
fell foul of a new menace

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Old 21 July 2002, 09:14 PM
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out a spin in the lovely weather today and felt the need to exercise my right foot.............

you know whats coming don't you....?

as i approached two rather brightly dressed cyclists one motioned to me in a less than friendly manner so i responded in kind with the single fingered salute.........

now you really know whats coming.......

to my surprise this cyclist wasn't only a cyclist but also a member of our local constabulary in full, shiny, new police cylist uniform............ DOH
his gesture had actually been one of come here so i can speak to you young man. understandably enraged by my furtive response to this action he proceeded to radio his more mobile diesel powered companions how came after me! more of his companions collected him and his friend and also gave chase. you can imagine my surprise when all of a sudden not one, not two but yes three(!) police vehicles appeared in my rear view mirror.
suddenly i felt my day wasn't going to be so pleasant

as i was "helped" from my seat by many overly "helpful" hands i realised thats me in bother now.

basically might have to sell the car cos my licence will now have more points than a bloody pine tree..........
careless driving and breach of the peace - bah humbug

i'll post the adverts once the letter from the fiscal arrives

one severly annoyed with himself for being a complete ****


sorry for bellyaching, i ain't looking for sympathy, just needed to express my displeasure in such a way to set myself up for public ridicule
Old 21 July 2002, 10:23 PM
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What was deemed to be careless about your driving?
Hope all gets sorted
Old 21 July 2002, 11:06 PM
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the cycling policeman said i was in a "4 wheel drift" on the bend as i approached them, "my vehicle was out of control" !!
this was of course not true, my speed was excessive so thats what the problem was and cos they can't do me for speeding (havn't managed to fit a radar gun or vascar to their mountain bikes yet LMAO) they came up with that little gem don't think giving him the finger helped the situation
so after a few hours in a lovely cold cell and the obligatory fingerprinting and dna sampling i was unleashed once again.
the only scooby i'll be able to drive soon is the rally prepped RC one that usually lives in the boot of my pride and joy!
Old 21 July 2002, 11:37 PM
Rice Rocket..
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Will they not need proof of that or does the policemen be all the proof they need.

Sorry hear about that and you only really just having the car too.

Get a good lawyer


[Edited by Rice Rocket - 7/21/2002 11:37:47 PM]
Old 21 July 2002, 11:37 PM
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Any traffic police involved?

If not, the paperwork and court time involved for (how many?) beat officers 'aint worth it.

The fact that beat cops on bikes seen you drift the scoob makes me wonder where you performed this move.

Let me know the full details off-line and I'll see what I can do.
Old 21 July 2002, 11:47 PM
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Surely can't have been out of control if you were in four wheel drift and were able to give them the finger
Sounds like they, like you say, had to come up with anything as they couldnae do you for speeding
Managed no to hit them too
Old 21 July 2002, 11:58 PM
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it's their word against mine and somehow i can't see anyone in a courtroom believing me over the heads of two fine,upstanding police officers.

paul, i'll have the same lawyer i've used in the past he must be good cos i've managed to hold onto my license this long!

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Old 22 July 2002, 12:06 AM
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no traffic cops dougster, just plods. if i hadn't gestured towards him i'm pretty sure i'd just have got a slap on the wrists - but instead i got him kinda wound up and he took some of that out on martine who was left with the car. she was really upset at the way he was shouting right in at her face
Old 22 July 2002, 06:45 AM
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Thats bad news m8. I did'nt even know the plods were on bikes now. Next time you know to put it into reverse. Only joking of course
Old 22 July 2002, 09:18 AM
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Would hate to see their report on it. I once got stopped for a check and it ended up a bit of a nightmare due to having a forces harness releasing knife velcroed under my dash. I used to be a Helicopter Pilot Rescue specialist in the forces (somebody has got to save all the Tuts so they can fly again) and kept the knife when I left. They started jumping about going on about offensive weapons which had never even crossed my mind. I also ended up in a cell for quite a few hours. They were none too pleased when they discovered a blue strobe light attached to my alarm system when they did a more thorough search of my car. By now they were going on about beingt Starsky and Hutch.

Anyway while waiting for court I saw their report. Thought it was a completely different incident they were talking about! Good news is that when it got to court, the Police failed to turn up, had lost the evidence and the Sherriff thought it was all a complete waste of taxpayers money. Quite agreed with him. It was the Police lying that annoyed me most about the whole thing. They didn't even need to lie.

Hope it works out okay but it is a worrying time.

