about the subject I did on the course... apart from the new equipment we were using was covered in Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC). This we later found out was toxic so today I have an issue with CAC........]Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page[/B]
Old 08 November 2007, 08:08 PM
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Thursday 8th November 2007 Continued

well even though I've had the "trotts" (sorry), I still forced myself out for the Thursday 5 mile race.....

Felt so weak but I have to go out because I'm so worried that I will loose everything I've worked towards if I stop training....

I've got a bit of a cold too at the moment and I'm dreading should it kick into full blown Man Flu!!!!!

Anyway, I actually managed ok on the run.... did a couple of things I'd never done before... I overtook someone and got passed by anthor runner but then overtook him back.... lol I know it's something small, but pleased me

Anyway, times.... I managed 40'26 mins... not bad considering high winds and I had to wait at a crossing for traffic.....

If your reading this and haven't sponsored me yet, please go to:

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Old 09 November 2007, 06:15 PM
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Friday 9th November 2007

Still felt a little poo today (sorry poor joke ), but decided to go for an easy run, around the holiday park nr work (3.6 miles)....

Started ok, but the high winds were making running a real effort and I felt like for every step I took forward, I was pushed 2 back......

I plodded on though and noticed that my right hand calf was beginning to hurt.... I initially thought it was just a little tight from pushing it yesterday and I thought I be able to run it off, but it got worse as I went on....

In the end I was having to totally change my running style to try and stop it from hurting but this only puts more stress on other areas.

In the end I limped home in a right state.....

It's Rememberance Sunday this weekend and I'm doing a parade with the Army, so I was going to do a long run tomorrow.... it now looks like it that could be a problem......

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Please can someone on here please sponsor me?
Old 12 November 2007, 10:03 AM
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Monday 12th November 2007

Sorry for going AWOL for the last few days.... needed to get away from everything as it was all starting to get on top of me

The leg was in bits on Friday and I had wound myself up so much I decided to forget about running for a couple of days and chill.

Well I've had the leg strapped all weekend and I this is the first time I've not run 2 days "running" for ages....

Well I've removed the strapping today and it feels a little sore and tight, but hoepully it will be ok?

I have my first 10k race this Sunday and don't want to miss it so I will be doing a slow 4-5 miles this lunch time and see how it feels....

BTW, look at my total on Just Giving when you get the chance!!!!!!

Thanks to you all (and a visit to a few friends and relatives) I'm nearly at the £1K mark

Soon I would have passed my target and will be setting new ones

Please keep giving....

Justgiving - Ian Brazier's Fundraising Page
Old 12 November 2007, 01:52 PM
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Monday 12th November continued

Well what can I say...................................

It's all good... wore a support and went out at lunch time to do a couple of miles and see how it went?

Well after a couple of miles I decided to do the Crown Run (6.5 miles)... Didn't time myself as i didn't want to push too much....

I could feel a pulsing in the calf but no real pain... go to the end and no big issue.

Will have to make sure i take it easy this week so I'm ok for the race....

Cheers again for the support

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