Cheers Iain
Old 22 July 2002, 10:19 AM
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Sorry 2 hear bout this bud
I`m no law expert but is there a new law that states
"it`s illegal to flip the bird to a cop ??"
Stuff them m8, a few of my m8`s r plods and they r OK guys, they have told me on occasion though bout some real 5h1theads on the force that r out 4 browney points. Looks like u met 1 of them

he was shouting right in at her face
Had he properly identified himself as a plod before this point?
If not u would have been entitled 2 knock 7 shades of **** outta
him and claimed "self defence" as u thought u were being victim of a road rage attack by an unidentified road user posing as a police officer Wouldn`t prove much, but u woulda felt better

Never mind m8, no proof = no charge.

Pete (with asbestos suit on ready 4 a good flaming)
Old 22 July 2002, 12:16 PM
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Sorry to hear this mate

Sounds like the sort of thing that normally happens to me - hope you get the right result out of it, but as Iain mentioned what actually appears as "evidence" from the cops can often be nowhere near what actually happened Shame, 'cos the majority of 'em are decent guys, but you always get bad apples in any profession.

Good luck!
Old 22 July 2002, 12:55 PM
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Absolutely gutted to hear of your problem mate.

Those *******s wouldn't know "out of control" if it jumped up and hit them in the ***, ask them how many people the force killed in traffic accidents whilst in pursuit of criminals......too bloody many.

if you ever need a lift keith......just lift the phone.

Old 22 July 2002, 11:57 PM
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Red face

just been told that there were actually 5 police vehicles around me at the end up - i was of course unable to tell this because of the large police officer giving me the high volume lecture in the back of the lead car while applying a set of incredibly tight handcuffs!
makes you wonder who was catching all the real criminals in the local area eh?
martine got it today off the same cyclist - just an unfriendly look and gesture mind, but enough to count as harrasment according to her lawyer so this is getting to be more fun by the day!

thanks for the support people, just a matter of waiting to see just how much $hit gets flung about and of course where it all lands - just hope it ain't on me

not sleeping to well - keith
Old 23 July 2002, 12:00 AM
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thanks for the offer fraser - but martine would be a little put out if anyone else was to chauffer me about after all who could say no to a blonde in a beemer
Old 23 July 2002, 09:42 AM
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5 Police cars because you gave the bird to a copper on a bike?

Another great use of resources there then [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

What a complete joke [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Old 23 July 2002, 01:04 PM
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Wonder how many cop cars it would take to stop some of the idiots running around our local.

Where do these plod's hang out with there bikes, so I know to stay away ?
Old 24 July 2002, 01:33 PM
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jason, they've mostly been seen along auchenharvie and the front in saltcoats. thats the first i'd seen them

just hope it doesn't get into the papers -
speading subaru nabbed by cyclocop!

never be able to show my face again
Old 26 July 2002, 01:09 AM
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See your new friends on the front of the local rag tonight
Old 26 July 2002, 10:17 AM
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If these cops work out of the Irvine office you'd better be prepared for them lying if it goes to court. I was on the receiving end a few years ago. They blatently lied in court. I suspect the Sheriff knew this, but had to be seen to take their word. After all, policemen are honest and law abiding and are incapable of lying right? Anyway I got a two year ban and 600 quid fine for something I was completely inocent of.
Best of luck to you.
Old 26 July 2002, 07:52 PM
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police telling porkies - no great surprise there eh

just need to wait and see what happens.

Old 26 July 2002, 08:31 PM
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what was in the paper jason?
Old 26 July 2002, 10:26 PM
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Have you learnt from your mistake yet ?

Some Advice - Next time run them down - that'll stop them lying !

I don't mind getting stopped for traffic offences but when they get onto you like they've just found Jack the ******* ripper it makes my blood boil. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
Old 27 July 2002, 11:52 AM
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Only thing with "running them down" is it`d b a bit of a bugger
cleaning the car afterwards Can remember how long it took 2 get all the bits of a spuggie outta my headlights after one of our runs

Old 27 July 2002, 10:15 PM
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think if i'd hit them i might still be languishing at her majesties pleasure
Old 30 July 2002, 11:57 AM
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If you'd hit'em, they'd still be searching your body cavities for drugs

Nice little bit in the rag about how the Mountain Bike Cops, an new initiative, are doing a great job cutting down on local crime.

Can't help but wonder if you were the scape goat they needed to justify their existance. I think if you had dropped a sweetie wrapper and not picked it up, they'd still have got the five panda cars to arrest you.
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